USER - User Preferences

APIs For This Group

ADDUSER - Add User Preference Entry

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            USERINP           'User ID    '                       10A
BOTH            USERNAM           'User Name'                         30A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID default    '            5A
BOTH            BUYR              'Buy group default      '            5A
BOTH            DATFMT            'Date format default    '            4A
BOTH            TIMFMT            'Time format default    '            4A
BOTH            TIMADJS           'Time adjustment hours  '            3 0
BOTH            ALARM             'Alarm preference flag  '            1 0
BOTH            DEALAL            'Deal allowances $,D,%  '            1A
BOTH            DEALPI            'Deal price incre $,D,% '            1A
BOTH            DATESIX           'Date entry 6 digit flg '            1 0
BOTH            EWINDOW           'If error display window'            1 0
BOTH            ORDVIEW           'Order summary view     '            1 0
BOTH            ORDMODE           'Order summary mode     '            1A
BOTH            PRDVIEW           'Product summary view   '            1 0
BOTH            PRDOPTN           'Product summary option '            1 0
BOTH            HISDSPL           'Product history type   '            1 0
BOTH            TRACKSG           'Product display T/S   '             3 3
BOTH            UNITDSP           'Unit order display 1-6 '            1 0
BOTH            SELCHEK           'Select check default   '            2A
BOTH            PRODSUM           'Prod sum reverse image '            1 0
BOTH            MULTWRN           'SOQ multiple warning   '            1 0
BOTH            ALTVIEW           'Alt sou available view '            1 0
BOTH            LOGWARN           '# days F19=LOG warning '            3 0
BOTH            EXPNOTE           '# days expire notes    '            3 0
BOTH            F3_WARN           'F3=Exit warning        '            1 0
BOTH            CUR1010           'Cursor position _1010  '            1 0
BOTH            CSTWARN           'Cost/div chg warning   '            1 0
BOTH            ARVDATE           'Arv dte 0=Quoted 1=Order'           1 0
BOTH            AUTORND           'Auto round 0=No 1=Yes   '           1 0
BOTH            AUTOFRZ           'Auto Freeze Forecast    '           1 0
BOTH            SELVIEW           'Selected products view'             1 0
BOTH            EMLADDR           'Email Address'                    100

DELUSER - Delete User Preference Entry

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDUSER            'User ID    '                       10A

DFTUSER - User Preference Entry Defaults

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            USERINP           'User ID    '                       10A
BOTH            USERNAM           'User Name'                         30A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID default    '            5A
BOTH            BUYR              'Buy group default      '            5A
BOTH            DATFMT            'Date format default    '            4A
BOTH            TIMFMT            'Time format default    '            4A
BOTH            TIMADJS           'Time adjustment hours  '            3 0
BOTH            ALARM             'Alarm preference flag  '            1 0
BOTH            DEALAL            'Deal allowances $,D,%  '            1A
BOTH            DEALPI            'Deal price incre $,D,% '            1A
BOTH            DATESIX           'Date entry 6 digit flg '            1 0
BOTH            EWINDOW           'If error display window'            1 0
BOTH            ORDVIEW           'Order summary view     '            1 0
BOTH            ORDMODE           'Order summary mode     '            1A
BOTH            PRDVIEW           'Product summary view   '            1 0
BOTH            PRDOPTN           'Product summary option '            1 0
BOTH            HISDSPL           'Product history type   '            1 0
BOTH            TRACKSG           'Product display T/S    '            3 3
BOTH            UNITDSP           'Unit order display 1-6 '            1 0
BOTH            SELCHEK           'Select check default   '            2A
BOTH            PRODSUM           'Prod sum reverse image '            1 0
BOTH            MULTWRN           'SOQ multiple warning   '            1 0
BOTH            ALTVIEW           'Alt sou available view '            1 0
BOTH            LOGWARN           '# days F19=LOG warning '            3 0
BOTH            EXPNOTE           '# days expire notes    '            3 0
BOTH            F3_WARN           'F3=Exit warning        '            1 0
BOTH            CUR1010           'Cursor position _1010  '            1 0
BOTH            CSTWARN           'Cost/div chg warning   '            1 0
BOTH            ARVDATE           'Arv dte 0=Quoted 1=Order'           1 0
BOTH            AUTORND           'Auto round 0=No 1=Yes   '           1 0
BOTH            AUTOFRZ           'Auto Freeze Forecast    '           1 0
BOTH            SELVIEW           'Selected products view'             1 0 

UPDUSER - Update User Preference Entry

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'                10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                            1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                       3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'          10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                    1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                    100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                    20A
BOTH            IDUSER            'User ID    '                       10A
BOTH            USERNAM           'User Name in TABLCOD'              30A
BOTH            LOCN              'Location ID default    '            5A
BOTH            BUYR              'Buy group default      '            5A
BOTH            DATFMT            'Date format default    '            4A
BOTH            TIMFMT            'Time format default    '            4A
BOTH            TIMADJS           'Time adjustment hours  '            3 0
BOTH            ALARM             'Alarm preference flag  '            1 0
BOTH            DEALAL            'Deal allowances $,D,%  '            1A
BOTH            DEALPI            'Deal price incre $,D,% '            1A
BOTH            DATESIX           'Date entry 6 digit flg '            1 0
BOTH            EWINDOW           'If error display window'            1 0
BOTH            ORDVIEW           'Order summary view     '            1 0
BOTH            ORDMODE           'Order summary mode     '            1A
BOTH            PRDVIEW           'Product summary view   '            1 0
BOTH            PRDOPTN           'Product summary option '            1 0
BOTH            HISDSPL           'Product history type   '            1 0
BOTH            TRACKSG           'Product display T/S    '            3 3
BOTH            UNITDSP           'Unit order display 1-6 '            1 0
BOTH            SELCHEK           'Select check default   '            2A
BOTH            PRODSUM           'Prod sum reverse image '            1 0
BOTH            MULTWRN           'SOQ multiple warning   '            1 0
BOTH            ALTVIEW           'Alt sou available view '            1 0
BOTH            LOGWARN           '# days F19=LOG warning '            3 0
BOTH            EXPNOTE           '# days expire notes    '            3 0
BOTH            F3_WARN           'F3=Exit warning        '            1 0
BOTH            CUR1010           'Cursor position _1010  '            1 0
BOTH            CSTWARN           'Cost/div chg warning   '            1 0
BOTH            ARVDATE           'Arv dte 0=Quoted 1=Order'           1 0
BOTH            AUTORND           'Auto round 0=No 1=Yes   '           1 0
BOTH            AUTOFRZ           'Auto Freeze Forecast    '           1 0
BOTH            SELVIEW           'Selected products view'             1 0

CHKUSER - Check that User exists in the iSeries

BOTH            SBUSER            'User ID to be checked'             10A
BOTH            RVEXISTS          'Flag 1 = Pass ; 0 = Fail'           1A