K_LOCATNS - Locations

File Name . . . . K_LOCATNS                             
   Library . . . .   K3S_5DTA                            
 Format Descr. . . Locations                             
 Format Name . . . RK_LOCATNS                            
 File Type . . . . PF            Unique Keys-  N         
 Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description    
 LC_COMP     A      1     1         Company ID           
 LC_REGN     A      2     5         Region ID            
 LC_LOCN     A      7     5         Location ID          
 LC_DESC     A     12    40         Location description 
 LC_SEQVALU  A     52     3         Sequence value       
 LC_DATFMT   A     55     4         Date format default  
 LC_TIMFMT   A     59     4         Time format default  
 LC_SYSDATE  L     63    10         Location system date 
 LC_YEAR12   P     73     5   0     Current year 12      
 LC_PERD12   P     76     3   0     Current period 12    
 LC_YEAR13   P     78     5   0     Current year 13      
 LC_PERD13   P     81     3   0     Current period 13    
 LC_YEAR52   P     83     5   0     Current year 52      
 LC_PERD52   P     86     3   0     Current period 52    
 LC_BIRTH    L     88    10         Location birth date  
 LC_LASTUPD  L     98    10         Location last update 
 LC_ENDPERD  P    108     1   0     End of period reports
 LC_DEMHI    P    109     1   0     Demand filter high   
 LC_DEMLO    P    110     1   0     Demand filter low    
 LC_SMFACTR  P    111     3   2     Smoothing factor     
 LC_REPCARY  P    113     3   1     Replenish carry rate %
 LC_FBCARRY  P    115     3   1     For buy carry rate %  
 LC_TSLIMIT  P    117     3   2     Tracking signal limit 
 LC_SERVICE  P    119     3   1     Service level %       
 LC_HEADCST  P    121     7   2     Order header cost     
 LC_LINECST  P    125     5   2     Order line cost       
 LC_LASTPO   P    128     7   0     Last PO number        
 LC_LASTDL   P    132     7   0     Last deal number      
 LC_SLOW     P    136     3   0     Slow mover limit      
 LC_FACTPI   P    138     3   0     Factor price increas %
 LC_FACTDSC  P    140     3   0     Factor discount %     
 LC_FACTDAT  P    142     3   0     Factor dating %       
 LC_FACTALT  P    144     3   0     Factor altr source %  
 LC_FBFILTR  P    146     3   0     For buy filter days   
 LC_FBMAX    P    148     3   0     For buy maximum days  
 LC_ALTADV   P    150     3   1     Alt source advantage %
 LC_ALTMAXP  P    152     3   1     Alt source maximum %  
 LC_ALTMAXD  P    154     3   0     Alt source max days   
 LC_ALTMINQ  P    156     3   0     Alt source min annl qty
 LC_ALTMIN$  P    158     5   0     Alt source min $/line  
 LC_ALTINVS  P    161     3   1     Alternate investment % 
 LC_INTRATE  P    163     3   1     Interest rate %        
 LC_FBFLAG   P    165     1   0     Forward buy flag       
 LC_BRKOTHR  A    166     8         Bracket build other    
 LC_DELTLMT  P    174     3   0     Delete count limit     
 LC_PROBDAY  P    176     3   0     Probation perd in days 
 LC_DWINDOW  P    178     3   0     Deal window in days    
 LC_VLDISCT  P    180     5   2     Value discount days    
 LC_VLPINCR  P    183     5   2     Value price incrs days 
 LC_VLDATNG  P    186     3   1     Value dating %         
 LC_OVRDAYS  P    188     3   0     OvrStk min crit days   
 LC_OVRDOLR  P    190     5   0     OvrStk min crit dollar 
 LC_OVRDISC  P    193     1   0     OvrStk discont flag    
 LC_OVRMANL  P    194     1   0     OvrStk manual flag     
 LC_OVRCARY  P    195     3   1     OverStk carry cost %   
 LC_SWALLOW  P    197     1   0     Supplier switch allow  
 LC_DAYSUSD  P    198     1   0     Days out used flag     
 LC_DAYSP12  P    199     3   0     Days out perd 12 #days 
 LC_DAYSP13  P    201     3   0     Days out perd 13 #days 
 LC_DAYSP52  P    203     3   0     Days out perd 52 #days 
 LC_DAILY    P    205     1   0     Daily demand used      
 LC_FORDEVP  P    206     3   1     Dft DEV % new product  
 LC_NODEVP   P    208     3   1     No demnd & fcst DEV %  
 LC_LEADTMV  P    210     3   1     Lead time variance %   
 LC_PROCESS  P    212     1   0     Process night job flag 
 LC_BUYRBAD  A    213     5         BuyGrp missing suplier 
 LC_CONVPKP  P    218     3   1     Convenience pack %     
 LC_DSPTOT1  P    220     1   0     Order total unit 1st   
 LC_DSPTOT2  P    221     1   0     Order total unit 2nd   
 LC_SZHILO   P    222     3   2     Seasonal check hi-lo   
 LC_SZSENS   P    224     3   2     Seasonal sense value   
 LC_SZMA12   P    226     5   3     Seasonal match yr 1-2  
 LC_SZMA13   P    229     5   3     Seasonal match yr 1-3  
 LC_OVRHEAD  P    232     3   1     Overhead costs %       
 LC_PROCALT  P    234     1   0     Process alt srce flag  
 LC_RETURN   P    235     3   1     Return on investment % 
 LC_USEBMLT  P    237     1   0     Use Buy Mult ovr-stock 
 LC_AVGZERO  P    238     1   0     Average to zero allow  
 LC_OVERCST  P    239     1   0     Over-ride cost allow   
 LC_LTMUSE   P    240     1   0     Orders use < supl LT   
 LC_PURDISC  P    241     1   0     Purchase disc products 
 LC_RNDDISC  P    242     1   0     Round SOQ disc product 
 LC_RPLZERO  P    243     1   0     Replace zero cost prod 
 LC_ALTSRND  P    244     1   0     Alt source special round
 LC_PRDGRP1  P    245     1   0     Prod group 1 ovr allowed
 LC_PRDGRP2  P    246     1   0     Prod group 2 ovr allowed
 LC_PRDGRP3  P    247     1   0     Prod group 3 ovr allowed
 LC_PRDGRP4  P    248     1   0     Prod group 4 ovr allowed
 LC_PRDGRP5  P    249     1   0     Prod group 5 ovr allowed
 LC_SEASEXC  P    250     1   0     Seasonality exclude low 
 LC_ZIPCODE  A    251    10         Zip code