APIs For This Group
- DOABCHS - Demand Occurrences For All Products
- DODBCHS - Demand Occurrences For Disctontinued Products
- HDVBCHS - High Deviation Percentage Batch
- LDVBCHS - Low Deviation Percentage Batch
- LS1BCHS - Lost Sales Last Night O/H > 0
- LS2BCHS - Lost Sales Last Night O/H = 0
- LS3BCHS - Lost Sales Last Night
- LTMBCHS - Lead Time Exceptions Batch
- OCRBCHS - Best Fit Order Cycle Batch
- OVGBCHS - Gather OV Checks to One Location
- FHIBCHS - Forecast Too High
- FLOBCHS - Forecast Too Low
- Q01BCHS - Custom Batch 01
- Q02BCHS - Custom Batch 02
- Q03BCHS - Custom Batch 03
- Q04BCHS - Custom Batch 04
- Q05BCHS - Custom Batch 05
- Q06BCHS - Custom Batch 06
- Q07BCHS - Custom Batch 07
- Q08BCHS - Custom Batch 08
- Q09BCHS - Custom Batch 09
- Q10BCHS - Custom Batch 10
- IVFBCHS - Inventory Float
- ND1 - No demand for 1 Year
- ND2 - No demand for 2 Years
- ND3 - No demand for 3 Years
- OBS - Obsolete Products
- OUT - Out of Stock Last Night
- OVR - Overstock Products
- PDF - Product Link Type D - From
- PDT - Product Link Type D - To
- PSD - Product System Status - Discontinued
- PSL - Product System Status - Lumpy
- PSN - Product System Status - New
- PSR - Product System Status - Regular
- PSS - Product System Status - Slow
- PUF - Product User Status - Frozen
- PUM - Product User Status - Manual
- PUP - Product User Status - Probation
- PUW - Product User Status - Watch
- ZCG - Change to a different Profile
- ZNW - New Profile might be needed
- ZRM - Remove current profile
- Z00 - Profile has factor 0.00
- Z10 - Profile has small Factor
- ZY1 - Profile > 1 Year Old
- ZY2 - Profile > 2 Years old
- PE1 - Demand Filter High Check
- PE2 - Demand Filter Low Check
- PE3 - Tracking Signal trending UP
- PE4 - Tracking SIgnal Trending Down
- PE5 - Service Level Target Check
- PE6 - Watch Products
- PE7 - New Products
- PE8 - Manual Products
- PE9 - Discontinued Products
- PN1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
- ZC1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
- ZN1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
- ZR1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
- NDD - No Demand for XX Number of days submitted.
- GRP - Product Supplier Group Batch
- SFW - Sales Entry Review Batch
- SFR - Sales Entry Release Batch
DOABCHS - Demand Occurrences For All Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
BOTH OPDEMOCR 'Demand Occurrence' 2A
BOTH OPDEMCND 'Demand Condition' 1A
BOTH OPDEMPRD 'Demand Periods' 2A
DODBCHS - Demand Occurrences For Disctontinued Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
BOTH OPDEMOCR 'Demand Occurrence' 2A
BOTH OPDEMCND 'Demand Condition' 1A
BOTH OPDEMPRD 'Demand Periods' 2A
HDVBCHS - High Deviation Percentage Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
LDVBCHS - Low Deviation Percentage Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
LS1BCHS - Lost Sales Last Night O/H > 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
LS2BCHS - Lost Sales Last Night O/H = 0
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
LS3BCHS - Lost Sales Last Night
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
LTMBCHS - Lead Time Exceptions Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
OCRBCHS - Best Fit Order Cycle Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Description' 30A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPLOCN 'ID location' 5A
OVGBCHS - Gather OV Checks to One Location
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
BOTH OPLOCNOV 'Location for OVG' 5A
FHIBCHS - Forecast Too High
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
FLOBCHS - Forecast Too Low
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q01BCHS - Custom Batch 01
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q02BCHS - Custom Batch 02
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q03BCHS - Custom Batch 03
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q04BCHS - Custom Batch 04
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q05BCHS - Custom Batch 05
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q06BCHS - Custom Batch 06
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q07BCHS - Custom Batch 07
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q08BCHS - Custom Batch 08
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q09BCHS - Custom Batch 09
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Q10BCHS - Custom Batch 10
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
IVFBCHS - Inventory Float
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ND1 - No demand for 1 Year
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ND2 - No demand for 2 Years
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ND3 - No demand for 3 Years
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
OBS - Obsolete Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
OUT - Out of Stock Last Night
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
