NITECL - Night Job Program

Sections in this article


This is a complete listing of all the programs (actions, logging, and exit points) that happen within the Night Job.


    COMP    CHAR(1)
    K3S_DTA CHAR(10)
    K3S_OBJ CHAR(10)
    K3S_MOD CHAR(10)


Note: All of the parameters below that begin with &PE_ are part of the Period Ending process.

    COMP    	CHAR(1)		Company being processed 
    K3S_DTA 	CHAR(10)	Replenish library for master files
    CUSTLIB 	CHAR(10)	Customer's library where K_INTPROD exist records are copied from customer's file to K3S-Replenish
    ALT_SYSTEM  CHAR(1)		Alternate source system installed flag   
    PER_FILTER  CHAR(1)		Period end filtering system installed flag    
    TRANSFER 	CHAR(1)		Transfer supplier system installed flag      
    OVERSTOCK 	CHAR(1)		Overstock system installed flag              
    LOG_REPORT  CHAR(1)		Log report processing flag flag             
    LOG_TYPE_5  CHAR(1)		Log type '5' exit flag flag                 
    K3S_OBJ 	CHAR(10)	Replenish library for objects    
    K3S_MOD 	CHAR(10)	Replenish library for modified objects 
    PROD_LINK 	CHAR(1)		Product linkage processing flag       
    VALID_PROC 	CHAR(1)		Supplier validation processing flag   
    VALID_SUPL 	CHAR(10)	Valid supplier to be used for lost products    
    VALID_SUB 	CHAR(10)    Valid sub supplier to be used for lost products  
    FIRST_TIME 	CHAR(1)		First time product goes to 'D' make 'M' flag    
    AUTO_PO 	CHAR(1)		Automatic PO approval installed flag         
    RMV_HISTRY 	CHAR(1)		Remove history for deleted products flag    
    DAY_TIME 	DEC(1.0)	Building orders during day or night? Day time = 1   Night time = 0 
    ALT_SOUR 	DEC(1.0)	Alternate source order? Alternate source order = 1   Regular order = 0 
    RE_CALC_SS 	DEC(1.0)	Force re-calculation of safety stock flag                     
    SUPL_CONST 	DEC(1.0)	Re-calculate order to meet supplier constraint flag
    USE_DEALS 	CHAR(1)		Use deal system flag
    QRYSEL		CHAR(1024)	Build QRYSLT statement for K_PRODUCT file
    QRYSEL1 	CHAR(1024)  Build QRYSLT statement for K_SCHEDDY file   
    QRYSEL2 	CHAR(1024)  Build QRYSLT statement for K_INTPROD file 
    QRYSEL3 	CHAR(1024)  Build QRYSLT statement for K_SUPLSOQ file 
    QRYSEL4 	CHAR(1024)  Build QRYSLT statement for K_LOGPROD file
    QRYSEL5 	CHAR(1024)  Build QRYSLT statement for K_PRODSOQ file      
    QRYSEL6 	CHAR(1024)  Build QRYSLT statement for K_TRANCPY file    
    SOQSEQ# 	DEC(5.0) 	SOQ sequence # 
    PRODUCT 	CHAR(25)	Product 
    ALT_PROCES 	CHAR(1)		Alternate source process tonight flag
    PER_END_12 	CHAR(1)		Period ending for periodicity 12 
    PER_END_13 	CHAR(1)		Period ending for periodicity 13 
    PER_END_52 	CHAR(1)		Period ending for periodicity 52
    YEAREND_12 	CHAR(1)		Year end for periodicity 12
    YEAREND_13 	CHAR(1)		Year end for periodicity 13 
