PEFL - Period End Filters

APIs For This Group

ADDPEFL - Add Period End Filter

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            IDBUYR            'Buyer ID'                       5A
BOTH            IDLOCN            'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            IDCHKTYP          'Check Type       '              3A
BOTH            SBFLTUNIT         'Filter Units          '         5 2
BOTH            SBFLTDOLR         'Filter Dollars      '           5 2
BOTH            SBLAST30          'Last 30 days Flag    '          1 0

CPYPEFL - Copy Period End Filter

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            IDBUYRF           'From Buyer ID'                  5A
BOTH            IDLOCNF           'From Location ID'               5A
BOTH            IDCHKTYPF         'From Check Type       '         3A
BOTH            IDBUYRT           'To Buyer ID'                    5A
BOTH            IDLOCNT           'To Location ID'                 5A
BOTH            IDCHKTYPT         'To Check Type    '              3A
BOTH            SBFLTUNIT         'Filter Units          '         5 2
BOTH            SBFLTDOLR         'Filter Dollars      '           5 2
BOTH            SBLAST30          'Last 30 days Flag    '          1 0

DELPEFL - Delete Period End Filter

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            IDBUYR            'Buyer ID'                       5A
BOTH            IDLOCN            'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            IDCHKTYP          'Check Type       '              3A

UPDPEFL - Update Period End Filter

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            IDBUYR            'Buyer ID'                       5A
BOTH            IDLOCN            'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            IDCHKTYP          'Check Type       '              3A
BOTH            SBFLTUNIT         'Filter Units          '         5 2
BOTH            SBFLTDOLR         'Filter Dollars      '           5 2
BOTH            SBLAST30          'Last 30 days Flag    '          1 0