SUPL - Supplier Settings

APIs For This Group

ADDSUPL - Add Supplier

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                 3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A 
BOTH    BUYR           'Buy group ID'                5A
BOTH    LOCN           'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    SUPL           'Supplier ID'                10A
BOTH    SUPLSUB        'Sub supplier ID'            10A
BOTH    REGN           'Region ID'                   5A
BOTH    ALTSRCE        'Alt source supplier'         1  0
BOTH    EXCLEAD        'Exclude LT forecasting'      1  0
BOTH    CMBTYPE        'Comb. suppliers prod. seq.'  1  0
BOTH    NAME           'Name'                       40A
BOTH    DISPSEQ        'Display sequence'           20A
BOTH    GROUP1         'Supplier group1'            10A
BOTH    GROUP2         'Supplier group2'            10A
BOTH    GROUP3         'Supplier group3'            10A
BOTH    GROUP4         'Supplier group4'            10A
BOTH    GROUP5         'Supplier group5'            10A
BOTH    FXCFRQ         'Fixed cycle frequency'       1  0
BOTH    FXCDAY         'Fixed cycle day of week'     1  0
BOTH    FXCNXT         'Fixed cycle next'            10A    
BOTH    HEADCST        'Order header cost'           7  2
BOTH    LINECST        'Order line cost'             5  2
BOTH    LEADTMQ        'Lead time quoted'            3  0
BOTH    LEADTMO        'Lead time orders'            3  0
BOTH    LEADTMV        'Lead time variance %'        3  1
BOTH    ORCYCLE        'Order cycle in days'         3  0
BOTH    SERVICE        'Service level target %'      3  1 
BOTH    MAX_DAYS       'Maximum frw buy days'        3  0
BOTH    ADDDAY         'Add days order point'        3  0
BOTH    PRECISE        'Precise order flag'          1  0
BOTH    AUTOPO         'Auto PO flag'                1  0
BOTH    REQSPLT        'Required split flag'         1  0
BOTH    SPLTYPE        'Order split type'            3A
BOTH    POTYPE         'PO type default'             1A
BOTH    BRKOTHR        'Bracket build other'         8A
BOTH    CONVPKP        'Convenience pack %'          3  1
BOTH    DSPTOT1        'Order total unit 1st'        1  0
BOTH    DSPTOT2        'Order total unit 2nd'        1  0
BOTH    PROCALT        'Process alt srce flag'       1  0
BOTH    REBATE         'Rebate factor %'             3  1
BOTH    CASHDSC        'Cash discount %'             3  1
BOTH    PREFSEQ        'Preference sequence'         3  0  
BOTH    SPLUNIT        'Order split unit'            1  0
BOTH    SPLVALU        'Order split value'           7  0 

DELSUPL - Delete A Supplier

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                    1A 
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Return On If Error'         1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error Message'              100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    BUYR           'Buyer Group'                5A
BOTH    LOCN           'Location of supplier'       5A
BOTH    SUPL           'Supplier ID'                10A 
BOTH    SUPLSUB        'Supplier Sub-code'          10A

DFTSUPL - New Supplier Defaults

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    LOCN           'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    EXCLEAD        'Exclude LT forecasting'      1  0
BOTH    CMBTYPE        'Comb. suppliers prod. seq.'  1  0
BOTH    GROUP1         'Supplier group1'            10A
BOTH    GROUP2         'Supplier group2'            10A
BOTH    GROUP3         'Supplier group3'            10A
BOTH    GROUP4         'Supplier group4'            10A
BOTH    GROUP5         'Supplier group5'            10A 
BOTH    HEADCST        'Order header cost'           7  2
BOTH    LINECST        'Order line cost'             5  2
BOTH    LEADTMQ        'Lead time quoted'            3  0
BOTH    LEADTMO        'Lead time orders'            3  0
BOTH    LEADTMV        'Lead time variance %'        3  1
BOTH    ORCYCLE        'Order cycle in days'         3  0
BOTH    SERVICE        'Service level target %'      3  1 
BOTH    MAX_DAYS       'Maximum frw buy days'        3  0
BOTH    BRKOTHR        'Bracket build other'         8A
BOTH    CONVPKP        'Convenience pack %'          3  1
BOTH    DSPTOT1        'Order total unit 1st'        1  0
BOTH    DSPTOT2        'Order total unit 2nd'        1  0
BOTH    PROCALT        'Process alt srce flag'       1  0

