BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH IDPON 'ID PO number' 10A
BOTH IDARVDAT 'ID Arrival date' 10A
BOTH POMSG1 'PO message 1' 25A
BOTH POMSG2 'PO message 2' 25A
BOTH POMSG3 'PO message 3' 25A
BOTH POMSG4 'PO message 4' 25A
BOTH POMSG5 'PO message 5' 25A
BOTH POMSG6 'PO message 6' 25A
BOTH POMSG7 'PO message 7' 25A
BOTH POBLANK 'PO Blank field' 10A
BOTH LOCNTO 'Location to' 5A
BOTH LOCNFRM 'Location from' 5A
BOTH HLDBEG 'Hold out begin date' 10A
BOTH HLDEND 'Hold out end date' 10A
BOTH HLDREAS 'Hold out reason' 40A
BOTH SKIPLT 'Skip PO from LT forecast' 1A
BOTH USERA01 'User defined alpha 1' 1A
BOTH USERA02 'User defined alpha 2' 1A
BOTH USERA03 'User defined alpha 3' 1A
BOTH USERA04 'User defined alpha 4' 1A
BOTH USERA05 'User defined alpha 5' 5A
BOTH USERA06 'User defined alpha 6' 5A
BOTH USERA07 'User defined alpha 7' 10A
BOTH USERA08 'User defined alpha 8' 10A
BOTH USERA09 'User defined alpha 9' 100A
BOTH USERA10 'User defined alpha 10' 100A
BOTH CHGORDR 'Change Supplier Flag' 1 0
BOTH CHGBUYR 'Change Supplier Buyer' 5A
BOTH CHGSUPL 'Change Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH CHGSPSUB 'Change Sub-Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IFSPATH 'Path for IFS Files ' 100A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH RVPON 'ID PO number' 10A
BOTH RVARVDAT 'ID Arrival date' 10A
BOTH RVUSERA01 'User defined alpha 1' 1A
BOTH RVUSERA02 'User defined alpha 2' 1A
BOTH RVUSERA03 'User defined alpha 3' 1A
BOTH RVUSERA04 'User defined alpha 4' 1A
BOTH RVUSERA05 'User defined alpha 5' 5A
BOTH RVUSERA06 'User defined alpha 6' 5A
BOTH RVUSERA07 'User defined alpha 7' 10A
BOTH RVUSERA08 'User defined alpha 8' 10A
BOTH RVUSERA09 'User defined alpha 9' 100A
BOTH RVUSERA10 'User defined alpha 10' 100A
BOTH RVPPOMSG1 'Previous PO MSG 1' 25A
BOTH RVPPOMSG2 'Previous PO MSG 2' 25A
BOTH RVPPOMSG3 'Previous PO MSG 3' 25A
BOTH RVPPOMSG4 'Previous PO MSG 4' 25A
BOTH RVPPOMSG5 'Previous PO MSG 5' 25A
BOTH RVPPOMSG6 'Previous PO MSG 6' 25A
BOTH RVPPOMSG7 'Previous PO MSG 7' 25A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDPROD 'ID product' 25A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH IDKEEPQTY 'ID keep overriden qtys' 1A
BOTH IDUSEDEAL 'ID use deals' 1A
BOTH NEWSOQSEQN 'New sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDPON 'ID PO number' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH SBFWDBUYPI 'Price increase percent' 5 3
BOTH SBFWDBUYDS 'Discount percent' 5 3
BOTH SBFWDBUYMD 'Extra days dating' 3 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH RBDDAYS 'ID rebuild # of days' 5 2
BOTH RBDLVL 'ID rebuild bracket level' 1 0
BOTH KEEPQTY 'ID keep overriden qtys' 1A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH IDBKTLVL 'ID bracket level' 1 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH SBBEGIN 'Beginning Date' 10A
BOTH SBENDING 'Ending Date' 10A
BOTH RVDUEFCNJ 'Fixed Cycle Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUEFCRM 'Fixed Cycle Remaining Ord.' 9 0
BOTH RVDUEFCNV 'Fixed Cycle Night Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUEFCNR 'Fixed Cycle Remaining Ord$' 11 0
BOTH RVDUENDNJ 'No Delay Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUENDRM 'No Delay Remaining Ord.' 9 0
BOTH RVDUENDNV 'No Delay Night Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUENDNR 'No Delay Remaining Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUEFBNJ 'Fwd Buy Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUEFBRM 'Fwd Buy Remaining Ord.' 9 0
BOTH RVDUEFBNV 'Fwd Buy Night Orders $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUEFBNR 'Fwd Buy Remaining Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUERMNJ 'Reminder Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUERMRM 'Reminder Remaining Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUERMNV 'Reminder Night Orders $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUERMNR 'Reminder Remaining Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUETDNJ 'Total Due Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUETDRM 'Total Due Remaining Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVDUETDNV 'Total Due Night Orders $' 11 0