    YEAREND_52 	CHAR(1)		Year end for periodicity 52
    TODAY_STR 	CHAR(26)	Today's start timestamp in K3S_9010 for supplier changes  
    TODAY_END	CHAR(26)	Today's end   timestamp in K3S_9010 for supplier changes 
    END_1500	CHAR(26)	End timestamp after K3S_1500 to gather LG_LOGTYPE=4 records
    CLEAR_DATE	CHAR(10)	Clear date '0001-01-01'                
    SUPL_CHG 	CHAR(1)		Did a product have a supplier change today
    PE_BATCH	CHAR(7)		Used for on-line purposes only, to remove the temporary batch for 'Selected Products Review'.   
    PE_REQUSER	CHAR(10)	Since this is coming from batch, and is part of the period ending process, we have called the requested user just that
    PE_REQTYPE	CHAR(3)		Requested type for Period Ending  
    PE_BUYR 	CHAR(5)		Specific buy group - no, all buy groups 
    PE_REGN		CHAR(5)		Specific region- no, all regions
    PE_LOCN		CHAR(5)		Specific location- no, all locations
    PE_SUPL		CHAR(10)	Specific supplier- no, all suppliers   
    PE_SUB		CHAR(10)	Specific sub supplier code - no 
    PE_BUYRBRK	CHAR(1)		Break on buy group - yes, break on buy groups
    PE_REGNBRK	CHAR(1)		Break on region - no, do not break on regions 
    PE_LOCNBRK	CHAR(1)		Break on location - no, do not break on locations
    PE_SUPLBRK	CHAR(1)		Break on supllier - no, do not break on suppliers  
    PE_DESCRIP 	CHAR(30)	Description - Period end exceptions
    PE_PGMTYPE	CHAR(1)		Program type - Product history       
    LOG_START	CHAR(26)	Start timestamp for night job process used for product log
    LOG_END 	CHAR(26)	Ending timestamp for night job process used for product log  
    MINDOLR		CHAR(7)		Annual minimum dollar amount   
    MINUNIT		CHAR(7)		Annual minimum units 
    SUPLGPS		CHAR(52)	Supplier groups coming in as 1 big PARM          
    PRODGPS		CHAR(52)	Product groups coming in as 1 big PARM    
    HIDEVP		CHAR(3)		High deviation percent  
    SZMA12		CHAR(5)		Seasonal match year 1 2     
    SZMA13		CHAR(5)		Seasonal match year 1 3 
    SZHILO		CHAR(3)		Seasonal high low
    SZSENS		CHAR(3)		Seasonal sensativity          
    SELVIEW		CHAR(1)		Selected products Review view       
    KEEPQTY		CHAR(1)		Keep quantity      
    RESTART		CHAR(6)     Blanks would indicate no manual restart 'Rxxxxx' would indicate Restart at task xxxxx 'Sxxxxx' would indicate to only run Specific task xxxxx
    TASK		CHAR(1)		Task value     
    SERIES		DEC(7.0)	Series value 
    RST_3910CL	CHAR(1)		Is this a Restart for K3S_3910CL ( Program used to Create combined supplier orders (batch) night job)
    SYSDATE		CHAR(10)	SY_SYSDATE passed from K3S_9021 to K3S_9022
    ENDING_12	CHAR(10)	SE_ENDING  passed from K3S_9021 to K3S_9022 for Perd 12
    ENDING_13	CHAR(10)	SE_ENDING  passed from K3S_9021 to K3S_9022 for Perd 13  
    ENDING_52	CHAR(10)	SE_ENDING  passed from K3S_9021 to K3S_9022 for Perd 52


