Re-Run PE Checks

How to Re-Run PE Exceptions

Sometimes a customer has had a large amount of products switching suppliers. In this case you will need to re-run PE Exceptions.

First, you will need to unsure that the products are under the correct Buyer/Supplier/Sub Supplier.

To do this you can call program K3S_5OBJ/K3S_PE_RUN and pass the following parms:

&COMP - 1 letter company code &K3S_DTA - name of the data library &K3S_OBJ - name of the objects library &K3S_MOD - name of the modifications library &PER_END_12 - set to 1 if you want to build monthly PE batches, otherwise set to 0 &PER_END_13 - set to 1 if you want to build thirteen four weekly PE batches, otherwise set to 0 &PER_END_52 - set to 1 if you want to build weekly PE batches, otherwise set to 0

Please ensure to only set one of the &PER_END flags to 1 at a time.

Do note that this process builds off of the data stored in fields PR_ENDPER and PR_ENDPERS of K_PRODUCT to develop new PEx check batches, driven by the last completed period, but with today’s birth date