R4.33 Technical

Release 4.33 Technical Notes

0001.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0002.00 Notes for Release 4.33  January 2nd, 2004                
0003.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0005.00 01) K3S_CHGPRT - Added the PARM for User Status blank (&UBLK)          
0006.00     K3S_PRTCFM   Placed field blank " " as option for User Status.     
0007.00                  Switch from RANGE to VALUES for alphanumeric field.   
0009.00 02) K3S_CVRT22 - Changes to table code records:                        
0011.00                     APP Applications Control                           
0012.00                          K3S_3920  COLLECT    - Collect daily          
0013.00                                                  information?          
0014.00                                               - Flag1=1 will control   
0015.00                                                  capture of data into  
0016.00                                                  file K_DLYPROD.       
0017.00                                               - Flag2=1 will control   
0018.00                                                  capture of data only  
0019.00                                                  when DEMAND > 0.      
0021.00                          K3S_3920  SHIFT      - Shift days for         
0022.00                                                  K_WEEKDIS?            
0023.00                                               - Flag1=1 will control   
0024.00                                                  need to shift days    
0025.00                                                  into file K_WEEKDIS.  
0026.00                                               - Description3 contains  
0027.00                                                  # of days to shift.   
0029.00                          K3S_3433  COLLECT    - Collect weekly         
0030.00                                                  distribution?         
0031.00                                               - Flag1=1 will control   
0032.00                                                  collection of data    
0033.00                                                  into file K_WEEKDIS.  
0034.00                                               - Flag2 contains day to  
0035.00                                                  collect data. Default 
0036.00                                                  is '3' for Tuesday.   
0038.00                          K3S_9010  COST_0     - Log when cost sent     
0039.00                                                  as $0?                
0040.00                                               - Use Flag2=1 if you     
0041.00                                                  want to use default   
0042.00                                                  cost in Number2.      
0043.00                                               - Number2 can contain    
0044.00                                                  default cost.         
0046.00                     NJP Night Job Parameters                           
0047.00                       Other than the AUTO_PO parameter below which     
0048.00                       is new, the other PARMs were passed from         
0049.00                       K3S_NIGHT to K3S_NITECL, and now are             
0050.00                       obtained from K_TABLCOD at the begining of       
0051.00                       K3S_NITECL via a new RPG program K3S_9998.       
0052.00                          ALT_SYSTEM  Alter Source System installed?    
0053.00                          AUTO_PO     Auto PO approval installed?       
0054.00                          FIRST_TIME  First time to 'D' make 'M'?       
0055.00                          LOG_REPORT  Log Report processing?            
0056.00                          LOG_TYPE_5  Log type '5' exit?                
0057.00                          OVERSTOCK   Overstock process to run?         
0058.00                          PER_FILTER  Period End Filter installed?      
0059.00                          PROD_LINK   Product linkage processing?       
0060.00                          TRANSFER    Transfer Supplier installed?      
0061.00                          VALID_PROC  Supplier validation process?      
0062.00                                      (parms VALID_SUPL & VALID_SUB     
0063.00                                       come from VALID_PROC record)     
0065.00                     OSM Order summary modes                            
0066.00                          9  Locked orders                              
0068.00                     PIR Product interface log                          
0069.00                          c  Cost sent across as $0                     
0071.00                     RET Retain records # of days                       
0072.00                          K_DLYPROD Daily product interface log   (new) 
0073.00                          K_WEEKDIS Prod Weekly Dist. values log  (new) 
0074.00                          K_INTDALY - changed days from 180 to 75       
0076.00                     SPS Selected products batch status                 
0077.00                          9  Locked batch                               
0079.00                     TLE New title records for -                        
0080.00                          K3S_1042FM1C  Daily interface information     
0081.00                          K3S_1043FM1C  Manage daily information        
0082.00                          K3S_2028FM1C  Company VOC changes log         
0083.00                          K3S_2029FM1C  Locations VOC changes log       
0084.00                          K3S_3365FM1R  Purchase Adjustments Selection  
0085.00                          K3S_3420FM1C  Product Weekly Distribution     
0086.00                          K3S_3427FM1C  Product Weekly Dist changes log 
0087.00                          K3S_3430FM1C  Product Weekly Distribution     
0088.00                          K3S_3431FM1C  Supplier Weekly Distribution    
0089.00                          K3S_3432FM1C  Company Weekly Distribution     
0090.00                          K3S_3438FM1C  Location Weekly Distribution    
0091.00                          K3S_3434FM1C  Product Wkly Dist Selection     
0092.00                          K3S_3590FM1R  Supplier Seasonality Analyzer   
0093.00                          K3S_7101FM1R  Period End Performance Select   
0095.00                     WDR Weekly distribution records                    
0096.00                          CP  Company percents by day                   
0097.00                          CS  Company safety stock percents             
0098.00                          CU  Company usage flags 1 and 2               
0099.00                          CW  Company weekly values                     
0100.00                          LP  Location percents by day                  
0101.00                          LS  Location safety stock percents            
0102.00                          LU  Location usage flags 1 and 2              
0103.00                          LW  Location weekly values                    
0104.00                          PW  Product weekly values (qty)               
0105.00                          P1  Product values current                    
0106.00                          P2  Product values previous P1                
0107.00                          P3  Product values previous P2                
0108.00                          P4  Product values previous P3                
0109.00                          P5  Product values previous P4                
0110.00                          P6  Product values previous P5                
0111.00                          SW  Supplier weekly values ($)                
0112.00                          S1  Supplier values current                   
0113.00                          S2  Supplier values previous S1               
0114.00                          S3  Supplier values previous S2               
0115.00                          S4  Supplier values previous S3               
0116.00                          S5  Supplier values previous S4               
0117.00                          S6  Supplier values previous S5               
0119.00 03) K3S_FIXBDF - Create a new User Preference record in file           
0120.00                  K_USERPRF with the key of 'K3S_BUYERS' which is       
0121.00                  used to hold the default information whenever the     
0122.00                  user presses F6=Add in K3S_9040.                      
