Sections in this article
Retain Records # of Days
This table code is responsible for keeping records up to a number of days. The value with this table code will contain the record and number 1 will contain the number of days to keep the records recorded within that record.
To change the number of days a record should be kept, change the value held in number 1.
This is table code is used by program K3S_9505, from scheduled job K3S_5DELET
Value Description 1
K_AUTOLOG Automated Add days changes log
K_BSRVLOG Buy Group Svc Lvl changes log
K_BUYRLOG Buyer changes log
K_BUYRSOT Buy Group Suggested Totals
K_COMPLOG Company changes log
K_CUSTBCH Customer Usage Batch
K_CUSTPRD Customer Usage Products
K_DEALLOG Deals Log Information
K_DEALSUM Deals Summary Information
K_DLYPROD Daily product interface log
K_DLYSVCE Daily capture of service fill rate
K_DPERLOG Permanent Deal changes log
K_GSRVLOG Prod Group Svc Lvl change log
K_GUESTBK Guest book
K_HSTALTR History for alt. srce. trans.
K_INTDALY Inter. daily products - detail
K_INTDEAL Inter. incoming deals
K_INTORDB Inter. approved orders- headr
K_INTORDD Inter. approved orders- detail
K_INVPROD Avg inventory stats for products
K_INVSUPL Avg inventory stats for suppliers
K_LOCNLOG Location changes log
K_LOCNPOD Location Approval Defaults
K_LOGALTR Alt source weekly offerings
K_LOGPROD Log Product transactions
K_NOTELOG Notes changes log
K_PERDPER Period End exceptions performance
K_PHLDLOG Product Hold Out changes log
K_PLNKLOG Product Link changes log
K_PRODAPP Prod approved/adjusted orders
K_PRODFOR Product Forecast log
K_PRODHIS Product History (perd 12 & 13)
K_PRODHLD Product Hold Out Quantities
K_PRODH52 Product History (perd 52)
K_PRODLOG Product changes log
K_PRODLTM Product Lead Time Transactions
K_PRODOVR Product Overstock Transfer req
K_PRODPOD Product Approval Defaults
K_PRODPOQ Purchase Order Detail
K_PRODSEB Product Selected - Header
K_PRODSED Product Selected - Detail
K_PSRVLOG Product Svc Lvl Exc change log
K_PURCHIS Purchase History
K_PWKDLOG Prod weekly dist. change log
K_SCDYLOG Daily Process changes log
K_SCHEDDY Schedule Daily
K_SCHEDPE Schedule Period End
K_SCPELOG Period End Process changes log
K_SUPDLOG Supplier Disc Bkt. changes log
K_SUPLLOG Supplier changes log
K_SUPLLTM Supplier Lead Time transaction
K_SUPLPOD Supplier Approval Defaults
K_SUPLPOQ Purchase Order Header
K_SUPLPUR Supplier Purchases
K_SUPLREJ Supplier Rejected alt. srce.
K_SVOCLOG Supl Var. Ord. Cyc. change log
K_TABLLOG Table Code changes log
K_TCENLOG Transfer Supplier changes log
K_TPRDLOG Trans Supl lnk Prod change log
K_TSPLLOG Trans Supl lnk Supl change log
K_USERLOG User Preference changes log
K_WEEKDIS Prod Weekly Dist. values log