OVR - Overstock Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PDF - Product Link Type D - From
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PDT - Product Link Type D - To
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PSD - Product System Status - Discontinued
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PSL - Product System Status - Lumpy
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PSN - Product System Status - New
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PSR - Product System Status - Regular
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PSS - Product System Status - Slow
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PUF - Product User Status - Frozen
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PUM - Product User Status - Manual
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PUP - Product User Status - Probation
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PUW - Product User Status - Watch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZCG - Change to a different Profile
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZNW - New Profile might be needed
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZRM - Remove current profile
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Z00 - Profile has factor 0.00
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
Z10 - Profile has small Factor
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZY1 - Profile > 1 Year Old
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZY2 - Profile > 2 Years old
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE1 - Demand Filter High Check
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE2 - Demand Filter Low Check
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE3 - Tracking Signal trending UP
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE4 - Tracking SIgnal Trending Down
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE5 - Service Level Target Check
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE6 - Watch Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE7 - New Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE8 - Manual Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PE9 - Discontinued Products
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
PN1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZC1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZN1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
ZR1BCHS - Product Syst Sts - New - One batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
NDD - No Demand for XX Number of days submitted.
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
BOTH SBNUMDAYS 'Number of days' 3A
GRP - Product Supplier Group Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBSEPBUYR 'Separate batch by Buyer Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPREGN 'Separate batch by Region Flag' 1A
BOTH SBSEPLOCN 'Separate batch by Locatn Flag' 1A
BOTH SBMINDOLR 'Annual Minimum Dollars' 7A
BOTH SBMINUNIT 'Annual Minimum Units' 7A
BOTH SBSELVIEW 'Selection View' 1A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH SBAUTOBCH 'Autobatch Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUBLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPSZMA12 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-2' 5A
BOTH OPSZMA13 'Seasonality Match Yr 1-3' 5A
BOTH OPSZHILO 'Check Hi-low' 3A
BOTH OPSENS 'Sensibilty' 3A
BOTH OPHIDEVP 'High Deviation Minimum Value' 3A
SFW - Sales Entry Review Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBNIGHT 'Run In Night Job' 1A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPREASON 'Reasonability Flag' 1A
BOTH OPBATCH 'Add to Existing Batch' 8 0
SFR - Sales Entry Release Batch
BOTH K3SOBJ 'K3S Object library' 10A
BOTH COMP 'Company' 1A
BOTH COMPCOD 'Company code' 3A
BOTH USER 'User calling the program' 10A
BOTH ERRORS 'Error indicator' 1A
BOTH ERRMSG 'Error message' 100A
BOTH ERRFIELD 'Field in error' 20A
BOTH SBNIGHT 'Run In Night Job' 1A
BOTH SBDESCR 'Batch Comments' 30A
BOTH SBPGMTYP 'Program type' 1A
BOTH SBBUYR 'Buyer Group' 5A
BOTH SBLOCN 'Location ID' 5A
BOTH SBPRCFLG 'Submitting Flag' 1A
BOTH OPSUPL 'Supplier' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLSUB 'Supplier Sub' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP1 'Supplier Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP2 'Supplier Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP3 'Supplier Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP4 'Supplier Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPSUPLGP5 'Supplier Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP1 'Product Group 1' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP2 'Product Group 2' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP3 'Product Group 3' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP4 'Product Group 4' 10A
BOTH OPPRODGP5 'Product Group 5' 10A
BOTH OPREASON 'Reasonability Flag' 1A
BOTH SBRELEASE 'Release Value' 1A