K_PRODSOQ - Product Suggested Order Quantities

File Name . . . . K_PRODSOQ
   Library . . . .   K3S_5DTA
 Format Descr. . . Product Suggest Order Qty
 Format Name . . . RK_PRODSOQ
 File Type . . . . PF            Unique Keys-  N

 Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
 PQ_COMP     A      1     1         Company ID
 PQ_BUYR     A      2     5         Buy group ID
 PQ_REGN     A      7     5         Region ID
 PQ_LOCN     A     12     5         Location ID
 PQ_SUPL     A     17    10         Supplier ID
 PQ_SUPLSUB  A     27    10         Sub supplier ID
 PQ_SUPLUSR  A     37    10         Supplier user system
 PQ_SUPLUSB  A     47    10         Supplier user sub
 PQ_SUPLORG  A     57    10         Original supplier
 PQ_SUPLORS  A     67    10         Original supplier sub
 PQ_SUPLORN  A     77     5         Original supplier name
 PQ_PROD     A     82    25         Product ID
 PQ_ALTSRCE  P    107     1   0     Altr source product
 PQ_TEMPORY  P    108     1   0     Temporary record flag
 PQ_PRODSEQ  A    109    40         Product sequence #
 PQ_SOQSEQ#  P    149     5   0     Suggest order seq #
 PQ_DESC1    A    152    40         Product description 1
 PQ_PACKSIZ  A    192    10         Pack /size
 PQ_BIRTH    L    202    10         Product birth date
 PQ_LINECST  P    212     5   2     Order line cost
 PQ_LEADTM   P    215     3   0     Lead time in days
 PQ_LEADTMV  P    217     3   1     Lead time variance %
 PQ_OPOINTU  P    219     7   0     Order point units
 PQ_OPOINTD  P    223     3   0     Order point days
 PQ_ORUPTOU  P    225     7   0     Order up to units
 PQ_ORUPTOD  P    229     3   0     Order up to days
 PQ_ORUPTOX  P    231     5   0     Order up to days extd
 PQ_OTHDAYS  P    234     3   0     Other days
 PQ_COSTDIV  P    236     5   0     Product cost divisor
 PQ_COSTEAC  P    239    13   6     Product cost each
 PQ_COSTORD  P    246    11   4     Product cost orders
 PQ_BRKFLAG  P    252     1   0     Prod breakpoint flag
 PQ_BRKCOST  P    253    11   4     Prod breakpoint cost
 PQ_QTYOHND  P    259     7   0     Quantity on hand
 PQ_QTYOORD  P    263     7   0     Quantity on order
 PQ_QTYBACK  P    267     7   0     Quantity back ordered
 PQ_QTYHOLD  P    271     7   0     Quantity hold out
 PQ_QTYPEND  P    275     7   0     Quantity transfer pend
 PQ_QTYBALN  P    279     7   0     Quantity balance
 PQ_QTYBSUM  P    283     7   0     Quantity back out sum
 PQ_PROMQTY  P    287     7   0     Promotional quantity
 PQ_PROMBEG  L    291    10         Promotional begin date
 PQ_PROMEND  L    301    10         Promotional end date
 PQ_SOQSRVC  P    311     7   0     Suggested qty service
 PQ_SOQACT   P    315     7   0     Suggested qty actual
 PQ_SOQOVRD  P    319     1   0     Sug qty over-ride flag
 PQ_BUYMULT  P    320     7   0     Buy multiple orders
 PQ_BUYOVRD  P    324     1   0     Buy mult over-rde flag
 PQ_DELAY    P    325     3   0     Product delay days
 PQ_MAXDAYS  P    327     3   0     Maximum frw buy days
 PQ_SSTFDAY  P    329     3   0     Safety stock days
 PQ_FBXDAYS  P    331     3   0     ForBuy extra days
 PQ_ADD_DAY  P    333     3   0     Add days order point
 PQ_SOQPCNT  P    335     3   1     SOQ rounding %
 PQ_CHKREVU  P    337     1   0     RV products reviewed
 PQ_CHKSOQ   P    338     1   0     SQ SOQ for product
 PQ_CHKOPNT  P    339     1   0     OP order point
 PQ_CHKSERV  P    340     1   0     SV service level
 PQ_CHKOVER  P    341     1   0     OV over stocked
 PQ_CHK6MON  P    342     1   0     SX over 6 month supply
 PQ_CHKDISC  P    343     1   0     DS discontinued
 PQ_CHKMANL  P    344     1   0     MN manual product
 PQ_CHKNEW   P    345     1   0     NW new product
 PQ_CHKWATC  P    346     1   0     WA watch product
 PQ_CHKDEAL  P    347     1   0     DL deal exists
 PQ_CHKFBUY  P    348     1   0     FB forward bought
 PQ_CHKFBFL  P    349     1   0     FT forward buy filter
