R6.4 January 1st, 2022

R6.4 January 1st, 2022

Dynamic List

The most asked for feature in K3S has been the ability to select specific products and suppliers for start list. With R6.4, it is here! You can access the dynamic list on Supplier Settings, Product Settings, All Product Locations, and Products On Suggested Order.

New Search Feature Location

We have moved the search feature to the top navigation bar on every screen. This gives you the ability to search for products and suppliers even faster. We also added to ability to search for notes!

Metrics Updates

We have revamped the navigation in metrics. K3S Metrics allow you to view the outbound performance at several levels including company, location, buyer, supplier, and product.

Hide and Ignore POs The Hide and Ignore features allows you to keep your list of POs organized. They are great for canceled POs or POs you want to disregard.

Hide will remove from the list AND will hide the PO from the Product POs screen.

Ignore will ignore the status but works the same as normal aside from that. This is effective when you have POs shown as late that were canceled.

Your Screen List

Building onto the new Your Screen feature, the Your Screen List will allow for multiple Your Screens in a pop up window. This is a configurable add-on.

Like Hold-Outs, where there are active Product Links, the button will appear gold. This will give you more awareness to any links on products.

Daily Activity Overview

To provide managers with better visibility of user activity, we have added the new Daily Activity Overview. The dashboard will allow you to choose which users you would like to monitor.