MESG - Messaging System

APIs For This Group

ADDMESG - Add Message

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            SBCONVID          'Conversation ID'               19A
BOTH            SBREADER          'Reader'                        10A
BOTH            SBTYPE            'Type'                           1A
BOTH            SBMSGBODY         'Message Body'                 100A
BOTH            SBUSERA1          'User Defined Alpha 1'           1A
BOTH            SBUSERA2          'User Defined Alpha 2'           3A
BOTH            SBUSERA3          'User Defined Alpha 3'          10A
BOTH            SBUSERN1          'User Defined Number 1'          5 0
BOTH            SBUSERN2          'User Defined Number 2'          7 2
BOTH            SBUSERN3          'User Defined Number 3'         11 4
BOTH            SBNOTIFY          'Create Notification'            1A
BOTH            SBTUSER           'To User'                       10A
BOTH            SBSUBJECT         'Subject'                      100A
BOTH            SBMESSAGE         'Message'                      100A
BOTH            SBLINK            'Link'                         255A
BOTH            SBICON            'Icon'                          20A
BOTH            SBNOTE            'Note'                         100A

REDMESG - Read Message

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A
BOTH            SBID              'Message ID'                    19A

ALLMESG - Mark All Message for User as Read

BOTH            K3SOBJ            'K3S Object library'            10A
BOTH            COMP              'Company'                        1A
BOTH            COMPCOD           'Company code'                   3A
BOTH            USER              'User calling the program'      10A
BOTH            ERRORS            'Error indicator'                1A
BOTH            ERRMSG            'Error message'                100A
BOTH            ERRFIELD          'Field in error'                20A