0124.00 04) K3S_FIXDLY - This program can be used to reset the field           
0125.00                  R1_SALEDAT in file K_DLYPROD if a change in the       
0126.00                  operational process is required.                      
0128.00 05) K3S_FIXPRT - The new User Status setting of " " (blank) for        
0129.00                  report settings needs the initial value set to a      
0130.00                  1=Yes in the K_TABLCOD record of UPD.                 
0132.00 06) K3S_FIXSH1 - Fix PH_SUPLUSR, PH_SUPLUSB in K_PRODHIS               
0134.00 07) K3S_FIXSH2 - Fix PW_SUPLUSR, PW_SUPLUSB in K_PRODH52               
0136.00 08) K3S_FIXTBL - Adjustments to K_TABLCOD file for                     
0137.00                    TLE  K3S_1042FM1C  Daily interface information      
0138.00                    PGM  K3S_1042      Daily interface information      
0139.00                    VOC  D             removing old defaults            
0140.00                    VSS                removing records                 
0141.00                    TYP  VSS           removing records                 
0143.00 09) K3S_FIXWKD - Set K_WEEKDIS for Company and Location defaults       
0145.00 10) K3S_FIX104 - Delete RES Restrick record from K_TABLCOD for         
0146.00                   both K3S_1042 and K3S_1043.                          
0147.01 10.5) K3S_FX433A – Change RET (Retain # of days) K_TABLCOD record for
0147.02                     file K_INTDALY to 75 days.
0148.00 11) K3S_NIGHT  - Removing all but the PARMs for &COMP, &K3S_DTA,       
0149.00                   &CUSTLIB, &K3S_OBJ, &K3S_MOD. These 5 PARMs will     
0150.00                   still be controlled here, while all the other        
0151.00                   previous PARMs will now come from the K_TABLCOD      
0152.00                   file under type 'NJP' Night CL Parameters            
0154.00 12) K3S_NITECL - Removing all but the PARMs for &COMP, &K3S_DTA,       
0155.00                   &CUSTLIB, &K3S_OBJ, &K3S_MOD. These 5 PARMs will     
0156.00                   still be controlled via K3S_NIGHT, while the other   
0157.00                   previous PARMs will now come from the K_TABLCOD      
0158.00                   file under type 'NJP' Night Job Parameters.          
0159.00                   New program K3S_9998 provides these PARMs.           
0160.00                  New capability to control automatic POs via PARM      
0161.00                   &AUTO_PO.                                            
0162.00                  New capability to provide exit points for determing   
0163.00                   Year End has occured for each Forecast Interval of   
0164.00                   12, 13, and 52.                                      
0165.00                  Capture of Approved Orders information used for       
0166.00                   reporting.                                           
0167.00                  At Period End generate records to K_PERDPER file      
0168.00                   used to report on Buyer Performance of doing         
0169.00                   Period End exceptions.                               
0170.00                  New capability to capture Daily Interface Information 
0171.00                   into file K_DLYPROD.                                 
0172.00                  New capability to capture Weekly Distribution Values  
0173.00                   into file K_WEEKDIS.                                 
