R4.29 Technical

Release 4.29T Techincal Notes

0001.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0002.00 Notes for Release 4.29  January 3rd, 2002                
0003.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0005.00 01) K3S_CVRT22 - Changes to table code records:                        
0007.00                     APP Applications Control                           
0008.00                          EXCL_BUY  BACK_OUT   - Exclude buying with    
0009.00                                                  back out?             
0010.00                                                 Auto parts set flag1   
0011.00                                                  to a value of 1.      
0012.00                          K3S_1500  MAX_TO_MIN - Force maximum to       
0013.00                                                  minimum flag?         
0014.00                          K3S_3050  WEEKLYLIFT - Enter weekly lift      
0015.00                                                  % flag?               
0016.00                          K3S_3052  AT_LEAST_1 - Make quantity at least 
0017.00                                                  1 flag?               
0019.00                     DMN New Domain created for Store Level processing  
0020.00                          called 'STORES'                               
0022.00                     SLR Store Level Report Selections                  
0023.00                          Options 01-14 for Store Level reports         
0025.00                     AUT Automated Add Days Types                       
0026.00                          Types L1, P1, P2, S1, S2 established          
0028.00                     VOC Variable Order Cycles                          
0029.00                          D, W, M, T established                        
0031.00                     LTT Lead Time Transactions types                   
0032.00                          New type of '6' created for                   
0033.00                          'Daily hold out processing'                   
0035.00                     ORT Order Type of 'PN' has text updated            
0036.00                           was 'Pending'                                
0037.00                           new 'Pending (Alternate source)'             
0039.00                     TLE New title records for -                        
0040.00                          K3S_2020FM1R  Supplier Variable Order Cycle   
0041.00                          K3S_3470FM1C  Automated Add Days Summary      
0042.00                          K3S_3471FM1C  Automated Add Days Detail       
0043.00                          K3S_SLRPFM1R  Store reports select criteria   
0045.00 02) K3S_DUNR12 - This program was created for a special purpose for    
0046.00     K3S_DU12CL    Dunlap Sales, and does require file K_DLYPROD for    
0047.00     K3S_DU12FM    processing.                                          
0049.00 03) K3S_FIX02  - This program will be used to update the text in file  
0050.00                   K_TABLCOD for Order Type 'PN' from 'Pending' to      
0051.00                   'Pending (Alternate Source)'.                        
0053.00 04) K3S_GETHST - New special purpose program that allows customers to  
0054.00                  access our K3S_3030 program without going through     
0055.00                  K3S regular Main Menu system.                         
0057.00 05) K3S_HSTGET - New special purpose program that allows customers to  
0058.00                  access our K3S_3030 program without going through     
0059.00                  K3S regular Main Menu system.                         
0061.00 06) K3S_NITECL - Added call to K3S_3125CL which is a section to clear  
0062.00                  any busy switch flags in K_PRODSEB.                   
0064.00 07) K3S_PEREND - Added parameter for supplier sub field.               
0066.00 08) K3S_USERST - Used in Store Level process. Called from K3S_GETHST.  
0068.00 09) K3S_XRPTCL - After Ranking Reports print, this exit provides a way 
0069.00                   for customers to generate .CSV files for Excel       
0071.00 10) K3S_0010OL - This pair is used in the new K3S_GETHST CL program.   
0072.00     K3S_0010UL                                                         
0074.00 11) K3S_0010FM - K3S Main Menu for new Release 4.29                    
0076.00 12) K3S_0020   - Special programs menu - Added menu option 8 for       
0077.00     K3S_0020FM    call to Automated Add Days maintenance programs.     
0079.00 13) K3S_1010   - New capability to allow user to specify that          
0080.00     K3S_1010FM     this supplier has a 'Required Split' requirement.   
0081.00                    If field SP_REQSPLT is a '1', then the suggested    
0082.00                    order for this supplier must be split.              
0083.00                    A message of 'Split is required to approve' will    
0084.00                    appear if order has not been split.                 
0086.00 14) K3S_1015   - Provide the F8= exit and pass PARMs. PO# being        
0087.00                   passed in @8_PROD for now.                           
