LOCN - Location Settings

APIs For This Group

ADDLOCN - Add Location

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            REGN              'Region ID'                      5A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            DESC              'Location description'          40A
BOTH            SEQVALU           'Sequence value'                 3A
BOTH            DATFMT            'Date format default'            4A
BOTH            TIMFMT            'Time format default'            4A
BOTH            ENDPERD           'End of period reports'          1 0
BOTH            DEMHI             'Demand filter high'             1 0
BOTH            DEMLO             'Demand filter low'              1 0
BOTH            SMFACTR           'Smoothing factor'               3 2
BOTH            REPCARY           'Replenish carry rate %'         3 1
BOTH            FBCARRY           'For buy carry rate %'           3 1
BOTH            TSLIMIT           'Tracking signal limit'          3 2
BOTH            SERVICE           'Service level %'                3 1
BOTH            HEADCST           'Order header cost'              7 2
BOTH            LINECST           'Order line cost'                5 2
BOTH            SLOW              'Slow mover limit'               3 0
BOTH            FACTPI            'Factor price increas %'         3 0
BOTH            FACTDSC           'Factor discount %'              3 0
BOTH            FACTDAT           'Factor dating %'                3 0
BOTH            FACTALT           'Factor altr source %'           3 0
BOTH            FBFILTR           'For buy filter days'            3 0
BOTH            FBMAX             'For buy maximum days'           3 0
BOTH            ALTADV            'Alt source advantage %'         3 1
BOTH            ALTMAXP           'Alt source maximum %'           3 1
BOTH            ALTMAXD           'Alt source max days'            3 0
BOTH            ALTMINQ           'Alt source min annl qty'        3 0
BOTH            ALTMIND           'Alt source min $/line'          5 0
BOTH            ALTINVS           'Alternate investment %'         3 1
BOTH            INTRATE           'Interest rate %'                3 1
BOTH            FBFLAG            'Forward buy flag'               1 0
BOTH            BRKOTHR           'Bracket build other'            8A
BOTH            DELTLMT           'Delete count limit'             3 0
BOTH            PROBDAY           'Probation perd in days'         3 0
BOTH            DWINDOW           'Deal window in days'            3 0
BOTH            VLDISCT           'Value discount days'            5 2
BOTH            VLPINCR           'Value price incrs days'         5 2
BOTH            VLDATNG           'Value dating %'                 3 1
BOTH            OVRDAYS           'OvrStk min crit days'           3 0
BOTH            OVRDOLR           'OvrStk min crit dollar'         5 0
BOTH            OVRDISC           'OvrStk discont flag'            1 0
BOTH            OVRMANL           'OvrStk manual flag'             1 0
BOTH            OVRCARY           'OverStk carry cost %'           3 1
BOTH            SWALLOW           'Supplier switch allow'          1 0
BOTH            DAYSUSD           'Days out used flag'             1 0
BOTH            DAYSP12           'Days out perd 12 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAYSP13           'Days out perd 13 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAYSP52           'Days out perd 52 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAILY             'Daily demand used'              1 0
BOTH            FORDEVP           'Dft DEV % new product'          3 1
BOTH            NODEVP            'No demnd & fcst DEV %'          3 1
BOTH            LEADTMV           'Lead time variance %'           3 1
BOTH            PROCESS           'Process night job flag'         1 0
BOTH            BUYRBAD           'BuyGrp missing suplier'         5A
BOTH            CONVPKP           'Convenience pack %'             3 1
BOTH            DSPTOT1           'Order total unit 1st'           1 0
BOTH            DSPTOT2           'Order total unit 2nd'           1 0
BOTH            SZHILO            'Seasonal check hi-lo'           3 2
BOTH            SZSENS            'Seasonal sense value'           3 2
BOTH            SZMA12            'Seasonal match yr 1-2'          5 3
BOTH            SZMA13            'Seasonal match yr 1-3'          5 3
BOTH            OVRHEAD           'Overhead costs %'               3 1
BOTH            PROCALT           'Process alt srce flag'          1 0
BOTH            RETURN            'Return on investment %'         3 1
BOTH            USEBMLT           'Use Buy Mult ovr-stock'         1 0
BOTH            AVGZERO           'Average to zero allow'          1 0
BOTH            OVERCST           'Over-ride cost allow'           1 0
BOTH            LTMUSE            'Orders use supl LT'             1 0
BOTH            PURDISC           'Purchase disc products'         1 0
BOTH            RNDDISC           'Round SOQ disc product'         1 0
BOTH            RPLZERO           'Replace zero cost prod'         1 0
BOTH            ALTSRND           'Alt source special round'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP1           'Prod group 1 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP2           'Prod group 2 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP3           'Prod group 3 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP4           'Prod group 4 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP5           'Prod group 5 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            SEASEXC           'Seasonality exclude low'        1 0
BOTH            ZIPCODE           'Exter control Alt srce'        10A