UPDSUPL - Update A Supplier

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A 
BOTH    IDBUYR         'ID Buyer'                    5A 
BOTH    IDLOCN         'ID location'                 5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'ID Supplier'                10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'ID sub supplier ID'         10A
BOTH    SBBUYR         'Buy group ID'                5A
BOTH    SBREGN         'Region ID'                   5A
BOTH    SBEXCLEAD      'Exclude LT forecasting'      1  0
BOTH    SBCMBTYPE      'Comb. suppliers prod. seq.'  1  0
BOTH    SBNAME         'Name'                       40A
BOTH    SBDISPSEQ      'Display sequence'           20A
BOTH    SBGROUP1       'Supplier group1'            10A
BOTH    SBGROUP2       'Supplier group2'            10A
BOTH    SBGROUP3       'Supplier group3'            10A
BOTH    SBGROUP4       'Supplier group4'            10A
BOTH    SBGROUP5       'Supplier group5'            10A
BOTH    SBHEADCST      'Order header cost'           7  2
BOTH    SBLINECST      'Order line cost'             5  2
BOTH    SBLEADTMQ      'Lead time quoted'            3  0
BOTH    SBLEADTMO      'Lead time orders'            3  0
BOTH    SBLEADTMV      'Lead time variance %'        3  1
BOTH    SBORCYCLE      'Order cycle in days'         3  0
BOTH    SBSERVICE      'Service level target %'      3  1
BOTH    SBMAXDAYS      'Maximum frw buy days'        3  0
BOTH    SBADD_DAY      'Add days order point'        3  0
BOTH    SBPRECISE      'Precise order flag'          1  0
BOTH    SBAUTOPO       'Auto PO flag'                1  0
BOTH    SBREQSPLT      'Required split flag'         1  0
BOTH    SBSPLTYPE      'Order split type'            3A
BOTH    SBPOTYPE       'PO type default'             1A
BOTH    SBBRKOTHR      'Bracket build other'         8A
BOTH    SBCONVPKP      'Convenience pack %'          3  1
BOTH    SBDSPTOT1      'Order total unit 1st'        1  0
BOTH    SBDSPTOT2      'Order total unit 2nd'        1  0
BOTH    SBPROCALT      'Process alt srce flag'       1  0
BOTH    SBREBATE       'Rebate factor %'             3  1
BOTH    SBCASHDSC      'Cash discount %'             3  1
BOTH    SBPREFSEQ      'Preference sequence'         3  0

UFCSUPL - Update A Supplier’s Fixed Cycle

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A 
BOTH    IDBUYR         'ID Buyer'                    5A 
BOTH    IDLOCN         'ID location'                 5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'ID Supplier'                10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'ID sub supplier ID'         10A
BOTH    SBFXCFRQ       'Fixed cycle frequency'       1 0
BOTH    SBFXCDAY       'Fixed cycle day of week'     1 0
BOTH    SBFXCNXT       'Fixed cycle next ord date'  10A
BOTH	SBUPDNXT	   'Upd Next Order Date Flag'	 1 0

RMFSUPL - Remove A Supplier’s Fixed Cycle

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A 
BOTH    IDBUYR         'ID Buyer'                    5A 
BOTH    IDLOCN         'ID location'                 5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'ID Supplier'                10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'ID sub supplier ID'         10A