Note: An alternate source order, combined supplier or those that do not have a delete count of 0 will each be done seperately.

Call K3S_MOD/K3S_X010CL- Exit Program - Before setting library list.

Before Library List section

Set Library List

  • K3S_5MOD
  • K3S_5DTA
  • K3S_5OBJ

Open files for all operations in K_TABLCODA (input, output, update, and delete).

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9999 - This program is used to create a snapshot of time for the night job program, at each important step (will be called through out NITECL 71 times).

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9998 - This program will get K_TABLCOD records for the NITECL parameters with type ‘NJP’.

If this is a restart process for the Combined Suppliers section, then use the special processing to remove any orders already built, for they must be ran.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X020CL - Exit Program - Before beggining to remove users.

CALL K3S_RMVJOB - To end batch jobs K3S_Replenish immediately.

CALL K3S_RMVUSR - To end active users with a 3 minute warning.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X030CL - Exit Program - Begin night job and set setting Flag to ‘1’ locking all users.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X040CL - Exit Program - Before overriding the database file section.

Override the following database files:

  • K_BUYRSRVA - Buy Group Service Level Table
  • K_DEALALWA - Deals Product Allowance Info Table
  • K_DEALDETA - Deals Product Information Table
  • K_DEALDETB - Deals Product Information Table
  • K_DEALSUMA - Deals Summary Information Table
  • K_LOCATNSA - Locations Table
  • K_PRODUCTA - Products Table
  • K_PRODUCTB - Products Table
  • K_PRODUCTC - Products Table
  • K_PRODHISA - Product History Table
  • K_PRODSEZA - Product Seasonal Profiles Table
  • K_PRODSOQ - Product Suggested Order Quantities Table
  • K_PRODSOQA - Product Suggested Order Quantities Table
  • K_SUPLIERA - Suppliers Table
  • K_SUPLIERB - Suppliers Table
  • K_SUPLDISA - Suppliers discount brackets Table
  • K_SUPLSOQA - Supplier Suggested Orders Table

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X050CL - Exit Program - Before the schedule process to get next day.

If PARM &RESTART contains a value, then this is a manual restart process, which can either be a ‘Rxxxxx’ to indicate restarting at step xxxxx or a ‘Sxxxxx’ to indicate running just a specific step xxxxx.

If the last completed step is blank, then continue with normal processing. This indicates that the previous night job had completed successfully.

Restart and specific task processing (GOTO STEP_#####).

Get all unprocessed an non-excluded schedule records from file K_SCHEDDY - Schedule Daily Table.

Note: The processing schedule can be found under the ‘Admin’ section

Update system date in location records.

CALL K3S_5SRC/K3S_9020 - Update the location records with the next schedule date. Check to see if a period end has occured, and if so, the current period values will be updated. After doing so, pass the next schedule date as a parm, back out to the CL process.

Capture K_PRODAPP from approved orders.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3360 - Check for purchase adjustments to build K_PRODAPP.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X055CL - Exit Program - Before clearing to active products counter.

Clear active products counter in the K_SUPLIER file.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_2005 - Clear active products counter at night for regular suppliers.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X060CL - Exit Program - Before removing temporary records section.

Remove temporary records from K_PRODUCT file. Temporary records will include combined suppliers that have products in the order.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3005CL - Remove temporary product records at night.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X070CL - Exit program - Before copying file K_INTPROD.

Copy K_INTPROD (the interface record file) from the customer’s library TO K3S_DTA.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X077CL - Exit Program - Before changing the product source.

Change product source.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3460 - Set new service levels at month end.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X080CL - Exit Program - Before the supplier validation process.

Check the supplier ID’s in K_INTPROD for validity.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_9016CL - Update K_INTPROD where the location and the supplier are invalid.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X090CL - Exit Program - Before the product linkage process.

Perform product linkage function to combine values.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9015CL - Update K_INTPROD via K_PRODLNK file.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X100CL - Exit Program - Before the transfer supplier update to file K_INTPROD0.

Due to the hosted ERP system possibly having the same supplier ID but needing a sub-supplier we need to update the K_INTPROD file with the ‘transfer’ supplier ID number.

Override database file K_INTPROD.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_8530 - Update K_INTPROD with transfer supplier information.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X110CL - Exit Program - Before updating K_INTPROD into the database via program K3S_9010.

Update K3S database from the external source (ERP system).

Override database file K_INTPROD.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9010 - Update database from external source. Determine a change in forecasting period, and automatically set on the forecasting module based upon this knowledge. SUPL_CHG is set here and will be used later in the alternate source process, as well as keeping the forcast change log records in sync.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X120CL - Exit Program - Before transfering the supplier’s copy history.

Copy the forecast and history for any new products established in transfer system and update the copied date.

Override database file K_TRANCPY (Transfer System Copy History Log table)

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_8550 - Used to maintain service level brackets by buy group and location. Control’s copy of history and forecast. This program is used to copy the history and forecast for products when they get established in a transfer supplier for the first time. It will call K3S_8540 for products where the copied date is ‘0001-01-01’.

Only take any copy history records for this company and with a clear COPIED date.