0088.00                  Fix for Alternate Source orders to pick up correct    
0089.00                   product information, when they have no current       
0090.00                   suggested orders in system.                          
0092.00 15) K3S_1016   - Fix for Alternate Source orders to pick up correct    
0093.00     K3S_1016FM    product information, when they have no current       
0094.00                   suggested orders.                                    
0096.00 16) K3S_1020   - New 'Variable Order Cycles' logic will display        
0097.00     K3S_1020FM    the cycle if being used.                             
0098.00                  New capability to allow user to specify that          
0099.00                    this supplier has a 'Required Split' requirement.   
0100.00                    If field SP_REQSPLT is a '1', then the suggested    
0101.00                    order for this supplier must be split.              
0102.00                    A message of 'Split is required to approve' will    
0103.00                    appear if order has not been split.                 
0105.00 17) K3S_1030   - Added PARM of SOQSEQ# during call to K3S_3001CL       
0106.00                   so that correct information used during 'add products
0107.00                   to Replenish'.                                       
0109.00 18) K3S_1040   - Added logic to control display of text and function   
0110.00     K3S_1040FM    keys for Store Level processing. Users who are not   
0111.00                   set up for normal processing, are restricted from    
0112.00                   running certain function keys.                       
0114.00 19) K3S_1057   - New program used in K3S_1010 and K3S_1020 to determine
0115.00                   if a 'split order' is required when user tries to    
0116.00                   perform approval.                                    
0118.00 20) K3S_1500   - Logic added specifically for Cardinal Health/Bindley  
0119.00                   Western Division and controlled with special table   
0120.00                   code record. This logic performs different process   
0121.00                   between RX and OTC during Forward Buying.            
0122.00                  Logic added specifically for Cardinal Health/Bindley  
0123.00                   Western Division and controlled with looking for     
0124.00                   the word 'STOP' in the last positions of K_LOCATNS   
0125.00                   record for Location Name.                            
0126.00                  Logic added specifically for Core Mark to use their   
0127.00                   calculations for Store Level processing when the     
0128.00                   quantity per order cycle is between .5 and 1.5       
0129.00                   This logic is controlled by a special table code     
0130.00                   record.                                              
0131.00                  Exclude Buying Until logic now controlled by an APP   
0132.00                   record, so that the Auto Parts customers can         
0133.00                   continue to look at the Back Orders, while other     
0134.00                   K3S customers use the date criteria only.            
0135.00                  Variable Order Cycle processing now live for          
0136.00                   'D' Daily type only.                                 
0137.00                  Fix so that MINDAY and MAXDAY are not allowed to be   
0138.00                   greater than 999 days. This will keep program from   
0139.00                   having an error if user keys in HUGE values in       
0140.00                   certain input fields.                                
0141.00                  New APP record will allow Store Level processing to   
0142.00                   'force maximum days to minimum days', so that        
0143.00                   MIN/MAX are the same (no EOQ).                       
0144.00                  New Automated Add Days logic in place.                
0145.00                  Fix for multi-location customers using Combined       
0146.00                   Suppliers, where the location passed to program      
0147.00                   building extra days was not correct.                 
0149.00 21) K3S_1510   - Exclude Buying Until logic now controlled by an APP   
0150.00                   record, so that the Auto Parts customers can         
0151.00                   continue to look at the Back Orders, while other     
0152.00                   K3S customers use the date criteria only.            
0153.00                  Fix so that MINDAY and MAXDAY are not allowed to be   
0154.00                   greater than 999 days. This will keep program from   
0155.00                   having an error if user keys in HUGE values in       
0156.00                   certain input fields.                                
0157.00                  Fix to section where 'M' Manual and 'N' New products  
0158.00                   were processed AFTER 'no cost' products that had     
0159.00                   manual min/max values entered. Move WHEN section up  
0160.00                   so that processing like K3S_1500.                    
0162.00 22) K3S_1900   - When the user decides to use the Required Split logic 
0163.00                   then the Type will automatically be pulled from the  
0164.00                   supplier's record.                                   
0166.00 23) K3S_2000   - Variable Order Cycle exit with F15=.                  
