K_POFILE - Purchase Order Interface

The file K_POFILE is a standard template for a PO generated by K3S. The file created is a pipe delimited CSV and is named POXXXXXXX. The 7 Xs at the end of the file name are placeholders and represent the PO number that would be generated. Ex: PO0005463

Within the file the PO Number will have K3S as a suffix. Ex: 0005463K3S

The fields listed below are the fields that are always present within every PO generated. However, K3S can add any additional fields needed by the customer. Some examples of readily available data to add per entry can be referenced by looking at our internal PO files. As long as the data is within our system or can be provided to us via a file, we can create and add it to a PO.

Field             Text                                          Len  Dec
IB_COMP           Company ID                                      1     
IB_LOCN           Location ID                                     5     
IB_BUYR           Buy group ID                                    5     
IB_PO#            PO number                                      10     
IB_PO_FLAG        PO processed flag                               1    0
IB_BIRTH          Order header birth                             10    
IB_LASTUPD        Order header last                              10    
IB_ALTSRCE        Alternate source order                          1    0
IB_SUPL           Supplier ID                                    10     
IB_SUPLSUB        Sub supplier ID                                10     
IB_PICKUP         Pick up flag                                    1    0
IB_PODATE         PO date                                        10   
IB_ARRIVE         Arrival date                                   10   
IB_COMENT1        PO comment 1                                   25    
IB_COMENT2        PO comment 2                                   25    
IB_COMENT3        PO comment 3                                   25    
IB_COMENT4        PO comment 4                                   25    
IB_COMENT5        PO comment 5                                   25    
IB_COMENT6        PO comment 6                                   25    
IB_COMENT7        PO comment 7                                   25    
IB_BLANK          Blank ID                                       10    
IB_POTYPE         PO type                                         1    
IB_LOCNFRM        Location from ID                                5    
IB_LOCNTO         Location to ID                                  5    
IB_TIMESTP        Transaction time stamp                         26    
IB_USER           User who placed order                          10     
IB_WORKSTN        Workstation used                               10     
IB_CARRIER        Carrier ID                                     10     
IB_TRACKID        Tracking ID                                    25     
IB_SKIP_LT        Skip LT forecasting                             1    0
IB_CUST_PO        Customers PO #                                 10     
IB_ZIPCODE        Zip code                                       10     
IB_SND_PO1        Email PO address 1                             40     
IB_SND_PO2        Email PO address 2                             40     
ID_COMP           Company ID                                      1     
ID_LOCN           Location ID                                     5     
ID_PO#            PO number                                      10     
ID_BIRTH          Order detail birth                             10    
ID_LASTUPD        Order detail last                              10    
ID_ALTSRCE        Alternate source order                          1    0
ID_PROD           Product ID                                     25     
ID_PRODSEQ        Product sequence ID                            60     
ID_COSTORD        Product cost orders                            11    4
ID_COSTDIV        Product cost divisor                            5    0
ID_COSTEAC        Product cost each                              13    6
ID_COSTREG        Product cost regular                           11    4
ID_SOQACT         Suggested qty actual                            7    0
ID_SOQACTO        Suggested qty original                          7    0
ID_DEAL           Current deal number                             7 
USERA01           Custom field 01                                 1 
USERA02           Custom field 02                                 1 
USERA03           Custom field 03                                 1 
USERA04           Custom field 04                                 1 
USERA05           Custom field 05                                 5 
USERA06           Custom field 06                                 5 
USERA07           Custom field 07                                10 
USERA08           Custom field 08                                10 
USERA09           Custom field 09                               100 
USERA10           Custom field 10                               100