BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH BUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH LOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SBORCYC01 'Order cycle days 01' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC02 'Order cycle days 02' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC03 'Order cycle days 03' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC04 'Order cycle days 04' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC05 'Order cycle days 05' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC06 'Order cycle days 06' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC07 'Order cycle days 07' 3 0
BOTH SBDOWMAP 'Day of Week map flag' 1 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH BUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH LOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH BUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH LOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID' 25A
BOTH SBDOWPER1 'Day of Week % 1 = SUN' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER2 'Day of Week % 2 = MON' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER3 'Day of Week % 3 = TUE' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER4 'Day of Week % 4 = WED' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER5 'Day of Week % 5 = THR' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER6 'Day of Week % 6 = FRI' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER7 'Day of Week % 7 = SAT' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER1 'Safety Stock % 1 = SUN' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER2 'Safety Stock % 2 = MON' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER3 'Safety Stock % 3 = TUE' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER4 'Safety Stock % 4 = WED' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER5 'Safety Stock % 5 = THR' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER6 'Safety Stock % 6 = FRI' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER7 'Safety Stock % 7 = SAT' 5 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID' 25A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID' 25A
BOTH SBDOWPER1 'Day of Week % 1 = SUN' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER2 'Day of Week % 2 = MON' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER3 'Day of Week % 3 = TUE' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER4 'Day of Week % 4 = WED' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER5 'Day of Week % 5 = THR' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER6 'Day of Week % 6 = FRI' 5 2
BOTH SBDOWPER7 'Day of Week % 7 = SAT' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER1 'Safety Stock % 1 = SUN' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER2 'Safety Stock % 2 = MON' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER3 'Safety Stock % 3 = TUE' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER4 'Safety Stock % 4 = WED' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER5 'Safety Stock % 5 = THR' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER6 'Safety Stock % 6 = FRI' 5 2
BOTH SBSSTPER7 'Safety Stock % 7 = SAT' 5 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBCHGMADE 'Change Flag' 1 0
BOTH SBEXCLUDE 'Exclude this week' 1 0
BOTH SB_VAL_SUN 'Value for Sunday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_MON 'Value for Monday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_TUE 'Value for Tuesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_WED 'Value for Wednesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_THU 'Value for Thursday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_FRI 'Value for Friday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_SAT 'Value for Saturday' 11 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBCHGMADE 'Change Flag' 1 0
BOTH SBEXCLUDE 'Exclude this week' 1 0
BOTH SB_VAL_SUN 'Value for Sunday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_MON 'Value for Monday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_TUE 'Value for Tuesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_WED 'Value for Wednesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_THU 'Value for Thursday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_FRI 'Value for Friday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_SAT 'Value for Saturday' 11 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub-Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SBWEEKDATE 'Weekly date' 10A
BOTH SB_VAL_SUN 'Value for Sunday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_MON 'Value for Monday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_TUE 'Value for Tuesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_WED 'Value for Wednesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_THU 'Value for Thursday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_FRI 'Value for Friday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_SAT 'Value for Saturday' 11 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub-Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID' 25A
BOTH SBWEEKDATE 'Weekly date' 10A
BOTH SB_VAL_SUN 'Value for Sunday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_MON 'Value for Monday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_TUE 'Value for Tuesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_WED 'Value for Wednesday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_THU 'Value for Thursday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_FRI 'Value for Friday' 11 2
BOTH SB_VAL_SAT 'Value for Saturday' 11 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub-Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SB_VAL_SUN 'Value for Sunday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_MON 'Value for Monday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_TUE 'Value for Tuesday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_WED 'Value for Wednesday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_THU 'Value for Thursday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_FRI 'Value for Friday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_SAT 'Value for Saturday' 5 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub-Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID' 25A
BOTH SB_VAL_SUN 'Value for Sunday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_MON 'Value for Monday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_TUE 'Value for Tuesday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_WED 'Value for Wednesday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_THU 'Value for Thursday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_FRI 'Value for Friday' 5 2
BOTH SB_VAL_SAT 'Value for Saturday' 5 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SBBEGIN 'Starting Week ' 10A
BOTH SBEND 'Ending Week ' 10A
BOTH RV_VAL_SUN 'Analysis % Sunday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_MON 'Analysis % Monday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_TUE 'Analysis % Tuesday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_WED 'Analysis % Wednesday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_THR 'Analysis % Thursday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_FRI 'Analysis % Friday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_SAT 'Analysis % Saturday' 5 2
BOTH RV_WEEKUSE 'Weeks used' 3 0
BOTH RV_WEEKEXC 'Weeks Excluded' 3 0
BOTH RV_WEEKCHG 'Weeks Changed' 3 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID ' 25A
BOTH SBBEGIN 'Starting Week ' 10A
BOTH SBEND 'Ending Week ' 10A
BOTH RV_VAL_SUN 'Analysis % Sunday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_MON 'Analysis % Monday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_TUE 'Analysis % Tuesday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_WED 'Analysis % Wednesday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_THR 'Analysis % Thursday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_FRI 'Analysis % Friday ' 5 2
BOTH RV_VAL_SAT 'Analysis % Saturday' 5 2
BOTH RV_WEEKUSE 'Weeks used' 3 0
BOTH RV_WEEKEXC 'Weeks Excluded' 3 0
BOTH RV_WEEKCHG 'Weeks Changed' 3 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SBBEGIN 'Starting Week ' 10A
BOTH SBEXCINC 'Exclude / Include Week ' 1A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'Product ID ' 25A
BOTH SBBEGIN 'Starting Week ' 10A
BOTH SBEXCINC 'Exclude / Include Week' 1A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH SBORCYC01 'Order cycle days 01' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC02 'Order cycle days 02' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC03 'Order cycle days 03' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC04 'Order cycle days 04' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC05 'Order cycle days 05' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC06 'Order cycle days 06' 3 0
BOTH SBORCYC07 'Order cycle days 07' 3 0
BOTH RVSUCCESS 'Successful Process Y/N' 1A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH RVSUCCESS 'Successful Process Y/N' 1A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDORDRDAY 'Order Day ' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER1 'Cover Day 1 Sunday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER2 'Cover Day 2 Monday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER3 'Cover Day 3 Tuesday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER4 'Cover Day 4 Wednesday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER5 'Cover Day 5 Thursday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER6 'Cover Day 6 Friday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER7 'Cover Day 7 Saturday ' 1 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDORDRDAY 'Order Day ' 1 0
BOTH SBSHOWDUE 'Force Order Due 1=Yes, 0=No' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER1 'Cover Day 1 Sunday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER2 'Cover Day 2 Monday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER3 'Cover Day 3 Tuesday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER4 'Cover Day 4 Wednesday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER5 'Cover Day 5 Thursday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER6 'Cover Day 6 Friday' 1 0
BOTH SBCOVER7 'Cover Day 7 Saturday ' 1 0