CPT ~ Cumulative Percent Type

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Cumulative Percent Type

If you would like to keep track of your total percentage of products and sales, this table code will allow you to do so.



This table code allows you to accumulate the total percentage of products.


If Flag 1 = 1, then accumulate the total percentage of products

If Flag 1 = 0, then you do not accumulate the total percentage of products


Table Code Value: 1 Table Code Description 1: Percent of total products Table Flag 1: 1

Program Used In:

Used in front-end development.



This table code allows you to accumulate the total percentage of sales.


If Flag 1 = 1, then accumulate the total percentage of sales

If Flag 1 = 0, then you do not accumulate the total percentage of sales


Table Code Value: 2 Table Code Description 1: Percent of total sales Table Flag 1: 1

Program Used In:

Used in front-end development.