0167.00     K3S_2000FM   Required Split flag and Type now allowed on screen.   
0168.00     K3S_2002     Fix so that supplier records don't get added where    
0169.00     K3S_2002FM    Alt Source flag and Supplier Sub code are out of sync
0170.00                  Added new exit program K3S_2000X2 which is called     
0171.00                   after 4=Delete of a supplier.                        
0172.00                  Cursor now goes directly to Order Cycle field when    
0173.00                   F10= pressed out of K3S_2040.                        
0174.00                  On F24= screen, the F2= was not showing up with the   
0175.00                   color BLU.                                           
0177.00 24) K3S_2000X2 - Exit from K3S_2000 after a 4=Delete to supplier       
0178.00                   record. Used for Store Level clean up purposes.      
0180.00 25) K3S_2020   - New program for Variable Order Cycle maintenance.     
0181.00     K3S_2020FM                                                         
0183.00 26) K3S_3000   - Fix to start Cursor at the top field in screen        
0184.00     K3S_3000FM    '4 of 5'. Was starting at Weight field.              
0185.00                  F16=Hold out quantities label now appears only on     
0186.00                   screen '4 of 5' F24= section.                        
0188.00 27) K3S_3001   - Added PARM of SOQSEQ# so that added product goes to   
0189.00     K3S_3001CL    correct suggested order.                             
0191.00 28) K3S_3002   - Added PARM of SOQSEQ# for Supplier Switch process.    
0193.00 29) K3S_3010   - Fix when the From Product has 1st sales Per/Year of 0,
0194.00                   so that it doesn't destroy a To Product's established
0195.00                   history values.                                      
0197.00 30) K3S_3030CL - New entry point program for users who want access     
0198.00                   to K3S_3030, but not set up as regular user.         
0200.00 31) K3S_3030   - Logic to understand the Mode being used when Store    
0201.00     K3S_3030FM    Level users not established in K3S looking at info.  
0202.00     K3S_3031     Fix for special circumstance, where average got       
0203.00                   cleared after Supplier Switch during approval, then  
0204.00                   user did a 3=Hst in K3S_1030 with F21=Start, and     
0205.00                   by pressing ENTER twice in K3S_3030, the average     
0206.00                   was cleared.                                         
0208.00 32) K3S_3040   - Place text of F20=Toggle on line 23 to notify user    
0209.00     K3S_3040FM    of capability.                                       
0210.00                  Some function keys are only valid when user is set up 
0211.00                   in K3S. This is a Store Level protection.            
0213.00 33) K3S_3050   - New APP record for Store Level allows user to enter   
0214.00     K3S_3050FM    percentage as a Weekly Lift.  Screen will display    
0215.00                   text to signal this condition is flag1 is on.        
0217.00 34) K3S_3051   - Change will keep PO# from being cleared during a      
0218.00                   3=Copy of a Hold Out group.                          
0220.00 35) K3S_3052   - Fix to use all of the decimal positions when user     
0221.00                   keys in a value that does include that level of      
0222.00                   detail.                                              
0223.00                  Fix needed to build the correct key to chain with     
0224.00                   when going against the table code file.              
0225.00                  New capability to use a Weekly Lift % for Store Level 
0226.00                   processing, controlled by an APP record.             
0227.00                  New capability to force a quantity value of at least 1
0228.00                   for very slow moving products, where the percentage  
0229.00                   multiplied by the product average is less than .5    
0230.00                   This is controlled by an APP record.                 
0232.00 36) K3S_3053   - New program that can be set up to automatically       
0233.00     K3S_3053CL    adjust Hold Out records based upon receiving         
0234.00                   informatin in the Product Lead Time Observation      
0235.00                   records.                                             
