K_PRODQRY - Products – ‘Selected Products Review’ QRY type

File Name . . . . K_PRODQRY
   Library . . . .   K3S_5DTA
 Format Descr. . . Products
 Format Name . . . RK_PRODUCT
 File Type . . . . PF            Unique Keys-  N
 Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
 PR_COMP     A      1     1         Company ID
 PR_BUYR     A      2     5         Buy group ID
 PR_REGN     A      7     5         Region ID
 PR_LOCN     A     12     5         Location ID
 PR_SUPL     A     17    10         Supplier ID
 PR_SUPLSUB  A     27    10         Sub supplier ID
 PR_SUPLUSR  A     37    10         Supplier user system
 PR_SUPLUSB  A     47    10         Supplier user sub
 PR_SUPLORG  A     57    10         Original supplier
 PR_SUPLORS  A     67    10         Original supplier sub
 PR_PROD     A     77    25         Product ID
 PR_ALTSRCE  P    102     1   0     Altr source product
 PR_TEMPORY  P    103     1   0     Temporary record flag
 PR_PRODSEQ  A    104    40         Product sequence #
 PR_DESC1    A    144    40         Product description 1
 PR_DESC2    A    184    40         Product description 2
 PR_NDC_UPC  A    224    25         NDC/UPC code
 PR_MFG      A    249    25         Manufactor ID
 PR_CATALOG  A    274    15         Catalog entry ID
 PR_UOM      A    289     4         Unit of measure
 PR_PACKSIZ  A    293    10         Pack /size
 PR_TIHI     A    303    10         Ti /hi
 PR_GROUP1   A    313    10         Group 1
 PR_GROUP1O  A    323    10         Group 1 over-ride
 PR_GROUP2   A    333    10         Group 2
 PR_GROUP2O  A    343    10         Group 2 over-ride
 PR_GROUP3   A    353    10         Group 3            
 PR_GROUP3O  A    363    10         Group 3 over-ride
 PR_GROUP4   A    373    10         Group 4
 PR_GROUP4O  A    383    10         Group 4 over-ride
 PR_GROUP5   A    393    10         Group 5
 PR_GROUP5O  A    403    10         Group 5 over-ride
 PR_WHSLOCN  A    413    10         Warehouse location
 PR_BIRTH    L    423    10         Product birth date
 PR_RFBIRTH  L    433    10         Reference birth date
 PR_LASTUPD  L    443    10         Product last update
 PR_LINECST  P    453     5   2     Order line cost
 PR_LEADTM   P    456     3   0     Lead time in days
 PR_LEADTMP  P    458     5   2     Lead time precision
 PR_LEADTMV  P    461     3   1     Lead time variance %
 PR_LEADTMS  P    463     3   3     Lead time smooth err
 PR_LEADTMT  P    465     3   3     Lead time tracking
 PR_COSTREG  P    467    11   4     Product cost regular
 PR_COSTDIV  P    473     5   0     Product cost divisor
 PR_COSTEAC  P    476    13   6     Product cost each
 PR_OVRCREG  P    483    11   4     Over-ride cost regular
 PR_OVRCDIV  P    489     5   0     Over-ride cost divisor
 PR_COSTLST  P    492    11   4     Product cost last
 PR_COSTLDT  L    498    10         Product cost last chg
 PR_BRKFLAG  P    508     1   0     Prod breakpoint flag
 PR_BRKCOST  P    509    11   4     Prod breakpoint cost
 PR_SALES    P    515    11   4     Product sales price
 PR_SALESLW  P    521    11   4     Sales under cost
 PR_QTYOHND  P    527     7   0     Quantity on hand
 PR_QTYOORD  P    531     7   0     Quantity on order
 PR_QTYBACK  P    535     7   0     Quantity back ordered
 PR_QTYHOLD  P    539     7   0     Quantity hold out
 PR_QTYPEND  P    543     7   0     Quantity transfer pend
 PR_QTYBALN  P    547     7   0     Quantity balance
 PR_PROMQTY  P    551     7   0     Promotional quantity
 PR_PROMBEG  L    555    10         Promotional begin date
 PR_PROMEND  L    565    10         Promotional end date
 PR_USRSTAT  A    575     1         User status M,P,W,F
 PR_SYSSTAT  A    576     1         Systm status D,N,R,L,S
 PR_SOQNITE  P    577     7   0     Suggested qty night
 PR_FORCAST  P    581     9   2     Demand forecast
 PR_FORMANL  L    586    10         Forecast manual ovrrid
 PR_CUSTUSG  L    596    10         Customer usage applied
