R6.51 Technical

Release 6.51 Techinal Notes

0001.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0002.00 Notes for Release 6.51          Jan 01,2024              rel_6.51.doc  
0003.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0004.00 Program changes in 5MOD unless otherwise noted:                        
0006.00 01) K3S_BACKUP - Check tablecode for serial # to see if Providence     
0007.00                  should be initiated; remove old dashboard calls to    
0008.00                  AR_MONITOR; save off additional IFS folder of         
0009.00                  diverter and interface folders; save at V7R4M0.       
0011.00 02) K3S_CVRT22 - The last version of this lecacy program and process   
0012.00                  to add tablecodes has been copied to library          
0013.00                  K3S_TABLE; dated V12.05.2022.                         
0014.00                  Hosted customers will now follow the                  
0015.00                  new table code promotion process outlined at the      
0016.00                  end of this document.                                 
0019.00 03) K3S_EML_35 - Standard email checks now accept incoming parm     
0020.00     K3S_EML_36 - Email message when SFTP resend PO success          
0021.00     K3S_EML_37 - Email message when SFTP resend PO failed           
0024.00 04) K3S_EML_01 - Standard email checks now accept incoming parm     
0025.00     K3S_EML_02   for MOD library.                                   
0026.00     K3S_EML_02                                                      
0027.00     K3S_EML_03                                                      
0028.00     K3S_EML_04                                                      
0029.00     K3S_EML_30                                                      
0031.00 05) K3S_EML_30 - Change for additional incoming parms; softcoded and
0032.00                  add PO number to email subject.                    
0034.00 06) K3S_FTP_IP - Soft coded method to retrieve exchange site           
0035.00                  from a tablecode.                                     
0037.00 07) K3S_NIGHT  - Pass parm for MOD library to email alert programs     
0038.00                  (K3S_EML_*).                                          
0039.00                - Serial number checks                                  
0040.00                - Soft coded method to pull exchange site from          
0041.00                  a tablecode                                           
0043.00 08) K3S_POPARM - Logic to get PO type based on K_TRANCEN was not in the
0044.00                  right spot so that we can retrieve T = transfer       
0045.00                  for PO type on transfer suppliers.                    
0047.00 09) K3S_PORSND - Log record of PO Resend attempt initiated             
0049.00 10) K3S_REDOCL - Starting source to clone if you need to rebuid        
0050.00     K3S_REDO01   history. Requires adjustment to PARMS to use
0051.00     K3S_REDO02   as desired. Works for FORCINT 13.                  
0053.00 11) K3S_RESEND - Starting source for PO resend.                     
0054.00                  Log resend attempts to K_PORSLOG.                  
0056.00 12) K3S_RTVCOD - Retrieve the environments 3 letter COMPCOD         
0058.00 13) K3S_SASA   - New version of program for fresh install to include
0059.00                  COMP parm coming in.                               
0061.00 14) K3S_SVGRPS - New starting source to create P12 and K_GRP1SRV    
0062.00                  records when setting up new customer.              
0064.00 15) K3S_SRL_BK - New program to check tablecode for serial number   
0065.00                  to see if Backup process should be initiated.      
0067.00 16) K3S_SRL_DL - New program to check tablecode for serial number
0068.00                  to see if files should be deleted at exchange site.   
0070.00 17) K3S_SRL_FL - New program to check tablecode for serial number      
0071.00                  to see if files should be sent back to exchange site. 
0073.00 18) K3S_SRL_ML - New program to check tablecode for serial number      
0074.00                  to see if email message should be sent.               
0076.00 19) K3S_SRL_PO - New program to check tablecode for serial number      
0077.00                  to see if PO file should be sent back to exchange site
0079.00 20) K3S_SRL_PR - New program to check tablecode for serial number      
0080.00                  to see if Providence should be initiated.             
0082.00 21) K3S_SRL_RS - New program to check tablecode for serial number      
0083.00                  to see if PO auto re-send should be initiated         
0084.00                  if first attempt failed. This is for future use.      
0086.00 22) K3S_SRL_SV - New program to check tablecode for serial number     
0087.00                  to see if night job should save libraries            
0088.00                  5MOD and 5DTA into SAVFs before night job begins.    
0090.00 23) K3S_SRLCOD - Call and pass parms to easily add set of SRL         
0091.00                  tablecode settings for a serial number.              
0092.00                  Instructions are in program comments.                
0093.00 24) K3S_XP1015 - When a PO is overreceived, max out at 200 percent.   
0094.00                  Handle when there are multiple receipt dates for a   
0095.00                  single product on a single PO.                       
