TABL - Table Codes

APIs For This Group

ADDTABL - Add Group Table Code

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            SBCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            SBCODEDS1         'Code Description'                 100A

CPYTABL - Copy Group Table Code

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODEVAL         'Original Code Value'               20A
BOTH            SBCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            SBCODEDS1         'Code Description'                 100A

DELTABL - Delete Group Table Code

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            SBCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A

UPDTABL - Update Group Table Code

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODEVAL         'Original Code Value'               20A
BOTH            SBCODEDS1         'Code Description'                 100A

ADCTABL - Add Table Code To Group

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODETYP         'Code Type'                          3A
BOTH            SBCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            SBCODEDS1         'Code Description 2'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS2         'Code Description 2'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS3         'Code Description 3'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS4         'Code Description 4'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS5         'Code Description 5'               100A
BOTH            SBFLAG1           'Flag 1'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG2           'Flag 2'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG3           'Flag 3'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG4           'Flag 4'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG5           'Flag 5'                             1 0
BOTH            SBNUMBER1         'Number 1'                           5 0
BOTH            SBNUMBER2         'Number 2'                           7 2
BOTH            SBNUMBER3         'Number 3'                          11 4
BOTH            SBSEQUENCE        'Sequence'                           3A

CPCTABL - Copy Table Code To Group

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODETYP         'Code Type'                          3A
BOTH            IDCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            SBCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            SBCODEDS1         'Code Description 1'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS2         'Code Description 2'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS3         'Code Description 3'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS4         'Code Description 4'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS5         'Code Description 5'               100A
BOTH            SBFLAG1           'Flag 1'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG2           'Flag 2'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG3           'Flag 3'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG4           'Flag 4'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG5           'Flag 5'                             1 0
BOTH            SBNUMBER1         'Number 1'                           5 0
BOTH            SBNUMBER2         'Number 2'                           7 2
BOTH            SBNUMBER3         'Number 3'                          11 4

DECTABL - Delete Table Code In Group

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODETYP         'Code Type'                          3A
BOTH            IDCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            IDSEQUENCE        'Sequence Number'                    3A

UPCTABL - Update Table Code In Group

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODETYP         'Code Type'                          3A
BOTH            IDCODEVAL         'Code Value'                        20A
BOTH            IDSEQUENCE        'Sequence Number'                    3A
BOTH            SBCODEDS1         'Code Description 2'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS2         'Code Description 2'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS3         'Code Description 3'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS4         'Code Description 4'               100A
BOTH            SBCODEDS5         'Code Description 5'               100A
BOTH            SBFLAG1           'Flag 1'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG2           'Flag 2'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG3           'Flag 3'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG4           'Flag 4'                             1 0
BOTH            SBFLAG5           'Flag 5'                             1 0
BOTH            SBNUMBER1         'Number 1'                           5 0
BOTH            SBNUMBER2         'Number 2'                           7 2
BOTH            SBNUMBER3         'Number 3'                          11 4

SEQTABL - Create Copy Of All Codes In Group With New Sequence Number

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODETYP         'Code Type'                          3A
BOTH            SBSEQUENCE        'Sequence Number'                    3A

DSQTABL - Delete all records of a certain type and sequence

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDCODETYP         'Code Type'                          3A
BOTH            IDCODESEQ         'Sequence Number'                    3A