R6.5 User

Release 6.5 User

  1. Retriever provides the ability to fetch custom files. Setup a tablecode with type RTR to use this.

  2. Batches now provide filter ability by product group codes.

  3. New company option to display the prime note instead of the Your Space data for the ‘F2=Additional Info’ tab of the Products on Suggested Order screen. This is controlled through tablecode API - NOTEONPRODLIST.

  4. An All Locations screen is now available for your Work Locations

  5. Screens can now be configured to provide Your Actions. Utilize the YSA tablecode group.

  6. There is a new batch type of GRP.

  7. PO Metrics now identifies products added to an order after the PO was placed through K3S.

  8. Filter by Split code

  9. Make U check button red if count > 0

  10. Customers can be configured for automatic batches with a button to access the batches from the main screen. Utilize the ABT tablcode group.

  11. Ability to copy permanent deals from one location to another

  12. Ability to resequence notes