 PR_FORFREZ  L    606    10         Forecast freeze until
 PR_PROBDAT  L    616    10         On probation until
 PR_FORDEVP  P    626     3   1     Demand forecast DEV %
 PR_FORSERR  P    628     3   3     Demand forecast SERR
 PR_FORCHG   A    630     1         Source forecast chg
 PR_MINQTY   P    631     7   0     Minimum quantity
 PR_MINQTYO  P    635     7   0     Minimum qty over-ride
 PR_BUYMULT  P    639     7   0     Buy multiple orders
 PR_BUYMULO  P    643     7   0     Buy mult over-ride
 PR_BUYMULI  P    647     7   0     Buy mult interface
 PR_CONVPAK  P    651     7   0     Convenience pack
 PR_CONVPKO  P    655     7   0     Conv pack over-ride
 PR_CONVPKP  P    659     3   1     Convenience pack %
 PR_DAYSOUT  P    661     3   0     Days out this period
 PR_DAYSPRV  P    663     3   0     Days out prev period
 PR_DAYSUNT  P    665     3   0     Days out point units
 PR_INTRVAL  P    667     5   0     Econ ordr intrval days
 PR_OTIMFAC  P    670     3   0     Order time factor
 PR_MAXDAYS  P    672     3   0     Maximum frw buy days
 PR_MAMINID  P    674     3   0     Manual minimum days
 PR_MAMAXID  P    676     3   0     Manual maximum days
 PR_MAMINIU  P    678     7   0     Manual minimum units
 PR_MAMAXIU  P    682     7   0     Manual maximum units
 PR_ADD_DAY  P    686     3   0     Add days order point
 PR_ANSALE$  P    688    13   2     Annual sales dollars
 PR_ANSALEU  P    695    13   2     Annual sales units
 PR_DEVTIMF  P    702     7   3     DEV time factor
 PR_SSTIMEF  P    706     9   3     SS time factor
 PR_SAFESUM  P    711    11   3     SS sum of components
 PR_WEIGHT   P    717     7   3     Unit weight
 PR_WEIGHTO  P    721     7   3     Unit weight over-ride
 PR_WEIGHTD  P    725     5   0     Weight divisor
 PR_WEIGHDO  P    728     5   0     Weight divisor ovrride
 PR_VOLUME   P    731     7   3     Unit volume
 PR_VOLUMEO  P    735     7   3     Unit volume over-ride
 PR_VOLUMED  P    739     5   0     Volume divisor
 PR_VOLUMDO  P    742     5   0     Volume divisor ovrride
 PR_PURINCR  P    745     5   0     Purchase increment
 PR_PURINCO  P    748     5   0     Purchase incre ovr-rde
 PR_DISOTHR  P    751     9   4     Bracket build other
 PR_SEASONL  A    756    10         Seasonal profile ID
 PR_SEASACT  L    766    10         Seas profile activated
 PR_SEASSRC  A    776     1         Seas profile source
 PR_SERVICE  P    777     3   1     Serv level target %
 PR_SERVSIM  P    779     3   1     Serv level simulate %
 PR_SVCEPRV  P    781     5   2     Serv level prev perd %
 PR_FORCINT  P    784     3   0     Forecast interval
 PR_FORCYR   P    786     5   0     Forecast current year
 PR_FORCPER  P    789     3   0     Forecast current perd
 PR_FSTSLYR  P    791     5   0     1st sale year
 PR_FSTSLPR  P    794     3   0     1st sale period
 PR_HISTPER  P    796     3   0     # of history periods
 PR_PROMPER  P    798     3   0     # of promotion perds
 PR_LONGTRM  P    800     3   2     Long term trend rate
 PR_DELTCNT  P    802     1   0     Delete count days
 PR_SPLTPRM  P    803     1   0     Split code permanent
 PR_SPLTTMP  P    804     1   0     Split code temporary
 PR_ENDPER   A    805     1         End of period code
 PR_ENDPERS  A    806     1         End of period code sav
 PR_FBUYDAT  L    807    10         Forward bought date
 PR_LSTORDR  L    817    10         Last ordered date
 PR_LSTRCVD  L    827    10         Last received date
 PR_LSTINTR  L    837    10         Last interface date
 PR_ACCSALE  P    847     7   0     Accumulated PTD sales
 PR_ACCOUTS  P    851     7   0     Accumulated PTD outs
 PR_ACCDEM   P    855     7   0     Accumulated PTD demand
 PR_RNKBUY$  P    859     7   0     Prod rank buyr dollars
 PR_RNKBUYU  P    863     7   0     Prod rank buyr units
 PR_RNKLOC$  P    867     7   0     Prod rank locn dollars
 PR_RNKLOCU  P    871     7   0     Prod rank locn units