BOTH RVDUETDNR 'Total Due Remaining Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVNOTDUNJ 'Total not due Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVNOTDURM 'Total not due Rem. Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVNOTDUNV 'Total not due Night Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVNOTDUNR 'Total not due Rem. Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVTOTSONJ 'Tot Suggested Night Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVTOTSORM 'Tot Suggested Rem Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVTOTSONV 'Tot Suggested Night Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVTOTSONR 'Tot Suggested Rem Ord $' 11 0
BOTH RVAPPROVO 'Tot Approved Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVAPPROVD 'Tot Approved Dollars' 11 0
BOTH RVCANCELO 'Tot Cancelled Orders' 9 0
BOTH RVCANCELD 'Tot Cancelled Dollars' 11 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH RVDOLRUP 'Total $ Adjustment UP' 13 2
BOTH RVDOLRDW 'Total $ Adjustment Down' 13 2
BOTH RVADJDWF 'Total $ Adjust Filter Dwn' 13 2
BOTH RVADJUPF 'Total $ Adjust Filter Up' 13 2
BOTH RVADUPDW '$ UP/DWN Filtered' 1 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID Location' 5A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH SBPON 'PO to be re-send' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'Buy group ID' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'Suggested Order Sequence' 5 0
BOTH SBPON 'Purchase Order Number' 10A
BOTH SBPATH 'Path for IFS Files ' 100A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBUSER 'User Approving the Order' 10A
BOTH SBBEGIN 'Starting Date Range' 10A
BOTH SBEND 'Ending Date Range' 10A
BOTH RVADJDLR '% Adjustments for Dollars' 5 2
BOTH RVADJUNT '% Adjustments for Units' 5 2
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDBUYR 'ID buy group' 5A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH RVADJDOL 'Adj. Exceeds $ threshold' 1 0
BOTH RVADJUNT 'Adj. Exceeds Qty Threshold' 1 0
BOTH RVORDCTL 'O/Cycle older than 6 months' 1 0
BOTH RVPECHECK 'Outstanding PE Checks' 1 0
BOTH RVNEW 'Atleast one new Product' 1 0
BOTH RVORGSUPL 'Is Supplier Organized' 1 0
BOTH RVTIMESTMP 'Is the inquiry before noon?' 1 0
BOTH RVDAYSLATE 'Days Late of the Order' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDPON 'Current PO # ' 10A
BOTH SBPON 'Customer PO #' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH OPPON 'ID PO number' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'ID sugg order sequence #' 5 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH SBSELECT 'Avg Type when Estimating' 1A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH IDPON 'Purchase Order Number' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'ID supplier' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'ID sub supplier' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDPON 'Current PO # ' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDPON 'Current PO # ' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location' 5A
BOTH SBUSER 'User Approved PO' 10A
BOTH SBK3SPO 'K3S PO Number' 10A
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object Library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company Code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH IDLOCN 'ID location' 5A
BOTH IDSUPL 'Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSUPLSUB 'Sub Supplier ID' 10A
BOTH IDSOQSEQN 'Suggested order seq #' 5 0
BOTH RVACTPROD 'Number of active products' 5 0
BOTH RVSUPTYPE 'Supplier type 1:f 2:O 3:V' 1A
BOTH RVLSTORDT 'Last order date' 10A
BOTH RVNXTORDT 'Likely next order date' 10A
BOTH RVDAYSNXT 'Days b4 next order date' 3 0