0097.00 25) K3S_1091CL - New process for hosted customers on where the        
0098.00     K3S_1091SB   pro forma report goes to in the IFS.                 
0099.00                  K3S_1091CL will now submit new program K3S_1091SB.   
0100.00                  K3S_1091CL must declare the customer's 3 letter code.
0102.00 26) K3S_1101SB - Pass parm for MOD library to email alert programs _*) 
0103.00                  (K3S_EML_*).                                          
0104.00                - capture data to I_POFILE so customer can retrieve PO  
0105.00                - pass PO# to email when SFTP of PO file fails          
0107.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0108.00 Physical & logical files added/changed/deleted in release for K3S_5DTA 
0109.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0111.00 There are 6 new Physical files and 4 new Logical files added in this   
0112.00 release.                                                               
0114.00 Changes to Views:                                                      
0115.00   K_POLISTER - change to add INNER JOIN statement                      
0117.00 New Views / Indexes:                                                   
0119.00   K_CUSTORD  LF  Customer Orders View Off K_INTDALY                
0120.00   K_PRODHLDH LF  Customer Orders View Off K_INTDALY                
0121.00   K_UTILITYA LF  Utility File by UL_TYPE, UL_USERA5, UL_USERA7     
0123.00 New Physical Files:                                                
0124.00   K_GPSLOCN  PF  K3S Location Information                        GP
0125.00   K_HASMAP   PF  K3S Hub and Spoke Map                           MP
0126.00   K_LOGCLUL  PF  Log of all K_UTILCOL processing                 U2
0127.00   K_UTILCOL  PF  Utility Column Header                           UH
0128.00   K_UTILITY  PF  Utility File                                    UL
0129.00   K_UTILLOG  PF  Log of all K_UTILITY processing                 U1
0131.00 After this release installed, there should be exactly 544 objects  
0132.00 in library K3S_5DTA (data files library) excluding any CUSTOM      
0133.00 indexes built for the customer.                                    
0134.00       (Rel 6.5  had 534 objects)                                   
0136.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0137.00 Programs and Files in library K3S_5MOD                                 
0138.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0140.00 -- RPGLE                                                               
0141.00   Listed above.                                                        
0143.00 -- CLLE                                                                
0144.00   Listed above.                                                        
0146.00 -- PF                                                                  
0147.00 I_POFILE  clone of the customer's K_POFILE; roll out as necessary      
0148.00 K_PORSLOG Log of PO resend attemps.                                    
0150.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0151.00 Legacy Programs and Files in library K3S_5OBJ                          
0152.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0154.00 -- RPGLE                                                               
0155.00 None.                                                                  
0157.00 -- CLLE                                                                
0158.00 None.                                                                  
0160.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0161.00 Programs and Files in library K3S_5CNV                                 
0162.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0164.00 Conversion process revamp to update starting source to be R6 ready.    
0166.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0167.00 Changes to library K3S_5WEB                                            
0168.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0170.00 ELEMENTS column added to file USER.                                    
0171.00 Object USERM0001 added.                                                
0173.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0174.00 Changes for library QGPL/QCLSRC                                        
0175.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0176.00   None                                                                 
0178.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0179.00 Special instructions for all customers                                 
0180.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0182.00   Manually add the new indexes and views to 5DTA library:              
0183.00           K_BTCHCMB                                                    
0184.00           K_CUSTORD                                                    
0185.00   Ensure the objects have text.                                        
0186.00   Grant authority *PUBLIC *ALL to the object.                          
0188.00   Several processes are now protected with a serial number check       
0189.00   (tablecode group SRL and RPG programs K3S_SRL*; which replaces       
0190.00    any logic that may have used tablcodes FTP and RPG programs         
0191.00    K3S_FTP*). Processes doing a serial number check:                   
0192.00         PO Approval (the prior method was an APP tablecode)            
0193.00         Email                                                          
0194.00         Initiate Backup                                                
0195.00         Initiate Providence                                            
0196.00         Send files back to exchange site                               
0197.00         Delete files at exchange site                                  
0199.00   Night job program K3S_NIGHT to perform a serial number check         
0200.00   to see if we create a backup of libraries 5MOD and 5DTA into SAVFS   
0201.00   Before the night job begins.                                         
0203.00   Remove any calls to legacy Dashboard AR_MONITOR.                     
0205.00   Remove scheduled jobs K3S_5DPLOY and K3S_5RFRSH if they exist at     
0206.00   non-hosted customer sites.                                           
0207.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0208.00 Special instructions for some customers                                
0209.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0210.00    None                                                                
0211.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0212.00 Special notes for K3S.                                                 
0213.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0214.00     New Tablecode promotion process under construction for hosted      
0215.00     customers to utilize library K3S_TABLE. Further instructions are   
0216.00     in TABLCOD_CL on how to submit the process for a 3 letter          
0217.00     environment code.                                                  
0219.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------