SCRSUPL - Supplier Scorecard

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A 
BOTH    IDLOCN         'ID location'                 5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'ID Supplier'                10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'ID sub supplier ID'         10A
BOTH    IDBEGIN        'Beginning date'             10A
BOTH    IDEND          'Ending Date '               10A
BOTH    RVCRNITM       'Current Nbr of Items'        7  0
BOTH    RVI12ITM       'Monthly Nbr of Items'        7  0
BOTH    RVI13ITM       'Nbr of 13/4 weekly Items'    7  0
BOTH    RVI52ITM       'Nbr of Daily Items'          7  0
BOTH    RVSEAITM       'Number of Seasonal Items'    7  0
BOTH    RVSLWITM	   'Number of Slow Items         7  0
BOTH    RVLMPITM       'Number of Lumpy Items'       7  0 
BOTH    RVMNLITM       'Number of Manual Items'      7  0
BOTH    RVFRZITM       'Number of Frozen Items'      7  0
BOTH    RVNEWITM       'Number of New Items          7  0
BOTH    RVWCHITM       'Number of Watch Items'       7  0     
BOTH    RVPRBITM       'Number of Probation Items'   7  0 
BOTH    RVNBRPOS       'Number of P/Orders placed'   7  0
BOTH    RVPONK3S       'POS placed Outside K3S'      7  0
BOTH    RVTOTDPO       'Total $ of POs Placed'      11  2  
BOTH    RVTOTPOR       'Number of POs Received'      7  0
BOTH    RVTOTDRC       'Total $ of POs Received'    11  2 
BOTH    RVERLYRC       'Number of early PO rcvd.'    7  0
BOTH    RVERDLRC       'Total $ of early PO Recvd'  11  2 
BOTH    RVONTRCV       'Number of On Time PO Rcvd'   7  0 
BOTH    RVONTDRC       'Total $ O/Time PO Rcvd'     11  2
BOTH    RVLATPOR       'Number of Late POs Recvd'    7  0
BOTH    RVLATDRC       'Total $ Late PO Rcvd'       11  2
BOTH    RVOUTPON       'Number of POs not Rcvd'      7  0 
BOTH    RVOUTDNR       'Tot $ Outstanding not rcvd' 11  2 
BOTH    RVPOPRTR       'Number of Partial Recvd PO'  7  0 
BOTH	RVOVERRC	   'Number of Over Received PO'  7	0
BOTH    RVOVPRTR       'Tot $ Partial & Over Rcved' 11  2
BOTH    RVCRECVD       'Number of Corrected Rcved'   7  0
BOTH    RVTOTRCV       'Total Units Received '       7  0
BOTH    RVTOTEXP       'Total Units Expected '       7  0
BOTH    RVPRCEXP       'Percent. Received/Expected'  5  2   
BOTH    RVTODREC       'Total $ Received'           11  2 
BOTH    RVTODEXP       'Total $ Expected'           11  2 
BOTH    RVDRCEXP       'Percent. Received/Expected'  5  2
BOTH    RVDLADJU       'Total $ Adjustment UP'      11  2
BOTH	RVDLADJD	   'Total $ Adjustment Down'    11  2
BOTH	RVPCDLAJ       'Percent. of Adjustments'     5  2
BOTH	RVTOTSLD	   'Total Srv Lvl Dollars'       9  2
BOTH	RVTOTSLU	   'Total Srv Lvl Units'         9  0
BOTH	RVAVGLTM	   'Avg. Lead Time Rcvd PO'      9  2
BOTH	RVTOTSLS	   'Total Sls for Time Period'	11  2
BOTH	RVTOTPRF	   'Total Profit for Time Perd' 11  2
BOTH	RVTOTDMN	   'Total Demand for Time Perd' 11  2
BOTH	RVPRFLOS	   'Total Profit Loss in $'     11  2
BOTH	RVPRFLOP	   'Profit Loss Percentage'      5  2
BOTH	RVAVGONH	   'Average O/Hand'				 7  0
BOTH	RVANTURN	   'Annualized Turns'            7  0
BOTH	RVCRYCST	   'Carrying Cost'              11  2  

CPASUPL - Copy To All Suppliers of a Buyer Group

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A 
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                 3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Return On If Error'          1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error Message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDBUYR         'Buyer Group'                 5A
BOTH    IDFIELD        'Field to be populated'      10A
BOTH	OPSUPL		   'Optional Supplier 4 type 2' 10A
BOTH	OPSUPLSUB	   'Optional Sub-Supl 4 type 2' 10A
BOTH    SBVALUE        'New Value for SBFIELD'      40A
BOTH	SBUPDTYP	   '1=Supls 4 Buyr/2=Supl 4 Loc' 1A

WCPSUPL - Last field change on K_SUPLIER

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A 
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                 3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Return On If Error'          1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error Message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH	IDLOCN		   'Location Group'				 5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'Supplier Group'             10A
BOTH	IDSUPLSUB	   'Sub-Supplier Group'			10A
BOTH    RVFIELD        'Field to be populated'      10A
BOTH    RVVALUE        'New Value for SBFIELD'      40A  

CBGSUPL - Change buy group for supplier

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A 
BOTH    IDBUYR         'ID Buyer'                    5A 
BOTH    IDLOCN         'ID location'                 5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'ID Supplier'                10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'ID sub supplier ID'         10A
BOTH    SBBUYR         'Buy group ID'                5A

CPYSUPL - Copy supplier to location(s)

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                    1A 
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10A
BOTH    ERRORS         'Return On If Error'         1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error Message'              100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    LOCN           'Location of supplier'       5A
BOTH    SUPL           'Supplier ID'                10A 
BOTH    SUPLSUB        'Supplier Sub-code'          10A
BOTH    SBUSEALL       '1-All locns; 2-Work; 3-Spec' 1A
BOTH    SBLOCN         'Specific to location'        5A