 PR_RNKCOM$  P    875     7   0     Prod rank comp dollars
 PR_RNKCOMU  P    879     7   0     Prod rank comp units
 PR_RNKSUP$  P    883     7   0     Supl rank dollars
 PR_RNKSUPU  P    887     7   0     Supl rank units
 PR_RNKDATE  L    891    10         Prod rank last update
 PR_POQTYDV  P    901     5   0     PO qty divisor
 PR_POQTYUM  A    904     4         PO unit of measure
 PR_DEAL     A    908     7         Current deal number
 PR_DEALBEG  L    915    10         Deal begin date
 PR_DEALEND  L    925    10         Deal end date
 PR_DEALALW  P    935     3   0     Deal buys allowed
 PR_DEALUSE  P    937     3   0     Deal buys used
 PR_PRVFORE  P    939     9   2     Prev period forecast
 PR_PRVDEVP  P    944     3   1     Prev period DEV %
 PR_PRVSERR  P    946     3   3     Prev period SERR
 PR_PRVTS    P    948     3   3     Prev period TS
 PR_PRVLOST  P    950    13   3     Prev period lost $
 PR_PRVSALE  P    957    13   3     Prev period sales $
 PR_PRVEXPT  P    964    13   3     Prev period expected $
 PR_PRVDEMD  P    971     7   0     Prev demand quantity
 PR_TRNOORD  P    975     7   0     Transfer on order
 PR_ALTOORD  P    979     7   0     Alt source on order
 PR_CONTFLG  P    983     1   0     Contract exists flag
 PR_OVERFLG  P    984     1   0     Overstock exists flag
 PR_OVERUNT  P    985     7   0     Overstock units here
 PR_OVERCST  P    989     7   0     Overstock excess cost
 PR_OVERCUR  P    993     5   0     Overstock days current
 PR_OVERMAX  P    996     5   0     Overstock days maximum
 PR_MFGOUT   P    999     1   0     Mfg out of stock flag
 PR_PROCALT  P   1000     1   0     Process alt srce flag
 PR_FORMETH  P   1001     1   0     Forecast method
 PR_INVMETH  P   1002     1   0     Investment method
 PR_EXCUNTL  L   1003    10         Exclude buying until
 PR_EXCAFTR  L   1013    10         Exclude buying after
 PR_REBATE   P   1023     3   1     Rebate factor %
 PR_TRANPTD  P   1025     7   0     Transfered PTD
 PR_TRANLST  P   1029     7   0     Transfered last period
 PR_REPCARY  P   1033     3   1     Replenish carry rate %
 PR_EXCLEAD  P   1035     1   0     Exclude LT forecasting
 PR_NONSTCK  P   1036     1   0     Non-stock product flag
 PR_COMPROD  A   1037    25         Combined product ID
 PR_CMBLOCN  A   1062     5         Comb Supplier Locn
 PR_CMBSUPL  A   1067    10         Comb Supplier ID
 PR_CMBSUB   A   1077    10         Comb Supplier sub ID
 PR_ACCTYP1  P   1087     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 1
 PR_ACCTYP2  P   1091     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 2
 PR_ACCTYP3  P   1095     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 3
 PR_ACCTYP4  P   1099     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 4
 PR_ACCTYP5  P   1103     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 5
 PR_ACCTYP6  P   1107     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 6
 PR_ACCTYP7  P   1111     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 7
 PR_ACCTYP8  P   1115     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 8
 PR_ACCTYP9  P   1119     7   0     Accumulated PTD type 9
 PR_CARCOUN  P   1123     1   0     Car count flag
 PR_USERA1   A   1124     1         User defined alpha 1
 PR_USERA2   A   1125     3         User defined alpha 2
 PR_USERA3   A   1128    10         User defined alpha 3
 PR_USERN1   P   1138     5   0     User defined number 1
 PR_USERN2   P   1141     7   2     User defined number 2
 PR_USERN3   P   1145    11   4     User defined number 3
 PR_DISOTHO  P   1151     9   4     Bracket bld over-ride
 PR_DISUNT7  P   1156     9   4     Bracket build unit 7
 PR_DISUN7O  P   1161     9   4     Bracket ovr-rde unit 7
 PR_DISUNT8  P   1166     9   4     Bracket build unit 8
 PR_DISUN8O  P   1171     9   4     Bracket ovr-rde unit 8
 PR_DISUNT9  P   1176     9   4     Bracket build unit 9
 PR_DISUN9O  P   1181     9   4     Bracket ovr-rde unit 9