0237.00 37) K3S_3110   - Obsolete Products logic used in Selected Products     
0238.00                   Review batch type OBS was not using the              
0239.00                   Period-to-date demand information.                   
0241.00 38) K3S_3125   - Set PB_BCHBUSY flag to 0 during night job. Called     
0242.00     K3S_3125CL    during CL program K3S_NITECL just before the end.    
0244.00 39) K3S_3200   - Batch Reversal WARNING if user tries to perform the   
0245.00     K3S_3200FM    9=Reverse option and the batch is over 30 days old.  
0247.00 40) K3S_3301CL - New exit point program K3S_XRPTCL called after        
0248.00                   Ranking Report prints, so that CSV files can be      
0249.00                   generated.                                           
0251.00 41) K3S_3470   - New Automated Add Days maintenance programs           
0252.00     K3S_3470FM        "                                                
0253.00     K3S_3471          "                                                
0254.00     K3S_3471FM        "                                                
0256.00 42) K3S_3710CL - Obsolete Products logic used in the reports options   
0257.00     K3S_3711CL    was not using the Period-to-date demand information. 
0259.00 43) K3S_3900   - When using the Combined Supplier function, the wrong  
0260.00                   Buyer ID was being used in the key so that either    
0261.00                   the 1=Cancel or 2=Delete function would not perform  
0262.00                   properly in an environment like Core-Mark, where the 
0263.00                   Buyer for the Combined Supplier is different than the
0264.00                   Buyer of the Regular Supplier.                       
0266.00 44) K3S_4030   - Fix for F6=Add mode problem, where doing an F4= on    
0267.00                   the Buy Group brought up WINDOW, and wouldn't let    
0268.00                   user out.                                            
0270.00 45) K3S_6035   - Only first group of Hold Out records expiring were    
0271.00                   being reported. Fix will now report on all groups    
0272.00                   to all users set up to be notified.                  
0274.00 46) K3S_9011   - The PARM of SOQSEQ added so that new product goes to  
0275.00     K3S_9011CL    the correct suggested order.                         
0276.00                  The Original Supplier fields were not being built     
0277.00                   correctly for temporary records, where they need to  
0278.00                   come from the User's Data.                           
0280.00 47) K3S_9018CL - The PARM of SOQSEQ added so that new product goes to  
0281.00                   the correct suggested order.                         
0283.00 48) K3S_9030ST - New program used in the process for allowing 'outside'
0284.00                   users to view product history in Store Level.        
0286.00 49) K3S_9040   - Fix to use correct company ID for 'USR' processing.   
0288.00 50) K3S_9700   - Logic added to understand the Domain of STORES for    
0289.00     K3S_9700FM    store level processing. This will allow out side     
0290.00                   users to work with K3S even though they are not      
0291.00                   set up as a regular Replenish user.                  
0293.00 51) K3S_9710   - No longer must a user in the Guest Book transactions  
0294.00                   be required to be established in K3S.                
0296.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0297.00 Physical and logical files added during this release                   
0298.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0300.00 01) K_AUTOADD  - Automated Add Days                                  AA
0301.00     K_AUTOADDA - Automated Add Days - logical view                     
0302.00     K_AUTOADDB - Automated Add Days - logical view                     
0304.00 02) K_PRODHLDF - Product Hold Out Quantity - logical view              
0306.00 03) K_PRODLTMB - Product Lead Time - logical view                      
0308.00 04) K_SUPLVOC  - Supplier Variable Order Cycle                       SI
0309.00     K_SUPLVOCA   Supplier Variable Order Cycle - logical view          
0311.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0312.00 Special processes to run for new release                               
0313.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0315.00 01) The program K3S_FIX02 will run as part of the new install, to      
0316.00     change the text of 'Pending' to 'Pending (Alternate Source)'       
0317.00     in the table code record for 'PN'.                                 
0319.00 02) Both Bindley/Cardinal and JT Davenport have Customer Specific      
0320.00     Menu options to call the new Automated Add Days maintenance        
0321.00     program K3S_3470. The CL program K3S_3470CL was created for this   
0322.00     mission, but will no longer be needed when 4.29 installed          
0323.00     since K3S_3470 will now be called from menu K3S_0020.              
0325.00 03) K3SPO exists in both K3S_OBJ and K3S_MOD at some customer accounts.