DELLOCN - Delete Location

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID'                    5A

DFTLOCN - Location Defaults

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            REGN              'Region ID'                      5A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            DESC              'Location description'          40A
BOTH            SEQVALU           'Sequence value'                 3A
BOTH            DATFMT            'Date format default'            4A
BOTH            TIMFMT            'Time format default'            4A
BOTH            DEMHI             'Demand filter high'             1 0
BOTH            DEMLO             'Demand filter low'              1 0
BOTH            SMFACTR           'Smoothing factor'               3 2
BOTH            REPCARY           'Replenish carry rate %'         3 1
BOTH            FBCARRY           'For buy carry rate %'           3 1
BOTH            TSLIMIT           'Tracking signal limit'          3 2
BOTH            SERVICE           'Service level %'                3 1
BOTH            HEADCST           'Order header cost'              7 2
BOTH            LINECST           'Order line cost'                5 2
BOTH            LASTPO            'Last PO used'                   7 0
BOTH            LASTDL            'Last Deal    '                  7 0    
BOTH            SLOW              'Slow mover limit'               3 0
BOTH            FACTPI            'Factor price increas %'         3 0
BOTH            FACTDSC           'Factor discount %'              3 0
BOTH            FACTDAT           'Factor dating %'                3 0
BOTH            FACTALT           'Factor altr source %'           3 0
BOTH            FBFILTR           'For buy filter days'            3 0
BOTH            FBMAX             'For buy maximum days'           3 0
BOTH            ALTADV            'Alt source advantage %'         3 1
BOTH            ALTMAXP           'Alt source maximum %'           3 1
BOTH            ALTMAXD           'Alt source max days'            3 0
BOTH            ALTMINQ           'Alt source min annl qty'        3 0
BOTH            ALTMIND           'Alt source min $/line'          5 0
BOTH            ALTINVS           'Alternate investment %'         3 1
BOTH            INTRATE           'Interest rate %'                3 1
BOTH            FBFLAG            'Forward buy flag'               1 0
BOTH            BRKOTHR           'Bracket build other'            8A
BOTH            DELTLMT           'Delete count limit'             3 0
BOTH            PROBDAY           'Probation perd in days'         3 0
BOTH            DWINDOW           'Deal window in days'            3 0
BOTH            VLDISCT           'Value discount days'            5 2
BOTH            VLPINCR           'Value price incrs days'         5 2
BOTH            VLDATNG           'Value dating %'                 3 1
BOTH            OVRDAYS           'OvrStk min crit days'           3 0
BOTH            OVRDOLR           'OvrStk min crit dollar'         5 0
BOTH            OVRDISC           'OvrStk discont flag'            1 0
BOTH            OVRMANL           'OvrStk manual flag'             1 0
BOTH            OVRCARY           'OverStk carry cost %'           3 1
BOTH            SWALLOW           'Supplier switch allow'          1 0
BOTH            DAYSUSD           'Days out used flag'             1 0
BOTH            DAYSP12           'Days out perd 12 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAYSP13           'Days out perd 13 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAYSP52           'Days out perd 52 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAILY             'Daily demand used'              1 0
BOTH            FORDEVP           'Dft DEV % new product'          3 1
BOTH            NODEVP            'No demnd & fcst DEV %'          3 1
BOTH            LEADTMV           'Lead time variance %'           3 1
BOTH            PROCESS           'Process'                        1 0
BOTH            BUYRBAD           'BuyGrp missing suplier'         5A
BOTH            CONVPKP           'Convenience pack %'             3 1
BOTH            DSPTOT1           'Order total unit 1st'           1 0
BOTH            DSPTOT2           'Order total unit 2nd'           1 0
BOTH            SZHILO            'Seasonal check hi-lo'           3 2
BOTH            SZSENS            'Seasonal sense value'           3 2
BOTH            SZMA12            'Seasonal match yr 1-2'          5 3
BOTH            SZMA13            'Seasonal match yr 1-3'          5 3
BOTH            OVRHEAD           'Overhead costs %'               3 1
BOTH            PROCALT           'Process alt srce flag'          1 0
BOTH            RETURN            'Return on investment %'         3 1
BOTH            USEBMLT           'Use Buy Mult ovr-stock'         1 0
BOTH            AVGZERO           'Average to zero allow'          1 0
BOTH            OVERCST           'Over-ride cost allow'           1 0
BOTH            LTMUSE            'Orders use supl LT'             1 0
BOTH            PURDISC           'Purchase disc products'         1 0
BOTH            RNDDISC           'Round SOQ disc product'         1 0
BOTH            RPLZERO           'Replace zero cost prod'         1 0
BOTH            ALTSRND           'Alt source special round'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP1           'Prod group 1 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP2           'Prod group 2 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP3           'Prod group 3 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP4           'Prod group 4 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP5           'Prod group 5 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            SEASEXC           'Seasonality exclude low'        1 0
BOTH            ZIPCODE           'Exter control Alt srce'        10A