0175.00 13) K3S_XRPTCL - Work files moved from being generated in library      
0176.00                  K3S_MOD, to being permanent in K3S_DTA. They are:     
0178.00                       from   SV_RANKSPL                                
0179.00                       to..   K_RANKSPLX                                
0181.00                       from   SV_RANKPRD                                
0182.00                       to..   K_RANKPRDX                                
0184.00                       from   SV_OBSOLET                                
0185.00                       to..   K_OBSOLETX                                
0187.00                       from   SV_PRODOVP                                
0188.00                       to..   K_PRODOVPX                                
0190.00                       from   SV_ORDCYCL                                
0191.00                       to..   K_ORDCYCLX                                
0193.00 14) K3S_X120CL - Added 3 PARMs to know when Year End has occured       
0194.00     K3S_X130CL -   "                                                   
0195.00     K3S_X134CL -   "                                                   
0196.00     K3S_X137CL -   "                                                   
0197.00     K3S_X140CL -   "                                                   
0198.00     K3S_X145CL -   "                                                   
0199.00     K3S_X150CL -   "                                                   
0200.00     K3S_X160CL -   "                                                   
0201.00     K3S_X170CL -   "                                                   
0202.00     K3S_X180CL -   "                                                   
0203.00     K3S_X190CL -   "                                                   
0204.00     K3S_X200CL -   "                                                   
0205.00     K3S_X210CL -   "                                                   
0206.00     K3S_X220CL -   "                                                   
0207.00     K3S_X230CL -   "                                                   
0208.00     K3S_X240CL -   "                                                   
0209.00     K3S_X250CL -   "                                                   
0210.00     K3S_X280CL -   "                                                   
0211.00     K3S_X290CL -   "                                                   
0212.00     K3S_X300CL -   "                                                   
0213.00     K3S_X310CL -   "                                                   
0215.00 15) K3S_0010   - K3S Main Menu to show new Release 4.33 Jan-02-2004    
0216.00     K3S_0010FM   Removed option 11. Purchase orders                    
0218.00 16) K3S_0020   - Added new option 10. Manage daily information         
0219.00     K3S_0020FM                                                         
0221.00 17) K3S_0030   - Added new option 8. Purchase Adjustments              
0222.00     K3S_0030FM   Added new option 9. Period End Exceptions Performance 
0223.00                  PARM for User Status of " " (blank) added to logic.   
0225.00 18) K3S_0031   - PARM for User Status of " " (blank) added to logic.   
0227.00 19) K3S_0050   - PARMs added to enable the new capability of going     
0228.00     K3S_0050FM    directly from option 1. Processing schedule, to      
0229.00                   option 9. Night job detail (with 1=Log in K3S_9070)  
0230.00                  Removed option 9. Night job detail, since we can      
0231.00                   now get to program K3S_9075 with 1=Log in K3S_9070   
0233.00 20) K3S_1010   - New capability to identify any suggested orders that  
0234.00     K3S_1010FM    are 'locked' by examining the SO_ORDBUSY=1 flag.     
0235.00                   Buyer can use new Mode of '9' to list any 'Locked    
0236.00                   orders'.                                             
0237.00                  Unlocking these 'locked' orders is now done with a    
0238.00                   new option '9=Unlock', which brings up a WINDOW      
0239.00                   for confirmation (and warning!)                      
0241.00 21) K3S_1015   - The unit 6 text was always displaying 'Other...' even 
0242.00                   when SP_BRKOTHR had other values.                    
0244.00 22) K3S_1030   - Fixed problem where F21=Start is initiated on the 12th
0245.00                   record of the subfile, and cursor ends up in the     
0246.00                   'View' field. Logic now knows where to start.        
0247.00                  Fixed problem where user had View=1 setting, then went
0248.00                   out to perform '2=Transfer' in K3S_8011. File cursor 
0249.00                   not set correctly, and user would bail out early     
0250.00                   in subfile.                                          
0252.00 23) K3S_1040   - New F5= exit to 'Daily interface information' which is
0253.00     K3S_1041      program K3S_1042.                                    
0254.00     K3S_1040FM                                                         
0255.00     K3S_1041FM                                                         
0257.00 24) K3S_1042   - New program to show 'Daily interface information'     
0258.00     K3S_1042FM    accessed using F5= from K3S_1040.                    
0260.00 25) K3S_1043   - New program to help 'Manage daily information'        
0261.00     K3S_1043FM    accessed using option 10 from Special Programs Menu  
0263.00 26) K3S_1053   - New CL program used within K3S_NITECL to control the  
0264.00     K3S_1053CL    Auto PO Approval process. Source provided in K3S_MOD.
0265.00                  Existing RPG program in K3S_MOD had a few adjustments 
0266.00                   made and new version can completely replace it.      
0268.00 27) K3S_1500   - Change so that deals are not used to 'buy extra days' 
0269.00                   in the Daily Replenishment environment.              
0270.00                  Change made for 'daytime logic only' and when buyer   
0271.00                   does recalculation of a supplier from K3S_1010,      
0272.00                   any 'un-locked' orders are deleted. When buyer       
0273.00                   does recalculation from K3S_1020, all orders are     
0274.00                   deleted for this supplier.                           
0275.00                  Test put in to avoid 'line extension' going over      
0276.00                   the value of $9,999,999 for the daytime              
0277.00                   F21=Recalculate logic. Night job alredy tested       
0278.00                   for condition.                                       
0280.00 28) K3S_1510   - Test put in to avoid 'line extension' going over      
0281.00                   the value of $9,999,999.                             
0283.00 29) K3S_1900   - Switch from RANGE to VALUES for alphanumeric field.   
0284.00     K3S_1900FM                                                         
0286.00 30) K3S_2000   - When buyer uses '4=Delete' for a supplier, and the    
0287.00                   'Active products' column does show 0 products,       
0288.00                   there may be products in Delete Count mode. If that  
0289.00                   case is encountered, then the message of             
0290.00                   'All products in delete count press ENTER' will      
0291.00                   appear. The supplier can not be deleted until all    
0292.00                   products are completely gone.                        