0326.00     The version in K3S_MOD is being deleted.                           
0328.00 04) K3S_XRPTCL is a new CL in K3S_MOD, and has hard-coded reference    
0329.00     to library K3S_MOD. Core-Mark will need to adjust this to fit      
0330.00     their environment.                                                 
0332.00 05) K3S_2000X2 is a new CL in K3S_MOD, and looks for existance of      
0333.00     file K_STRPROD. Core-Mark will need to be aware of this technique  
0334.00     in their environment.                                              
0336.00 06) K3S_9018CL is only used by some K3S customers. The change for them 
0337.00     will be adding the &SOQSEQ# parameter. Specifically the customers  
0338.00     to check on for this will be: Roses, JT Davenport.                 
0340.00 07) K3S_9011(CL) is used by some K3S customers. The change for them    
0341.00     will be adding the &SOQSEQ# parameter. Specifically the customers  
0342.00     to check on for this will be: Bindley (Card Health), Barnes        
0343.00     (HD Smith), Cole Brothers.                                         
0345.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0346.00 Programs in library K3S_MOD429                                         
0347.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0349.00 -- RPGLE                                                               
0350.00 K3S_CVRT22   Will run during install process, then copy over.          
0352.00 -- CLLE                                                                
0353.00 K3S_XRPTCL   Can be copied straight over                               
0354.00 K3S_2000X2      "                  "                                   
0355.00 K3S_3030CL      "                  "                                   
0356.00 K3S_9018CL   Check special processes above.                            
0358.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0359.00 New function in this release                                           
0360.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0362.00 01) Automated Add Days - This new capability provides the user a way   
0363.00     to pre-enter 'add days' values, that are associated with Begin and 
0364.00     End dates. The 'add days' values provide an easy method to increase
0365.00     the Order Point for products. The entries can be developed by      
0366.00     location, supplier or product. Tools in the program make it easy   
0367.00     to generate multiple records with just a few key strokes.          
0368.00     With this new program the user can generate a 'build up' level     
0369.00     of inventory, which could be used for price increase speculation,  
0370.00     or seasonal build ups, just to name a few purposes.                
0372.00 02) Variable Order Cycle - For suppliers that must be ordered multiple 
0373.00     times per week, you can now specify an Order Cycle to be used      
0374.00     for each day of the week. Future improvements are going to allow   
0375.00     different Order Cycles to be specified by week, period, or month,  
0376.00     to simulate seasonal Order Cycles.                                 
0378.00 03) Required split code and type - You can now specify that a supplier 
0379.00     suggested order MUST be split before approval. In the supplier     
0380.00     record you designate the supplier with a Required Split flag, and  
0381.00     then specify the Type of split to be performed. When the buyer     
0382.00     goes to F5=Approve the order, the system automatically checks      
0383.00     to see if a split needs to take place, and if so, automatically    
0384.00     brings up the correct WINDOW for the split.                        
0386.00 04) Exclude Buying Until on '3 of 5' in Product Maintenance, now       
0387.00     has ability to operate differently between Auto Parts customers,   
0388.00     and the other K3S customers. The 'Exclude Buying Until' field      
0389.00     was originally developed as part of the 'Delay Days' technique     
0390.00     which is specific to the Auto Parts industry. In this mode,        
0391.00     products were NOT being delayed when a customer back order         
0392.00     existed, even if an 'Exclude Buying Until' date existed in         
0393.00     the future. A new switch (APP record) allows all K3S customers     
0394.00     to take advantage of the 'Exclude Buying Until' date field,        
0395.00     and not look to the customer back order field to make any          
0396.00     decision of use.                                                   
0398.00 05) Night job will clear the busy switch flags for Selected Products   
0399.00     Review. At times a user would be working a batch and for various   
0400.00     reasons get disconnected from the system. When the user tries      
0401.00     to get back into the batch, a message would appear that reads      
0402.00     'This batch is currently being processed'. The use of option 'U'   
0403.00     would Unlock the batch, if this batch belongs to the User.         
0404.00     The night job will now perform the same Unlock function for any    
0405.00     batches that still show they are busy, so the next day the user    
0406.00     can go back into the batch and finish processing the products.     
0408.00 06) Ranking Reports now have the ability to generate .CSV (comma       
0409.00     separated values) files so that you can pull the information       
0410.00     into an Excel spreadsheet.                                         