BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBCMPNAME 'Company name' 35A
BOTH SBDATFMT 'Date format default' 4A
BOTH SBTIMFMT 'Time format default' 4A
BOTH SBDEMHI 'Demand filter high' 1 0
BOTH SBDEMLO 'Demand filter low' 1 0
BOTH SBSMFACTR 'Smoothing factor' 3 2
BOTH SBREPCARY 'Replenish carry rate %' 3 1
BOTH SBFBCARRY 'For buy carry rate %' 3 1
BOTH SBTSLIMIT 'Tracking signal limit' 3 2
BOTH SBSERVICE 'Service level %' 3 1
BOTH SBHEADCST 'Order header cost' 7 2
BOTH SBLINECST 'Order line cost' 5 2
BOTH SBSLOW 'Slow mover limit' 3 0
BOTH SBFACTPI 'Factor price increas %' 3 0
BOTH SBFACTDSC 'Factor discount %' 3 0
BOTH SBFACTDAT 'Factor dating %' 3 0
BOTH SBFACTALT 'Factor altr source %' 3 0
BOTH SBFBFILTR 'For buy filter days' 3 0
BOTH SBFBMAX 'For buy maximum days' 3 0
BOTH SBALTADV 'Alt source advantage %' 3 1
BOTH SBALTMAXP 'Alt source maximum %' 3 1
BOTH SBALTMAXD 'Alt source max days' 3 0
BOTH SBALTMINQ 'Alt source min annl qty' 3 0
BOTH SBALTMIND 'Alt source min $/line' 5 0
BOTH SBALTINVS 'Alternate investment %' 3 1
BOTH SBINTRATE 'Interest rate %' 3 1
BOTH SBFBFLAG 'Forward buy flag' 1 0
BOTH SBBRKOTHR 'Bracket build other' 8A
BOTH SBDELTLMT 'Delete count limit' 3 0
BOTH SBPROBDAY 'Probation perd in days' 3 0
BOTH SBDWINDOW 'Deal window in days' 3 0
BOTH SBVLDISCT 'Value discount days' 5 2
BOTH SBVLPINCR 'Value price incrs days' 5 2
BOTH SBVLDATNG 'Value dating %' 3 1
BOTH SBOVRDAYS 'OvrStk min crit days' 3 0
BOTH SBOVRDOLR 'OvrStk min crit dollar' 5 0
BOTH SBOVRDISC 'OvrStk discont flag' 1 0
BOTH SBOVRMANL 'OvrStk manual flag' 1 0
BOTH SBOVRCARY 'OverStk carry cost %' 3 1
BOTH SBSWALLOW 'Supplier switch allow' 1 0
BOTH SBDAYSUSD 'Days out used flag' 1 0
BOTH SBDAYSP12 'Days out perd 12 #days' 3 0
BOTH SBDAYSP13 'Days out perd 13 #days' 3 0
BOTH SBDAYSP52 'Days out perd 52 #days' 3 0
BOTH SBDAILY 'Daily demand used' 1 0
BOTH SBFORDEVP 'Dft DEV % new product' 3 1
BOTH SBNODEVP 'No demnd & fcst DEV %' 3 1
BOTH SBLEADTMV 'Lead time variance %' 3 1
BOTH SBPROCESS 'Process night job flag' 1 0
BOTH SBBUYRBAD 'BuyGrp missing suplier' 5A
BOTH SBDEALEXP 'Deals expire # days' 3 0
BOTH SBCONVPKP 'Convenience pack %' 3 1
BOTH SBDSPTOT1 'Order total unit 1st' 1 0
BOTH SBDSPTOT2 'Order total unit 2nd' 1 0
BOTH SBSZHILO 'Seasonal check hi-lo' 3 2
BOTH SBSZSENS 'Seasonal sense value' 3 2
BOTH SBSZMA12 'Seasonal match yr 1-2' 5 3
BOTH SBSZMA13 'Seasonal match yr 1-3' 5 3
BOTH SBOVRHEAD 'Overhead costs %' 3 1
BOTH SBTRMPROD 'Trim product ID type' 1 0
BOTH SBFORMETH 'Forecast method' 1 0
BOTH SBINVMETH 'Investment method' 1 0
BOTH SBREPTDAT 'Reports date format' 4A
BOTH SBREPTTIM 'Reports time format' 4A
BOTH SBRETURN 'Return on investment %' 3 1
BOTH SBAPPROVE 'Approve 0=immed 1=EOD' 1 0
BOTH SBEXITCHK 'Exit to check program' 1 0
BOTH SBSCHEMLT 'Schedule multi-location' 1 0
BOTH SBUSEBMLT 'Use Buy Mult ovr-stock' 1 0
BOTH SBAVGZERO 'Average to zero allow' 1 0
BOTH SBOVERCST 'Over-ride cost allow' 1 0
BOTH SBLTMUSE 'Orders use supl LT' 1 0
BOTH SBPURDISC 'Purchase disc products' 1 0
BOTH SBRNDDISC 'Round SOQ disc product' 1 0
BOTH SBRPLZERO 'Replace zero cost prod' 1 0
BOTH SBALTSRND 'Alt source special round' 1 0
BOTH SBPRDGRP1 'Prod group 1 ovr allowed' 1 0
BOTH SBPRDGRP2 'Prod group 2 ovr allowed' 1 0
BOTH SBPRDGRP3 'Prod group 3 ovr allowed' 1 0
BOTH SBPRDGRP4 'Prod group 4 ovr allowed' 1 0
BOTH SBPRDGRP5 'Prod group 5 ovr allowed' 1 0
BOTH SBSEASEXC 'Seasonality exclude low' 1 0
BOTH SBEXTALTR 'Exter control Alt srce' 1 0
BOTH SBNEGSALE 'Allow neg sales return' 1 0
BOTH SBNOTEKEY 'Supl in prod note key' 1 0