PROD - Product Settings

APIs For This Group

PERPROD - Last Completed Period For A Product

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH     RVFORCYR      'Forecast current year'          5 0
BOTH     RVFORCPER     'Forecast current period'        3 0
BOTH     RVFORCINT     'Forecast Interval'              3 0

PROPROD - This updates the Promotional Qty, Beg-End Dates. “0” Qty clears dates

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A 
BOTH     COMP         'Company'                      1A
BOTH     COMPCOD      'Company code'                 3A
BOTH     USER         'User calling the program'    10A
BOTH     ERRORS       'Error indicator'              1A
BOTH     ERRMSG       'Error message'              100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD     'Field in error'              20A
BOTH     IDBUYR       'Buyer ID '                    5A 
BOTH     IDLOCN       'ID Location'                  5A
BOTH     IDSUPL       'ID Supplier'                 10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB    'ID Supplier sub code'        10A
BOTH     IDPROD       'ID Product'                  25A
BOTH     SBPROMQTY    'Promotional Qty'              7 0
BOTH     SBPROMBEG    'Beginning Promotional Date'  10A
BOTH     SBPROMEND    'Ending Promotional Date'     10A
BOTH	 OPCMBLOCN	  'Combined Location '			 5A
BOTH	 OPCMBSUPL	  'Combined Supplier'			10A
BOTH	 OPCMBSUB	  'Combined Sub'				10A

STSPROD - Set User Status Of A Product

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A 
BOTH     COMP         'Company'                      1A
BOTH     COMPCOD      'Company code'                 3A
BOTH     USER         'User calling the program'    10A
BOTH     ERRORS       'Error indicator'              1A
BOTH     ERRMSG       'Error message'              100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD     'Field in error'              20A
BOTH     IDBUYR       'Buyer ID '                    5A 
BOTH     IDLOCN       'ID Location'                  5A
BOTH     IDSUPL       'ID Supplier'                 10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB    'ID Supplier sub code'        10A
BOTH     IDPROD       'ID Product'                  25A
BOTH     SBUSRSTAT    'User status'                  1A
BOTH     SBFORFREZ    'Freeze forecast until date'  10A
BOTH     SBPROBDAT    'Probation date'              10A
BOTH     OPCMBLOCN    'Optional Combined Location'   5A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUPL    'Optional Combined Supplier'  10A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUB     'Optional Combined Sub-Supl'  10A 

UPDPROD - Update Product Settings

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH     PRODSEQ       'Product sequence'              40A
BOTH     DESC2         'Description 2'                 40A
BOTH     NDC_UPC       'NDC UPC code'                  25A
BOTH     MFG           'Manufacturer ID'               25A
BOTH     CATALOG       'Catalog ID'                    15A
BOTH     UOM           'Unit of measure'                4A
BOTH     PACKSIZ       'Pack size'                     10A
BOTH     TIHI          'TIHI'                          10A
BOTH     GROUP1        'Group 1'                       10A
BOTH     GROUP1O       'Group 1 override'              10A
BOTH     GROUP2        'Group 2'                       10A
BOTH     GROUP2O       'Group 2 override'              10A
BOTH     GROUP3        'Group 3'                       10A
BOTH     GROUP3O       'Group 3 override'              10A
BOTH     GROUP4        'Group 4'                       10A
BOTH     GROUP4O       'Group 4 override'              10A
BOTH     GROUP5        'Group 5'                       10A
BOTH     GROUP5O       'Group 5 override'              10A
BOTH     WHSLOCN       'Warehouse location'            10A
BOTH     LINECST       'Line cost'                      5  2
BOTH     LEADTM        'Lead time'                      3  0
BOTH     LEADTMV       'Lead time variance'             3  1
BOTH     EXCLEAD       'Exclude auto updating'          1  0
BOTH     COSTREG       'Product cost regular'          11  4
BOTH     OVRCREG       'Override cost regular'         11  4
BOTH     OVRCDIV       'Override cost divisor'          5  0
BOTH     SALES         'Sales price'                   11  4
BOTH     QTYOHND       'Quantity on hand'               7  0
BOTH     QTYOORD       'Quantity on order'              7  0
BOTH     QTYBACK       'Quantity back ordered'          7  0
BOTH     FORCAST       'Demand forecast'                9  2
BOTH     MINQTYO       'Minimum quantity override'      7  0
BOTH     BUYMULO       'Buy multiple override'          7  0
BOTH     CONVPKO       'Convenience pack override'      7  0
BOTH     CONVPKP       'Convenience pack percent'       3  1
BOTH     DAYSUNT       'Days out point in units'        3  0
BOTH     MAXDAYS       'Max forward buy days'           3  0
BOTH     MAMINID       'Manual minimum in days'         3  0
BOTH     MAMINIU       'Manual minimum in units'        7  0
BOTH     MAMAXID       'Manual maximum in days'         3  0
BOTH     MAMAXIU       'Manual maximum in units'        7  0
BOTH     ADD_DAY       'Add days to order point'        3  0
BOTH     WEIGHTO       'Weight override'                7  3
BOTH     WEIGHDO       'Weight divisor override'        5  0
BOTH     VOLUMEO       'Volume override'                7  3
BOTH     VOLUMDO       'Volume divisor override'        5  0
BOTH     PURINCO       'Purchase increment override'    5  0
BOTH     SEASONL       'Seasonl profile ID'            10A
BOTH     SERVICE       'Service level target'           3  1
BOTH     LONGTRM       'Long term trend rate'           3  2
BOTH     SPLTPRM       'Split code permanent'           1  0
BOTH     SPLTTMP       'Split code tempoarary'          1  0
BOTH     POQTYDV       'PO divisor'                     5  0
BOTH     POQTYUM       'PO unit of measure'             4A
BOTH     PROCALT       'Process alternate source flag'  1  0
BOTH     FORMETH       'Forecast method'                1  0
BOTH     INVMETH       'Inventory method'               1  0
BOTH     EXCUNTL       'Exclude buying until date'     10A
BOTH     REBATE        'Rebate %'                       3  1
BOTH     DISOTHO       'Bracket build override'         9  4
BOTH     DISUN7O       'Bracket override unit 7'        9  4
BOTH     DISUN8O       'Bracket override unit 8'        9  4
BOTH     DISUN9O       'Bracket override unit 9'        9  4
BOTH	 OPCMBLOCN	   'Combined Location '		        5A
BOTH	 OPCMBSUPL	   'Combined Supplier'			   10A
BOTH	 OPCMBSUB	   'Combined Sub'				   10A