UPDLOCN - Update Location

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            REGN              'Region ID'                      5A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            DESC              'Location description'          40A
BOTH            SEQVALU           'Sequence value'                 3A
BOTH            DATFMT            'Date format default'            4A
BOTH            TIMFMT            'Time format default'            4A
BOTH            ENDPERD           'End of period reports'          1 0
BOTH            DEMHI             'Demand filter high'             1 0
BOTH            DEMLO             'Demand filter low'              1 0
BOTH            SMFACTR           'Smoothing factor'               3 2
BOTH            REPCARY           'Replenish carry rate %'         3 1
BOTH            FBCARRY           'For buy carry rate %'           3 1
BOTH            TSLIMIT           'Tracking signal limit'          3 2
BOTH            SERVICE           'Service level %'                3 1
BOTH            HEADCST           'Order header cost'              7 2
BOTH            LINECST           'Order line cost'                5 2
BOTH            SLOW              'Slow mover limit'               3 0
BOTH            FACTPI            'Factor price increas %'         3 0
BOTH            FACTDSC           'Factor discount %'              3 0
BOTH            FACTDAT           'Factor dating %'                3 0
BOTH            FACTALT           'Factor altr source %'           3 0
BOTH            FBFILTR           'For buy filter days'            3 0
BOTH            FBMAX             'For buy maximum days'           3 0
BOTH            ALTADV            'Alt source advantage %'         3 1
BOTH            ALTMAXP           'Alt source maximum %'           3 1
BOTH            ALTMAXD           'Alt source max days'            3 0
BOTH            ALTMINQ           'Alt source min annl qty'        3 0
BOTH            ALTMIND           'Alt source min $/line'          5 0
BOTH            ALTINVS           'Alternate investment %'         3 1
BOTH            INTRATE           'Interest rate %'                3 1
BOTH            FBFLAG            'Forward buy flag'               1 0
BOTH            BRKOTHR           'Bracket build other'            8A
BOTH            DELTLMT           'Delete count limit'             3 0
BOTH            PROBDAY           'Probation perd in days'         3 0
BOTH            DWINDOW           'Deal window in days'            3 0
BOTH            VLDISCT           'Value discount days'            5 2
BOTH            VLPINCR           'Value price incrs days'         5 2
BOTH            VLDATNG           'Value dating %'                 3 1
BOTH            OVRDAYS           'OvrStk min crit days'           3 0
BOTH            OVRDOLR           'OvrStk min crit dollar'         5 0
BOTH            OVRDISC           'OvrStk discont flag'            1 0
BOTH            OVRMANL           'OvrStk manual flag'             1 0
BOTH            OVRCARY           'OverStk carry cost %'           3 1
BOTH            SWALLOW           'Supplier switch allow'          1 0
BOTH            DAYSUSD           'Days out used flag'             1 0
BOTH            DAYSP12           'Days out perd 12 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAYSP13           'Days out perd 13 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAYSP52           'Days out perd 52 #days'         3 0
BOTH            DAILY             'Daily demand used'              1 0
BOTH            FORDEVP           'Dft DEV % new product'          3 1
BOTH            NODEVP            'No demnd & fcst DEV %'          3 1
BOTH            LEADTMV           'Lead time variance %'           3 1
BOTH            PROCESS           'Process night job flag'         1 0
BOTH            BUYRBAD           'BuyGrp missing suplier'         5A
BOTH            CONVPKP           'Convenience pack %'             3 1
BOTH            DSPTOT1           'Order total unit 1st'           1 0
BOTH            DSPTOT2           'Order total unit 2nd'           1 0
BOTH            SZHILO            'Seasonal check hi-lo'           3 2
BOTH            SZSENS            'Seasonal sense value'           3 2
BOTH            SZMA12            'Seasonal match yr 1-2'          5 3
BOTH            SZMA13            'Seasonal match yr 1-3'          5 3
BOTH            OVRHEAD           'Overhead costs %'               3 1
BOTH            PROCALT           'Process alt srce flag'          1 0
BOTH            RETURN            'Return on investment %'         3 1
BOTH            USEBMLT           'Use Buy Mult ovr-stock'         1 0
BOTH            AVGZERO           'Average to zero allow'          1 0
BOTH            OVERCST           'Over-ride cost allow'           1 0
BOTH            LTMUSE            'Orders use supl LT'             1 0
BOTH            PURDISC           'Purchase disc products'         1 0
BOTH            RNDDISC           'Round SOQ disc product'         1 0
BOTH            RPLZERO           'Replace zero cost prod'         1 0
BOTH            ALTSRND           'Alt source special round'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP1           'Prod group 1 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP2           'Prod group 2 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP3           'Prod group 3 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP4           'Prod group 4 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            PRDGRP5           'Prod group 5 ovr allowed'       1 0
BOTH            SEASEXC           'Seasonality exclude low'        1 0
BOTH            ZIPCODE           'Exter control Alt srce'        10A