0294.00 31) K3S_2005   - Replaced the UMONTH,UDAY,UYEAR statements with        
0295.00                   CM_SYSDATE to properly get the value for TODAY.      
0296.00                   This was required to properly reset the value for    
0297.00                   SP_FXCNXT on Fixed Cycle Suppliers.                  
0299.00 32) K3S_2020   - Added both Company and Location capabilities to       
0300.00     K3S_2020FM    work with Weekly Distribution Values. Also the       
0301.00                   logging of changes for both groups added.            
0302.00                  The 'Lead Time' and 'Weekly Distribution' sections    
0303.00                   of information will now be protected from entry      
0304.00                   when the flags are off (0=No). When set to 1=Yes     
0305.00                   the headings are highlighted, and the fields         
0306.00                   become available for entry.                          
0307.00                  New exit to 'F7=Weekly history'                       
0309.00 33) K3S_2026   - Added logging for changes to Company and Location     
0310.00                   Variable Order Cycle information.                    
0312.00 34) K3S_2028   - New program to display the Company log of changes to  
0313.00     K3S_2028FM    Variable Order Cycle information.                    
0315.00 35) K3S_2029   - New program to display the Location log of changes to 
0316.00     K3S_2029FM    Variable Order Cycle information.                    
0318.00 36) K3S_2030   - New logical file used to display the information in   
0319.00                   descending sequence by year. This keeps the most     
0320.00                   current information at the top of the subfile.       
0322.00 37) K3S_2031   - The unit 6 'Other' total fields needed to be expanded 
0323.00     K3S_2031FM    to show larger values. The physical file did not     
0324.00                   need to be expanded, just the logic in the RPG       
0325.00                   was editting the totals too small.                   
0326.00                  The totals sections were not carrying the decimals    
0327.00                   through from the individual months totals.           
0328.00                  Changed the display of values to use commas, making   
0329.00                   it easier to understand large #'s.                   
0331.00 38) K3S_2032   - Changed the display of values to use commas, making   
0332.00     K3S_2032FM    it easier to understand large #'s.                   
0334.00 39) K3S_2040   - Ability to display negative values for Discount       
0335.00     K3S_2040FM    Savings which means Surcharge.                       
0337.00 40) K3S_2041   - Ability to calculate negative values for Discount     
0338.00                   Savings which means Surcharge.                       
0340.00 41) K3S_2044   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0341.00     K3S_2044CL    in selection criteria logic.                         
0343.00 42) K3S_2045   - Ability to print negative values for Discount         
0344.00     K3S_P2045     Savings which means Surcharge.                       
0346.00 43) K3S_2060   - Ability to maintain negative values for Discount      
0347.00     K3S_2060FM    Savings which means Surcharge.                       
0349.00 44) K3S_2067   - Ability to display negative values for Discount       
0350.00     K3S_2067FM    Savings which means Surcharge.                       
0352.00 45) K3S_3010   - When user performs the F19=Replace, and the 'From' and
0353.00     K3S_3010FM    'To' products have a different forecast interval,    
0354.00                   then a Warning WINDOW appears. But if user continued 
0355.00                   the new history records in either K_PRODHIS or       
0356.00                   K_PRODH52 would contain incorrect _SUPLUSR and       
0357.00                   _SUPLUSB values. Fix programs K3S_FIXSH1 and         
0358.00                   K3S_FIXSH2 will correct the data.                    
0359.00                  Switch from RANGE to VALUES for alphanumeric field.   
0361.00 46) K3S_3030   - When F23=Profile has been pressed, and the buyer is in
0362.00     K3S_3031      'What if?' mode, then clears the Profile ID and      
0363.00                   presses ENTER, the program was leaving the buyer in  
0364.00                   'What if?' mode, yet the Profile ID entry fields     
0365.00                   disappeared. Change will leave Profile ID entry      
0366.00                   fields on the screen while in 'What if?' mode.       
0367.00                  Change to not display many 0's on the screen when     
0368.00                   no sales have occured, even through there may be     
0369.00                   many years of history records.                       
0371.00 47) K3S_3034   - Logic added to not try and update K_PRODUCT if no     
0372.00                   records were selected by OPNQRYF.                    
0374.00 48) K3S_3080   - New option '9=Unlock' to Unlock batches. Replaces the 
0375.00     K3S_3080FM    previously used (but not displayed!) U=Unlock.       
0376.00                  New capability to display all of the locked batches   
0377.00                   using new Status code of '9', for 'Locked batch'.    
0379.00 49) K3S_3090   - Incorporate F8= exit logic for program. Batch#        
0380.00                   passed in the supplier field, and Batch Status       
0381.00                   passed in the sub supplier field.                    
0383.00 50) K3S_3100   - Make adjustment for field that did not work for       
0384.00     K3S_3100FM    RANGE keyword.                                       
0386.00 51) K3S_3110   - New logic for OUT 'Out of stock last night' added to  
0387.00                   program.                                             
0389.00 52) K3S_3200   - Added '1 of 2' and '2 of 2' to display for F20=Toggle.