Set up for update of copied date in the K_TRANSPL (Transfer System Supplier Link table) and K_TRANPRD files overriding both files(Transfer System Product Link table).

Update the COPIED date in the K_TRANSPL and K_TRANPRD files.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_8560 - This program is used to update the copied date in both the K_TRANSPL and K_TRANPRD files.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X130CL - Exit Program - Before saving all alternatice source orders.

All alternate source orders are saved. Check flag ALT_SYSTEM. If this is not the night for creating new alternate source orders, then they are copied back into the order files at the end of the night job.

Clear previously held alternate source orders, and then save the alternate source orders to be copied back at end of job.

Override database file K_SUPLSOQ.

Save alternate source orders to be copied back at the end of the job.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1120 - Suggested order alternate source save orders for week.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X134CL - Exit Program - Before the supplier switch section.

If any products had their supplier change, then update the following files, from previous supplier to current supplier:

  • K_PRODFOR - Forecast change log
  • K_NOTEPAD - Notes type ‘P’ for products
  • K_PRODHLD - Product hold out quantities file

Only take log records for this company, with supplier changes, log type ‘2’ (redirect to a different supplier in K3S from hosted ERP system to house together products) and between start & end timestamps CHECK.

Change supplier for products from previous supplier to current supplier.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3042 - Supplier switch for product is allowed and has occured. Will change the supplier in up to 6 files: ** K_PRODFOR - Forecast changes log ** K_NOTEPAD - Product notes ** K_PRODHLD - Product hold out quantities ** K_PRODLOG - Product changes log ** K_PHLDLOG - Product hold out changes log ** K_DLYPROD - Daily products information capture

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X137CL - Exit program - After the supplier switch section is complete.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X140CL - Exit Program - Before the overstock calculation section.

Find overstocked products for a company,updating products with the overstock information.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3620CL - Overstocked products update results in product file.

Update products with overstocked information.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X145CL - Exit Program - Before calling K3S_3011.

Copy history in batch for replacement products. This is for products that are linked from an old item number to a new one (type ‘C’) that have not been done yet by the user.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3011 - Copy product history in batch.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X150CL - Exit Program - Before regular suggested orders are processed through the K3S_1500 program.

Build regular suggested orders taking only regular products overriding the database K_PRODUCT.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1500 - Create supplier suggested orders.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X155CL - Exit Program - Before removing product history on products

If LG_LOGTYPE = 4 (delete history) and if any products have been deleted in K3S_1500, then remove history records by checking both K_PRODHIS and K_PRODH52, obtaining the current timestamp marking end of K3S_1500.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9023 - Nite job - capture timestamp for end of K3S_1500.

Now, only take log records for deleted products for this company, which would be a type ‘4’, between start & end timestamps.

Override database K_LOGPROD (Log Product Transactions table).

Remove product history records.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3045 - Remove product history records after product deleted. This program only runs when the ‘NJP’ night job parameter has been set on for RMV_HISTRY.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X160CL - Exit Program - Before the alternate source orders section.

Alternate source orders are only created based upon the schedule.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_9110CL - For alternate source processing this program will create orders.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X170CL - Exit Program - Before restoring of alternative source orders.

All alternate source orders are restored back to the regular order files if this is NOT alternate source processing night.

Supplier header records copied back (from file K_SUPLPND to file K_SUPLSOQ).

Product detail records copied back (from file K_PRODPND to file K_PRODSOQ).

If any products had their supplier change, then update alternate source orders that are copied out and saved during the week. Only taking log records for this company woth a supplier changes of a type ‘2’ with log records between start & end timestamps.

Override database file K_LOGPROD (Log Product Transactions table).

Change supplier for alternate source orders in files K_PRODUCT and K_PRODSOQ.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9160 - Change supplier for alternate source records.

If this is period ending, then ‘current year’ and ‘period’ will need to be updated in the K_PRODUCT and K_PRODSOQ files for alternate source records.

Select K_PRODUCT and K_PRODSOQ records for alternate source orders, overriding both files.

Change period (and year) to be current.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9170 - Change current year and period for alt source records.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X180CL - Exit Program - Before accumulating all of the suggested order totals.

Accumulate the suggested order totals.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1520 - This program will accumulate the suggested order grand totals build (batch).