LTSPROD - Tracking Signal For Product Lead Time

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH     OPCMBLOCN     'Optional Combined Location'     5A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUPL     'Optional Combined Supplier'    10A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUB      'Optional Combined Sub-Supl'    10A
BOTH     RVLEADTM      'Lead Time'                      3 0
BOTH     RVLEADTMV     'Lead Time Variance'             3 1
BOTH     RVLEADTMS     'Smoothed Error'                 3 3
BOTH     RVTRAKSIG     'Tracking Signal'                3 3 
BOTH     RVTSDIREC     'Trending '                      1A

CLPPROD - Clear Convenience Pack

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH     OPCMBLOCN     'Optional Combined Location'     5A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUPL     'Optional Combined Supplier'    10A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUB      'Optional Combined Sub-Supl'    10A  

LNKPROD - Determine If A Product Is Linked

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH     RVLNKEDTO     'Is Product Linked to? '         1A
BOTH     RVMLTLNKT     'Are there multiple Links?       1A
BOTH     RVBUYRTO      'Buyer of linked to   '          5A
BOTH     RVLOCNTO      'Location of linked to '         5A
BOTH     RVSUPLTO      'Supplier of linked to '        10A
BOTH     RVSUPLSBT     'Supplier Sub of linked to'     10A
BOTH     RVPRODTO      'Product linked to'             25A
BOTH     RVLNKEDFM     'Is Product Linked From? '       1A
BOTH     RVMLTLNKF     'Are there multiple Links?       1A
BOTH     RVBUYRFM      'Buyer of linked from  '         5A
BOTH     RVLOCNFM      'Location of linked from '       5A
BOTH     RVSUPLFM      'Supplier of linked from '      10A
BOTH     RVSUPLSBF     'Supplier Sub of linked from'   10A
BOTH     RVPRODFM      'Product linked from '          25A

WCPPROD - Which was last field changed?

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH	 RVFIELD	   'Last Field Changed'			   10A
BOTH	 RVLENGTH	   'Length of filed changed'        5A
BOTH	 RVVALUE	   'Value changed'	               40A

CPAPROD - Copy to All Products within same Supplier

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDBUYR        'ID Buyer   '                    5A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH	 SBFIELD	   'Field to be updated in All'    10A
BOTH	 SBVALUE	   'Value to be changed in All'    40A
BOTH	 SBLIBRARY	   'Data Library'				   10A

CMBPROD - Check for product being in a Combined Supplier

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH     RVCMBFLG      'Combined Product?'              1A
BOTH	 RVCMBBUYR     'Combined Buyer'                 5A
BOTH     RVCMBLOC      'Combined Location'              5A 
BOTH     RVCMBSUPL     'Combined Supplier '            10A   
BOTH	 RVCMBSUB      'Combined Sub'                  10A  