0390.00     K3S_3200FM                                                         
0392.00 53) K3S_3300   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0393.00     K3S_3300CL    in selection criteria logic.                         
0395.00 54) K3S_3301   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0396.00     K3S_3301CL    in selection criteria logic.                         
0397.00     K3S_P3301                                                          
0399.00 55) K3S_3350   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0400.00     K3S_3350CL    in selection criteria logic.                         
0402.00 56) K3S_3351   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0403.00     K3S_3351CL    in selection criteria logic.                         
0404.00     K3S_P3351                                                          
0406.00 57) K3S_3360   - New program to capture Purchase Adjustments into file 
0407.00                   K_PRODAPP. This process runs during K3S night job.   
0409.00 58) K3S_3361   - New program to print Purchase Adjustments by          
0410.00     K3S_3361CL    Buyer                                                
0411.00     K3S_P3361                                                          
0413.00 59) K3S_3362   - New program to print Purchase Adjustments by          
0414.00     K3S_3362CL    Location                                             
0415.00     K3S_P3362                                                          
0417.00 60) K3S_3363   - New program to print Purchase Adjustments by          
0418.00     K3S_3363CL    Top Suppliers                                        
0419.00     K3S_P3363                                                          
0421.00 61) K3S_3364   - New program to print Purchase Adjustments by          
0422.00     K3S_3364CL    Hub Suppliers                                        
0423.00     K3S_P3364                                                          
0425.00 62) K3S_3365   - New program for Purchase Adjustments report           
0426.00     K3S_3365FM                                                         
0427.00     K3S_3365CL                                                         
0429.00 63) K3S_3420   - New '7=Weekly history' option.                        
0430.00     K3S_3420FM                                                         
0432.00 64) K3S_3430   - New Weekly Distribution program - Manage information  
0433.00     K3S_3430FM    product.                                             
0435.00 65) K3S_3431   - New Weekly Distribution program - Manage information  
0436.00     K3S_3431FM    supplier.                                            
0438.00 66) K3S_3432   - New Weekly Distribution program - Manage information  
0439.00     K3S_3432FM    company.                                             
0441.00 67) K3S_3433   - New Weekly Distribution program - Selection criteria  
0442.00     K3S_3433CL    batch.                                               
0444.00 68) K3S_3434   - New Weekly Distribution program - Selection criteria  
0445.00     K3S_3434FM    on-line.                                             
0447.00 69) K3S_3435   - New Weekly Distribution program - Build records into  
0448.00     K3S_3435CL    K_WEEKDIS file.                                      
0450.00 70) K3S_3436   - New Weekly Distribution program - Analyze weeks from  
0451.00                   K_WEEKDIS file.                                      
0453.00 71) K3S_3437   - New Weekly Distribution program - Update percentage   
0454.00                   into K_WEEKDIS file.                                 
0456.00 72) K3S_3438   - New Weekly Distribution program - Manage information  
0457.00     K3S_3438FM    location.                                            
0459.00 73) K3S_3450   - New capability to '2=Change' the new supplier source. 
0460.00     K3S_3450FM   Text changed from 'Regular supplier source'           
0461.00                                 to 'User System Supplier'              
0462.00                  Entry screen re-arranged for better productivity      
0463.00                   during mass entry of records.                        
0464.00                  Location field protected for single location          
0465.00                   environments.                                        
0467.00 74) K3S_3470   - Fixed problem where 'total days' were doubling up on  
0468.00     K3S_3470FM    the screen. Did not effect integrity of file         
0469.00                   information, this was display only fix.              
0470.00                  Improve the navigation for a user between a single    
0471.00                   location versus a multi-location environment         
0473.00 75) K3S_3585   - New analyze options: F6=Analyze supplier $, and       
0474.00     K3S_3585FM    F7=Analyze supplier qty                              
0476.00 76) K3S_3590   - New Seasonality Analyzer program will generate        
0477.00     K3S_3590FM    profile and attach to all products in supplier.      
0479.00 77) K3S_3610   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0480.00     K3S_3610FM    in selection criteria logic.                         
0481.00     K3S_3610CL   Switch from RANGE to VALUES for alphanumeric field.   
0483.00 78) K3S_3615   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0484.00     K3S_P3615     in selection criteria logic.                         
0486.00 79) K3S_3710   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0487.00     K3S_3710FM    in selection criteria logic.                         
0488.00     K3S_3710CL   Switch from RANGE to VALUES for alphanumeric field.   
0490.00 80) K3S_3711CL - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0491.00                   in selection criteria logic.                         
0492.00                  Use new file K_WRKOBSL instead of old file WRK_OBSOL  
0494.00 81) K3S_3715   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0495.00     K3S_P3715     in selection criteria logic.                         
0497.00 82) K3S_3717   - Use new file K_WRKOBSL instead of old file WRK_OBSOL  
0499.00 83) K3S_3718   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0500.00     K3S_P3718     in selection criteria logic.                         
0501.00                  Use new file K_WRKOBSL instead of old file WRK_OBSOL  
0503.00 84) K3S_3750   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0504.00     K3S_3750CL    in selection criteria logic.                         
