R4.36 July 1st, 2005

Release 4.36

1) Product Detail ”Hot Text” area expanded, made unique - The information displayed on line 8 of the K3S_1040 - Product Detail screen has been expanded from 51 characters to 74 characters providing more room to assist the buyer. Equally important, the 74 characters displayed can be the same, or totally different to the “Hot Text” displayed on the K3S_3030 – Product History screen. Prior to this release both “Hot Text” areas (in K3S_1040 and K3S_3030) had to be the same.

2) Product History “Hot Text” area expanded, made unique - The information displayed on line 8 of the K3S_3030 - Product History screen has been expanded from 51 characters to 78 characters providing more room to assist the buyer. Equally important, the 78 characters displayed can be the same, or totally different to the “Hot Text” displayed on the K3S_1040 – Product Detail screen. Prior to this release both “Hot Text” areas (in K3S_1040 and K3S_3030) had to be the same.

3) Update Order Cycle task now more user friendly - When the buyer is analyzing a supplier in K3S_2040 - Order Cycle Analysis, a new ‘F5=Update Order Cycle’ capability will automatically take the lowest ‘Annual net cost’ answer and display it in a WINDOW for entry. No longer must a buyer ‘remember’ the answer to use for update. With the new WINDOW approach the buyer can see the results of the five chosen Order Cycle columns, and can still enter any Order Cycle value needed.

4) New ‘7=Un-Cancel’ capability on a ‘CN’ cancelled order - A buyer now has the capability to un-cancel a suggested order that may have been cancelled by mistake. On the K3S_1010 Orders – Supplier Summary screen the new option of ‘7=Un-Cancel’ performs the task, and will turn any ‘CN’ cancelled order back into a suggested order that can be approved.

5) New ‘Selected Products Review’ types of LS1, LS2, LS3 - Three new ‘Selected Products Review’ types help a buyer to analyze daily information and try to determine what might be causing lost sales for a product. The batch type of ‘LS1’ will contain products that show lost sales last night, yet quantity on hand exists. The batch type of ‘LS2’ will contain products that show lost sales last night, and no quantity on hand exists. The batch type of ‘LS3’ will include products that show lost sales last night, regardless of the quantity on hand position (‘LS1’ and ‘LS2’).

6) Directly to K3S_8000 - All locations for a product - The buyer now has a direct path from the K3S Main Menu to screen K3S_8000 using ‘F2=All locations for a product’. This new direct path, coupled with the ability to add users who can only ‘view’ information, provide a great way for K3S customers to add users who need inquiry capability into K3S, but no update capability.

7) Directly to K3S_9560 – Search for product by description - The buyer now has a direct path from the K3S Main Menu to screen K3S_9560 using ‘F5=Search for product by description’. After selecting a product the user proceeds directly into the K3S_8000 – All locations for a product screen, where further navigation can take place.

8) Default values for Supplier Group 1 and/or Group 2 - Several K3S customers use the option of requiring specific Supplier Group 1 and/or Group 2 values to be entered on screen K3S_2000 - Supplier Maintenance. The new enhancement provides customers a place to store a default value for Group 1 and/or Group 2 that will be used when the buyer does an ‘F6=Add’ to add a new supplier.

9) ‘Customer deal information’ activated - When the buyer is entering a new deal, an optional section of the K3S_5050 Deal - Header Information screen includes ‘Customer deal information’ (bottom of screen). The four fields that are now activated in this release are Begin date, End date, Dating date and Note. They can be stored and passed on to a customer’s application.

10) Export deal information - This new capability provides an export program and file format to assist customers who want to take deal information from the K3S database, and pass it on to other applications.

11) K3S Purchase Order System From the K3S Main Menu - A new menu option ‘11. Purchase orders’ will appear for customers using the K3S Purchase Order System. This application is licensed separately from K3S.

12) K3S Processing Schedule more clearly describes dates - On occasion a K3S customer must go into the K3S Processing Schedule to make an adjustment that will effect the next date used for the night job. Several improvements were made to more clearly describe what the current K3S System date is, and also what date will next be used by the night job.

13) Turns Report - This new report provides the capability to measure the service level and turns for products.