SIGNON - Signon And License Key APIs

APIs For This Group

SIGNON - Perform system checks while signing on

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    SIGNON         'System Check   1 = Err'      1A
BOTH    SYDTVSK3       'Sys Date != K3 Date:1=True'  1A
BOTH    NIGHTJOB       'Nightly Job is running'      1A
BOTH    SRLNBR         'Serial Number '              8A
BOTH    LPARID         'Partition ID'                4A
BOTH    LIBNAM         'Library Name'               10A
BOTH    NBRLOC         'Number of Locations'        10A
BOTH    RVVERSN        'Current API Release '        6A
BOTH    RVHOST         'Host/Non-Host Client'        1A 

VARLICN - Return Values To Produce License Key

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    RVSRLNBR       'Serial Number '              8A
BOTH    RVLPARID       'LPAR ID'                     4A
BOTH    RVLIBNAM       'Library Name'               10A
BOTH    RVNBRLOC       'Number of Locations'        10A

ADPLICN - Add New License Key On Non-hosted

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    SBLICENSE      'License Key '               19A

CRPLICN - Create Permanent License Key

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    SBSRLNBR       'Serial Number '              8A
BOTH    SBLPARID       'LPAR ID'                     4A
BOTH    SBLIBNAM       'Library Name'               10A
BOTH    SBNBRLOC       'Number of Locations'        10A
BOTH    RVLICKEY       'License Key '               19A

CRTLICN - Create Temporary License Key

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    SBSRLNBR       'Serial Number '              8A
BOTH    SBLPARID       'LPAR ID'                     4A
BOTH    SBLIBNAM       'Library Name'               10A
BOTH    SBNBRLOC       'Number of Locations'        10A
BOTH    SBYEAR         'Year '                       4 0
BOTH    SBMNTH         'Month'                       2 0
BOTH    RVLICKEY       'License Key '               19A

TSTLICN - Test License Key And Monitor Message Functionality

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    SBTSTDATE      'Test Date '                 10A

DELLICN - Delete License Key

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A  
BOTH    IDCODEVAL      'Serial Number '             20A
BOTH	IDCODEDS1	   'License Key (19 pos.)' .   100A 

JOBDTAR - Retrieve K3S_NITE Data Area value

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    K3SJOB         'Current Data Area Value'     1A