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X190CL - Exit Program - After accumulating all the suggested orders.

At period end, generate all period ending reports and processes.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X200CL - Exit - Period End process begins.

Period end filtering process - Select K_PRODUCT records with period end exception code that are regular source products with delete count = 0.

Override database file K_PRODUCT (Products table).

Determine period end filtering for products.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_4020 - Build a file of period end filtered products.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X210CL - Exit Program - Period end process after filtering.

Begin period end batches monthly products where PR_FORCINT = 12 creating batches for Period End, selecting K_PRODUCT records with period end exception code that are regular source products with delete count = 0.

Override database files K_PRODSEB (selected products review - batch header) and K_PRODSED (selected products review - batch detail).

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3110 - Selected products review - build batches.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X240CL - Exit Program - Period End process after periodicity 12.

Begin period end batches 13-four weekly where PR_FORCINT = 13 creating batches for Period End, selecting K_PRODUCT records with period end exception code that are regular source products with delete count = 0.

Override database files K_PRODSEB (selected products review - batch header) and K_PRODSED (selected products review - batch detail).

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3110 - Selected products review - build batches.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X230CL - Exit Program - Period End process after periodicity 13.

Begin period end batches weekly products where PR_FORCINT = 52 creating batches for Period End Select K_PRODUCT records with period end exception code that are regular source products with delete count = 0.

Override database files K_PRODSEB (selected products review - batch header) and K_PRODSED (selected products review - batch detail).

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3110 - Selected products review - build batches.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X240CL - Exit Program - Period End process after periodicity 52.

At period end, generate K_PERDPER records.

Run all 3 phases for Period End Performance process.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_7100CL - This series of programs is called from within K3S_NITECL when ever a Period End occurs, for any of the 3 types of forecast intervals: 12 (monthly), 13 (13 four weekly), or 52 (weekly). For Phase I will be for today’s period end batches. For Phase II will be for today’s period end batches. For Phase III will be for previously built period end batches. For Phase IV will be for closing old PEx & Wxx batches.

Set flags off for UPE records in K_TABLCOD file, which is used for taking buyers straight to Period End Exceptions.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9047 - Set flag for Period End exceptions control

Finish period end processes

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X280CL - Exit Program - Before the combined orders process.

If this is a restart that occured during the creation of combined suppliers, then the previous orders must be removed.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3930CL - Remove combined supplier orders (batch) night job.

Create combined supplier suggested orders.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3910CL - Create combined supplier orders (batch) night job.

CALL K3S_X290CL - Exit Program - Before the last step in this schedule process.

Get all unprocessed and non-excluded schedule records.

Override database K_SCHEDDY (Schedule daily table).

Set processed flag on as last step in night job.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9021 - Update the ending time in the schedule with a timestamp field, and set the processed flag on.

Print Log of Product transactions only taking log records for this company between start & end timestamps.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9200 - Print the Log Product Transactions for a specified period of time.

Automatic PO approval process for suppliers tagged as auto PO.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1053CL - Automatic PO approval in night job.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X300CL - Exit Program - Before having the K3S_NITE flag to be set off ‘0’.

Clear ‘First time sign on for today’ flags in K_TABLCOD.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9046 - Clear first time user sign on for today flags.

Any Busy Flags in K_PRODSEB still on will be turned off.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3125CL - Set PB_BCHBUSY back to 0 at night.

Collect daily product interface records.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3920 - Accumulate daily product information from the K_INTPROD file into K_DLYPROD file.

Collect weekly product interface records.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3433 - Weekly distribution build selection criteria batch.

CALL K3S_5MOD/K3S_X310CL - Exit Program - Before final program end.

Finished, the night job has completed normally.

Take the beginning and ending timestamps values from K_NITELOG, and place back in K_SCHEDDY & K_SCHEDPE.

CALL K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9022 - Update the beginning and ending schedule with a timestamp field, and total number of records processed for each of the log types.