0506.00 85) K3S_3755   - The User Status value of " " (blank) now incorporated 
0507.00     K3S_P3755     in selection criteria logic.                         
0509.00 86) K3S_3920   - New program to accumulate daily interface information.
0511.00 87) K3S_5040   - Remove RANGE statement on Deal Reference entry field. 
0512.00     K3S_5040FM                                                         
0514.00 88) K3S_7100   - New program for Period End Exceptions. Create records.
0515.00     K3S_7101         "                                  Select criteria
0516.00     K3S_7110         "                                  Product totals.
0517.00     K3S_7120         "                                  Collect results
0518.00     K3S_7130         "                                  Report results.
0519.00     K3S_P7130        "                                  Report file.   
0520.00     K3S_7101FM       "                                                 
0521.00     K3S_7101CL       "                                                 
0522.00     K3S_7110CL       "                                                 
0524.00 89) K3S_8000   - When buyer had selected to use F21=Start out of       
0525.00     K3S_8000FM    K3S_1030, stay in that mode unless buyer does        
0526.00                   press F12=.                                          
0527.00                  Screen re-compiled to re-sync date with all           
0528.00                   customers.                                           
0530.00 90) K3S_8011   - Change Transfer Quantity entry field characteristics. 
0531.00     K3S_8011FM    Edit code from 3 to 1, and add Right adjust, Blank   
0532.00                   after.                                               
0534.00 91) K3S_9010   - New capability to determine that year end has taken   
0535.00                   place in each of the 3 forecast intervals of 12,13,52
0536.00                   This information is passed on to the CL program      
0537.00                   K3S_NITECL so that the user can run year end programs
0538.00                   out of the K3S exit points.                          
0539.00                  New capability that will allow a customer to log if   
0540.00                   cost is sent across as $0, and generate a log        
0541.00                   type 'c' record into K_LOGPROD. A new APP record     
0542.00                   'K3S_9010  COST_0' must have Flag1=1 to log          
0543.00                   the condition.                                       
0545.00 92) K3S_9011   - Products added using option '4. Daily special product'
0546.00                   out of K3S_3001 did not have the 1st sales year/     
0547.00                   period updated properly.                             
0548.00                  New capability that will allow a customer to log if   
0549.00                   cost is sent across as $0, and generate a log        
0550.00                   type 'c' record into K_LOGPROD. A new APP record     
0551.00                   'K3S_9010  COST_0' must have Flag1=1 to log          
0552.00                   the condition.                                       
0554.00 93) K3S_9040   - New user of 'K3S_BUYERS' holds default information    
0555.00                   for new users being added. When F6=Add pressed,      
0556.00                   all entry fields (except User ID and User Name)      
0557.00                   come from the user record of 'K3S_BUYERS'.           
0559.00 94) K3S_9070   - New option '1=Log' takes user directly from           
0560.00     K3S_9070FM    Processing schedule, to Night Job Detail info.       
0561.00                  F20=Toggle now includes the proper text at the top    
0562.00                   of '1 of 2' and '2 of 2'.                            
0564.00 95) K3S_9075   - New capability to have this program executed from     
0565.00                   the Processing Schedule program.                     
0567.00 96) K3S_9090     F20=Toggle now includes the proper text at the top    
0568.00     K3S_9090FM    of '1 of 2' and '2 of 2'.                            
0570.00 97) K3S_9320   - When new location added, the proper records in        
0571.00                   the Weekly Distribution file (K_WEEKDIS) are         
0572.00                   created for that new location.                       
0574.00 98) K3S_9505   - Added the following files to the process of removing  
0575.00                   old records:                                         
0576.00                     K_DLYPROD                                          
0577.00                     K_WEEKDIS                                          
0579.00 99) K3S_9700   - No longer can someone use this program to perform an  
0580.00     K3S_9700FM    ENDJOB to a user signed on to K3S.                   
0582.00 100) K3S_9701  - No longer will a message be sent when an ENDJOB is    
0583.00      K3S_9701CL   being processed because a user is signed on. Also,   
0584.00                   two additional MONMSG messages are being tested for: 
0585.00                   CPF1361 and CPF1363.                                 
0586.00                  ENDJOB now uses *IMMED (immediate) as opposed to      
0587.00                   *CNTRLD (controlled) for 'How to end'.               
0589.00 101) K3S_9710  - Time should always be formatted as HH:MM:SS to work   
0590.00                   properly with the subfile Started and Ended values.  