 PQ_CHKBACK  P    350     1   0     BK back orders exist
 PQ_CHKCONT  P    351     1   0     CT contracts exist
 PQ_CHKREMI  P    352     1   0     RM reminders exist
 PQ_CHKFREZ  P    353     1   0     FZ forecast freeze
 PQ_CHKPROB  P    354     1   0     PR probation period
 PQ_CHKCHG   P    355     1   0     CG changes re-calc ord
 PQ_CHKALTS  P    356     1   0     AS alt source pending
 PQ_CHKUSR1  P    357     1   0     U1 user defined 1
 PQ_CHKUSR2  P    358     1   0     U2 user defined 2
 PQ_CHKUSR3  P    359     1   0     U3 user defined 3
 PQ_CHKUSR4  P    360     1   0     U4 user defined 4
 PQ_SELFBPI  P    361     5   3     Selct frd buy pri incr
 PQ_SELFBDS  P    364     5   3     Selct frd buy discount
 PQ_SELFBMD  P    367     3   0     Selct frd buy dating
 PQ_SELFBXD  P    369     3   0     Selct frd buy xtr days
 PQ_POQTYDV  P    371     5   0     PO qty divisor
 PQ_POQTYUM  A    374     4         PO unit of measure
 PQ_SOQSSO   P    378    13   3     SOQ specified stck out
 PQ_SOQESO1  P    385    13   3     SOQ expected stck out1
 PQ_SOQESO2  P    392    13   3     SOQ expected stck out2
 PQ_SOQESO3  P    399    13   3     SOQ expected stck out3
 PQ_SOQESO4  P    406    13   3     SOQ expected stck out4
 PQ_SOQESO5  P    413    13   3     SOQ expected stck out5
 PQ_SOQESO6  P    420    13   3     SOQ expected stck out6
 PQ_USRSTAT  A    427     1         User status M,P,W,F
 PQ_SYSSTAT  A    428     1         Systm status D,N,R,L,S
 PQ_FORCAST  P    429     9   2     Demand forecast
 PQ_MINQTY   P    434     7   0     Minimum quantity
 PQ_CONVPAK  P    438     7   0     Convenience pack
 PQ_CONVPKP  P    442     3   1     Convenience pack %
 PQ_WEIGHT   P    444     7   3     Unit weight
 PQ_WEIGHTD  P    448     5   0     Weight divisor
 PQ_VOLUME   P    451     7   3     Unit volume
 PQ_VOLUMED  P    455     5   0     Volume divisor
 PQ_PURINCR  P    458     5   0     Purchase increment
 PQ_DISOTHR  P    461     9   4     Bracket build other
 PQ_SEASONL  A    466    10         Seasonal profile ID
 PQ_FORCINT  P    476     3   0     Forecast interval
 PQ_FORCPER  P    478     3   0     Forecast current perd
 PQ_LONGTRM  P    480     3   2     Long term trend rate
 PQ_DEAL     A    482     7         Current deal number
 PQ_DEALBEG  L    489    10         Deal begin date
 PQ_DEALEND  L    499    10         Deal end date
 PQ_INTRVAL  P    509     5   0     Econ ordr intrval days
 PQ_MAMINID  P    512     3   0     Manual minimum days
 PQ_MAMAXID  P    514     3   0     Manual maximum days
 PQ_MAMINIU  P    516     7   0     Manual minimum units
 PQ_MAMAXIU  P    520     7   0     Manual maximum units
 PQ_SSTIMEF  P    524     9   3     SS time factor
 PQ_OVERFLG  P    529     1   0     Overstock exists flag
 PQ_OVERUNT  P    530     7   0     Overstock units here
 PQ_DOLREXT  P    534     9   0     Suggested $ extended
 PQ_MFGOUT   P    539     1   0     Mfg out of stock flag
 PQ_SERVICE  P    540     3   1     Serv level target %
 PQ_INVMETH  P    542     1   0     Investment method
 PQ_EXCUNTL  L    543    10         Exclude buying until
 PQ_REBATE   P    553     3   1     Rebate factor %
 PQ_RESTFLG  P    555     1   0     Restricted prod flag
 PQ_ORCYCLE  P    556     3   0     Alt srce order cycle
 PQ_REPCARY  P    558     3   1     Replenish carry rate %
 PQ_NONSTCK  P    560     1   0     Non-stock product flag
 PQ_COMPROD  A    561    25         Combined product ID
 PQ_CMBLOCN  A    586     5         Comb Supplier Locn
 PQ_CMBSUPL  A    591    10         Comb Supplier ID
 PQ_CMBSUB   A    601    10         Comb Supplier sub ID
 PQ_USERA1   A    611     1         User defined alpha 1
 PQ_USERA2   A    612     3         User defined alpha 2
 PQ_USERA3   A    615    10         User defined alpha 3
 PQ_USERN1   P    625     5   0     User defined number 1
 PQ_USERN2   P    628     7   2     User defined number 2
 PQ_USERN3   P    632    11   4     User defined number 3