STAPROD - Retrieve PRODSTA Values

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH	 IDYEAR		   'ID Year '						5 0
BOTH	 IDPERIOD	   'ID Period'						3 0
BOTH     RVINFOSTS     'Sts 0=OK;1=not;2=Restricted'    1A
BOTH     RVPNCOMP      'Company'                        1A
BOTH     RVPNLOCN      'Location'                       5A
BOTH     RVPNPROD      'Product  '                     25A
BOTH     RVPNYEAR      'Year '                          5 0 
BOTH     RVPNPERIOD    'Period'                         3 0 
BOTH     RVPNINTRV      'Forecast Interval'             3 0
BOTH     RVPNBIRTH     'Birht Date'                    10A 
BOTH     RVPNLSTUP     'Last Update '                  10A  
BOTH     RVPNFRCST     'Year/Period Forecast'           9 2 
BOTH     RVPNSRVC      'Service Level'                  5 0 
BOTH     RVPNSALES     'Sales Units'                    9 0 
BOTH     RVPNDEMAND    'Demand Units'                   7 0
BOTH     RVPNBEGIN     'Begin Date'                    10A       
BOTH	 RVPNEND	   'End Date'					   10A	 
BOTH	 RVPNNBRPOP    'Number of POs Placed'			5 0
BOTH	 RVPNNBRPOR    'Number of POs Received'			5 0
BOTH	 RVPNRCVPCT    'Received Percentage'		    5 2
BOTH	 RVPNACRCY     'Forecast Accuracy'				5 2
BOTH	 RVPNDLOUT     'Daily Outs'						1 0
BOTH	 RVPNUSRST     'User Status'					1A
BOTH	 RVPNSYSST     'System Status'					1A

HHHPROD - Set New Products to Probation and Slow Items

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A

USTPROD - Develop results for last 21 days demand

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPLUSR     'ID Supplier User'              10A
BOTH     IDSUPLUSB     'ID Supplier sub code User'     10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A

CHGPROD - Change Prodcut Settings

BOTH     K3SOBJ        'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH     COMP          'Company'                        1A
BOTH     COMPCOD       'Company code'                   3A
BOTH     USER          'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH     ERRORS        'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH     ERRMSG        'Error message'                100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD      'Field in error'                20A
BOTH     IDLOCN        'ID Location'                    5A 
BOTH     IDSUPL        'ID Supplier'                   10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB     'ID Supplier sub code'          10A
BOTH     IDPROD        'ID Product'                    25A
BOTH	 SBFIELD	   'Field to be updated'    	   10A
BOTH	 SBLENGTH	   'Length of filed ' 		        5A
BOTH	 SBVALUE	   'Value to be changed'           40A
BOTH     OPCMBLOCN     'Optional Combined Location'     5A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUPL     'Optional Combined Supplier'    10A 
BOTH     OPCMBSUB      'Optional Combined Sub-Supl'    10A  

DEVPROD - Updates Product Deviation

BOTH     K3SOBJ       'K3S Object library'             10A 
BOTH     COMP         'Company'                         1A
BOTH     COMPCOD      'Company code'                    3A
BOTH     USER         'User calling the program'       10A
BOTH     ERRORS       'Error indicator'                 1A
BOTH     ERRMSG       'Error message'                 100A
BOTH     ERRFIELD     'Field in error'                 20A
BOTH     IDLOCN       'ID Location'                     5A
BOTH     IDSUPL       'ID Supplier'                    10A
BOTH     IDSUPLSUB    'ID Supplier sub code'           10A
BOTH     IDPROD       'ID Product'                     25A
BOTH	 IDCMBLOCN	  'Combined Location '			    5A
BOTH	 IDCMBSUPL	  'Combined Supplier'			   10A
BOTH	 IDCMBSUB	  'Combined Sub'				   10A
BOTH     SBDEV	      'Deviation Adjustment'            3 1  

CNTPROD - Get Number of Products that Match Filters

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            IDLOCN            'Location ID'                    5A
BOTH            OPBUYR            'Buyer Group'                    5A
BOTH            OPREGN            'Region ID'                      5A
BOTH            OPSUPL            'Supplier'                      10A
BOTH            OPSUPLSUB         'Supplier Sub'                  10A
BOTH            OPSUPLGP1         'Supplier Group 1'               10A
BOTH            OPSUPLGP2         'Supplier Group 2'               10A
BOTH            OPSUPLGP3         'Supplier Group 3'               10A
BOTH            OPSUPLGP4         'Supplier Group 4'               10A
BOTH            OPSUPLGP5         'Supplier Group 5'               10A
BOTH            OPPRODGP1         'Product Group 1'                10A
BOTH            OPPRODGP2         'Product Group 2'                10A
BOTH            OPPRODGP3         'Product Group 3'                10A
BOTH            OPPRODGP4         'Product Group 4'                10A
BOTH            OPPRODGP5         'Product Group 5'                10A
BOTH            RVCOUNT           'Count Of Products'               9 0