0592.00 102) K3S_9998  - New program used in K3S_NITECL to obtain the          
0593.00                   NJP 'Night Job Parameters' that were previously      
0594.00                   passed from K3S_NIGHT. These include:                
0595.00                          ALT_SYSTEM  Alter Source System installed?    
0596.00                          AUTO_PO     Auto PO approval installed?       
0597.00                          FIRST_TIME  First time to 'D' make 'M'?       
0598.00                          LOG_REPORT  Log Report processing?            
0599.00                          LOG_TYPE_5  Log type '5' exit?                
0600.00                          OVERSTOCK   Overstock process to run?         
0601.00                          PER_FILTER  Period End Filter installed?      
0602.00                          PROD_LINK   Product linkage processing?       
0603.00                          TRANSFER    Transfer Supplier installed?      
0604.00                          VALID_PROC  Supplier validation process?      
0605.00                                      (parms VALID_SUPL & VALID_SUB     
0606.00                                       come from VALID_PROC record)     
0608.00 103) K3S_9999  - Added new 'Log Step' for the following:               
0609.00                   K3S_3360    Collect approved orders information      
0610.00                   K3S_7100    Generate Period End Exception records    
0611.00                   K3S_1053CL  Auto PO section                          
0612.00                   K3S_3920    Collect daily interface information      
0613.00                   K3S_3433    Determine if Weekly Distribution capture 
0615.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0616.00 Physical and logical files added or changed during this release        
0617.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0619.00                  these are new in this release                         
0620.00 K_CVOCLOG  - Companies Variable Order Cycle log of changes             
0621.00 K_CVOCLOGA - Companies Variable Order Cycle log of changes - timestamp 
0623.00                  these are new in this release                         
0624.00 K_DLYPROD  - Daily Products Information Capture                        
0625.00 K_DLYPRODA - Daily Products Information Capture logical                
0626.00 K_DLYPRODB - Daily Products Information Capture logical                
0627.00 K_DLYPRODC - Daily Products Information Capture logical                
0628.00 K_DLYPRODD - Daily Products Information Capture logical                
0630.00                  these are new in this release                         
0631.00 K_LVOCLOG  - Locations Variable Order Cycle log of changes             
0632.00 K_LVOCLOGA - Locations Variable Order Cycle log of changes - locn,time 
0634.00                  this is new in this release                           
0635.00 K_NITELOGC - K3S Night job log - logical view                          
0637.00                  replaces old file SV_OBSOLET in K3S_MOD               
0638.00 K_OBSOLETX - Obsolete Products - Independant locations                 
0640.00                  replaces old file SV_ORDCYCL in K3S_MOD               
0641.00 K_ORDCYCLX - Order Cycle Analysis                                      
0643.00                  these are new in this release                         
0644.00 K_PERDPER  - Period End Exceptions Performance                         
0645.00 K_PERDPERA - Period End Exceptions Performance - logical view          
0646.00 K_PERDPERB - Period End Exceptions Performance - logical view          
0647.00 K_PERDPERC - Period End Exceptions Performance - logical view          
0649.00                  replaces old file SV_PRODOVP in K3S_MOD               
0650.00 K_PRODOVPX - Overstocked Products                                      
0652.00                  replaces old file SV_RANKPRD in K3S_MOD               
0653.00 K_RANKPRDX - Ranking products for reports                              
0655.00                  replaces old file SV_RANKSPL in K3S_MOD               
0656.00 K_RANKSPLX - Ranking suppliers for reports                             
0658.00                  this is new in this release                           
0659.00 K_SUPLPURC - Supplier purchases - logical view                         
0661.00                  these are new in this release                         
0662.00 K_WEEKDIS  - Weekly Distribution Values                                
0663.00 K_WEEKDISA - Weekly Distribution Values - logical view                 
0664.00 K_WEEKDISB - Weekly Distribution Values - logical view                 
0665.00 K_WEEKDISC - Weekly Distribution Values - logical view                 
0666.00 K_WEEKDISD - Weekly Distribution Values - logical view                 
0667.00 K_WEEKDISE - Weekly Distribution Values - logical view                 
0669.00                  replaces old file WRK_OBSOL in K3S_DTA                
0670.00 K_WRKOBSL  - Work file for Obsolete Products all locations             
0672.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0673.00 Special conditions for some customers                                  
0674.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0676.00 01) Six customers have K_DLYPROD already, and therefore may have the   
0677.00     K3S_RGZDLY logic to be removed, since K3S_9505 will now contain    
0678.00     deletion of old records.                                           
0679.00       Coastal                                                          
0680.00       Dimmick                                                          
0681.00       JTD                                                              
0682.00       Liberty      - K3S_RGZDLY removed 12/5/2003 from Job scheduler   
0683.00       MR Williams                                                      
0684.00       Roses                                                            
0685.00     Also, check if any UEX records are being used to access the        
0686.00     old K3S_1042 program. No longer needed so remove them.             
0688.00 02) K3S_FIXSH1,K3S_FIXSH2 - run these for customers who have           
0689.00     changed forecast intervals in the past using K3S_3010. This would  
0690.00     be using F19=Replace in K3S_3010, getting the Warning WINDOW,      
0691.00     and accepting. The fix programs change _SUPLUSR and _SUPLUSB       
0692.00     values in K_PRODHIS and K_PRODH52. You will know if customer has   
0693.00     changed forecast interval for any products by checking file        
0694.00     K_PRODFOR and looking for any PF_CHGTYPE = 'Z' records.            
0695.00     Most likely customers: JTD                                         
0696.00                            Coastal                                     
0697.00                            Core-Mark                                   
0698.00     These two programs will not be part of the LODRUN process, and     
0699.00     should be run manually. The K_INTPRODA file in K3S_DTA will be     
0700.00     the correct file to use, and not the one in K3S_DAILY. The         
0701.00     customer may be using K_PRODSRC, and therefore we want the         
0702.00     K_INTPROD already processed in K3S_NITECL.                         
0704.00 03) Jarboe - disconnect the collection process for Approved Orders     
0705.00     since that will now be done in the base. Also, library K3S_ADJ     
0706.00     can be removed from this system. Job scheduler program K3S_APROVE. 
