K_INVCOMP - Average Inventory Statistics For the Company

File Name . . . . K_INVCOMP
  Library . . . .   K3S_5DTA
Format Descr. . . Inventory level by Company
Format Name . . . RK_INVCOMP
File Type . . . . PF            Unique Keys-  N

Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
CV_COMP     A      1     1         Company ID
CV_BIRTH    L      2    10         Birth 
CV_AVGINV$  P     12    13  2      Avg On hand Inv $ 
CV_TOTSAL$  P     19    13  2      Total Sales in $ 
CV_AVGSVCU  P     26     5  2      Avg Unit Serv Lvl 
CV_AVGSVC$  P     29     5  2      Avg Dollar Serv Lvl 
CV_FORCINT  P     32     3  0      Forecast interval 
CV_YEAR     P     34     5  0      Year 
CV_PERIOD   P     37     3  0      Period 
CV_TURNS    P     39     5  1      Average Turns 
CV_CRYCOST  P     42    13  2      Carry Cost Lst Prd 
CV_IRATIO   P     49     5  2      Inventory Ratio 
CV_INDAYS   P     52     5  2      Days of Inventory 
CV_1DAYVAL  P     55    13  2      1 Day Inven Value 
CV_FORACSN  P     62     5  2      Forecast Accuracy Seas Items
CV_FORACNS  P     65     5  2      Forecast Accuracy Non-Seas Items