NOTY - Notification management

APIs For This Group

ADDNOTY - Add Notification

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object Library'             10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                         1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company Code'                    3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'       10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                 1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                 100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                 20A
BOTH            SBTOUSER          'Notification Recipient'         10A
BOTH            SBSUBJECT         'Subject'                        40A
BOTH            SBMESSAGE         'Message'                       255A
BOTH            SBLINK            'Link'                          255A
BOTH            SBTYPE            'Notification Type'              20A
BOTH            SBNOTE            'Note'                           50A
BOTH            RVNOTYID          'Notification ID'                11 0

UPDNOTY - Update Notification

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object Library'              10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                         1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company Code'                    3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'        10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                 1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                  100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                  20A
BOTH            IDNOTIFY          'Notification ID'                 11 0
BOTH            SBSUBJECT         'Subject'                         40A
BOTH            SBMESSAGE         'Message'                        255A
BOTH            SBLINK            'Link'                           255A
BOTH            SBTYPE            'Notification Type'               20A
BOTH            SBREAD            'Message Read Status'              1A
BOTH            SBCOMPLETE        'Message Complete Status'          1A