R4.35 January 1st, 2005

Release 4.35

1) Product Bracket Level Costs - Added the capability to define when a specific bracket level is reached different costs can be used.

2) Deal Entry – F21=Start capability - F21=Start capability has been added to the K3S_5050 New Deal Select Products screen.

3) Products listed by Product Average - A new view option has been added to the K3S_1030 Orders – Product Summary screen that will show products with the highest average first.

4) Purchase Order Over-rides - This new feature will provide total flexibility to the user, allowing the renaming of the Qty divisor and Unit of measure fields in K3S_3000 Product Maintenance screen. This will permit the user to change the text to something more consistent to what they normally see.

5) Product History Type control - This new capability provides better control for up to 9 additional types of product history to be displayed.