File Name . . . . K_SUPLDIS
Library . . . . K3S_5DTA
Format Descr. . . Supplier discount brackets
Format Name . . . RK_SUPLDIS
File Type . . . . PF Unique Keys- N
Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
SD_COMP A 1 1 Company ID
SD_LOCN A 2 5 Location ID
SD_SUPL A 7 10 Supplier ID
SD_SUPLSUB A 17 10 Sub supplier ID
SD_DISCBKT P 27 1 0 Discount bracket level
SD_BIRTH L 28 10 Supl disc birth date
SD_LASTUPD L 38 10 Supl disc last update
SD_DIS1TYP P 48 1 0 Discount 1st Type
SD_DIS1VAL P 49 7 0 Discount 1st Value
SD_DIS1UNT P 53 1 0 Discount 1st Unit
SD_DIS2TYP P 54 1 0 Discount 2nd Type
SD_DIS2VAL P 55 7 0 Discount 2nd Value
SD_DIS2UNT P 59 1 0 Discount 2nd Unit
SD_DISRATE P 60 3 1 Discount rate %
SD_DISSAVG P 62 5 0 Discount saving
***Fields SD_DIS2TYP, SD_DIS2VAL, SD_DIS2UNT reserved for future use;
no current logic exists behind them and the users cannot enter data into them.