PRE ~ Precise Order Types

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Precise Order Types

The Precise Order Type is used when a more exact measurement of inventory replenishment is needed. Use this flag to build suggested orders that must fit precisely into a container (like a truck). For example, when a truck is needing to be filled to precise weight, using the 1/10th day, the system will build the order in 10th’s of a day so the product will fit in the truck at a more precise level.

Common uses for each setting:

  • 1 day for Most Products
  • 1/10th of a day for Fast Movers
  • 10 days for Slow Movers

By default, K3S builds the suggested orders in full days. You can adjust this for faster moving suppliers by changing it to build in 1/10ths of a day. You can update this setting in Supplier Settings.

Value                 Description 1       
0                     1 day allocation    
1                     1/10th day allocatio
2                     10 days allocation