0708.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0709.00 Programs in library K3S_MOD433                                         
0710.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0712.00 -- RPGLE                                                               
0713.00 K3S_CVRT22   New Table Code entries                                    
0714.00 K3S_1053     Several adjustments made. Completely replace old version. 
0716.00 -- CLLE                                                                
0717.00 K3S_NIGHT    Many PARMs removed from hard coded process, and placed    
0718.00              into NJP table code records.                              
0719.00 K3S_XRPTCL   Work files now exist in K3S_DTA, not K3S_MOD, with        
0720.00              prefix of K_* and not SV_*                                
0721.00 K3S_X120CL   Three PARMs added that know year end process started.     
0722.00 K3S_X130CL      "                                                      
0723.00 K3S_X134CL      "                                                      
0724.00 K3S_X137CL      "                                                      
0725.00 K3S_X140CL      "                                                      
0726.00 K3S_X145CL      "                                                      
0727.00 K3S_X150CL      "                                                      
0728.00 K3S_X160CL      "                                                      
0729.00 K3S_X170CL      "                                                      
0730.00 K3S_X180CL      "                                                      
0731.00 K3S_X190CL      "                                                      
0732.00 K3S_X200CL      "                                                      
0733.00 K3S_X210CL      "                                                      
0734.00 K3S_X220CL      "                                                      
0735.00 K3S_X230CL      "                                                      
0736.00 K3S_X240CL      "                                                      
0737.00 K3S_X250CL      "                                                      
0738.00 K3S_X280CL      "                                                      
0739.00 K3S_X290CL      "                                                      
0740.00 K3S_X300CL      "                                                      
0741.00 K3S_X310CL      "                                                      
0742.00 K3S_1053CL   New CL program for Auto PO control.                       
0744.00 -- CMD                                                                 
0745.00 none.                                                                  
0747.00 -- DSPF                                                                
0748.00 none.                                                                  
0750.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0751.00 Implementation steps for this release                                  
0752.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0754.00 01) Establish the new 'NJP' Night Job Paramaters into K_TABLCOD that   
0755.00     will disappear from K3S_NIGHT as PARMs.                            
0757.00 02) Change K3S_NIGHT so that it only defines the 5 PARMs to be passed  
0758.00     to K3S_NITECL. These are &COMP, &K3S_DTA, &CUSTLIB, &K3S_OBJ,      
0759.00     and &K3S_MOD.                                                      
0761.00 03) Change all exit point CL programs to contain the new PARMs for     
0762.00     year end. These are K3S_X120CL through K3S_X310CL.                 
0764.00 04) Set up the appropriate settings for new APP records of:            
0765.00         K3S_3920  COLLECT  Flag1 = 1 to collect, Flag2 = 1 Demand > 0  
0766.00         K3S_3920  SHIFT    Flag1 = 1 shift, Desc3 contains shift days  
0767.00         K3S_3433  COLLECT  Flag1 = 1 to collect, Flag2 = day to process
0769.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0770.00 What customers should do after install                                 
0771.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0773.00 01) They should go to 8. Management Controls, then 7. User Preferneces,
0774.00     get to the new user of K3S_BUYERS. That will contain the defaults  
0775.00     for new buyers added in the future. Verify the values are what     
0776.00     you would want for new buyers, by comparing to one of the buyers   
0777.00     currently using the system.                                        
0779.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0780.00 What this release will clean up through the LODRUN process             
0781.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0783.00 01) Removing files from K3S_MOD  SV_RANKSPL                            
0784.00     if they exist. New files     SV_RANKPRD                            
0785.00     in K3S_DTA replace these.    SV_OBSOLET                            
0786.00                                  SV_PRODOVP                            
0787.00                                  SV_ORDCYCL                            
0789.00 02) Removing source member K3S_X300CX from QCLLESRC in K3S_MOD         
0790.00     if it exists! This template CL no longer needed since Auto PO      
0791.00     function now in main line of K3S_NITECL.                           
0793.00 03) Delete the RES Restrict record from K_TABLCOD for both             
0794.00     K3S_1042 and K3S_1043. Any buyer can now perform functions in      
0795.00     these programs.                                                    
0797.00 04) Remove file from K3S_DTA called WRK_OBSOL, which is being replaced 
0798.00     by K_WRKOBSL. Now all files in K3S_DTA being with K_*              
0800.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0801.00 Special note for JT Davenport                                          
0802.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0804.00 After new Release installed, take K3S_STR024 from here in K3S_TRACS    
0805.00 and send down to K3S_STRMOD to replace. Contains new code to           
0806.00 remove records from K_DLYPROD for a store.