Override the following database files:

  • K_BUYRSRVA - Buy Group Service Level Table
  • K_DEALALWA - Deals Product Allowance Info Table
  • K_DEALDETA - Deals Product Information Table
  • K_DEALDETB - Deals Product Information Table
  • K_DEALSUMA - Deals Summary Information Table
  • K_LOCATNSA - Locations Table
  • K_PRODUCTA - Products Table
  • K_PRODUCTB - Products Table
  • K_PRODUCTC - Products Table
  • K_PRODHISA - Product History Table
  • K_PRODSEZA - Product Seasonal Profiles Table
  • K_PRODSOQ - Product Suggested Order Quantities Table
  • K_PRODSOQA - Product Suggested Order Quantities Table
  • K_SUPLIERA - Suppliers Table
  • K_SUPLIERB - Suppliers Table
  • K_SUPLDISA - Suppliers discount brackets Table
  • K_SUPLSOQA - Supplier Suggested Orders Table
  • K_SCHEDDY - Schedule daily Table
  • K_INTPROD - Interface for Products Table
  • K_TRANCPY - Transfer System Copy History Log Table
  • K_TRANSPL - Transfer System Supplier Link Table
  • K_TRANPRD - Transfer System Product Link Table
  • K_SUPLSOQ - Supplier Suggested Orders Table
  • K_LOGPROD - Log Product Transactions Table
  • K_PRODUCT - Products Table
  • K_PRODSEB - Selected products review - Batch Header
  • K_PRODSED - Selected products review - Batch Detail

Programs Called

  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9999 - This program is used to create a snapshot of time for the night job program, at each important step.
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9998 - This program will get K_TABLCOD records for NITECL Parms. Type NJP
  • K3S_MOD/K3S_X010CL- Exit - Before Lib List section
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X020CL - Exit - Before Remove Users section
  • K3S_RMVJOB - End batch jobs K3S_Replenish *IMMED
  • K3S_RMVUSR - End active users K3S_Replenish 3 minute warning
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X030CL - Exit - Before K3S_NITE flag set on ‘1’
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X040CL - Exit - Before Over-ride DB file section
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X050CL - Exit - Before Schedule process to get next day
  • K3S_5SRC/K3S_9020 - Update the location records with the next schedule date. Check to see if a period end has occured, and if so, the current period values will be updated. After doing so, pass the next schedule date as a parm, back out to the CL process.
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3360 - Check for purchase adjustments to build K_PRODAPP
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_5MOD/K3S_X055CL - Exit - Before Clear to active products counter
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_2005 - Clear active products counter at night for regular suppliers
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X060CL - Exit - Before Remove Temporary records section
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3005CL - Remove temporary product records at night
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X070CL - Exit - Before Copy of K_INTPROD process
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X077CL - Exit - Before Change product source
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3460 - Set new service levels at month end
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X080CL - Exit - Before Supplier Validation section
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_9016CL - Update K_INTPROD where locn/supplier invalid
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X090CL - Exit - Before Product Linkage section
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9015CL - Update K_INTPROD via K_PRODLNK file
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X100CL - Exit - Before Transfer Supl update to K_INTPROD
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_8530 - Update K_INTPROD with transfer supplier information
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X110CL - Exit - Before K_INTPROD processing via K3S_9010
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9010 - Update database from external source. Determine a change in forecasting period, and automatically set on the forecasting module based upon this knowledge. SUPL_CHG is set here and will be used later in the alternate source process, as well as keeping the forcast change log records in sync.
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X120CL - Exit - Before Transfer supplier copy history
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_8550 - This program is used to maintain service level brackets by buy group and location. Control’s copy of history and forecast
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_8560 - This program is used to update the copied date in both the k_transpl and k_tranprd files.
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X130CL - Exit - Before Save of Alternate Source orders
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1120 - Suggested order alternate source save orders for week
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X134CL - Exit - Before Supplier Switch section
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3042 - Supplier switch for product is allowed and has occured. Will change the supplier in up to 6 files: ** K_PRODFOR - Forecast changes log ** K_NOTEPAD - Product notes ** K_PRODHLD - Product hold out quantities ** K_PRODLOG - Product changes log ** K_PHLDLOG - Product hold out changes log ** K_DLYPROD - Daily products information capture
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X137CL - Exit - After Supplier Switch section completed
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X140CL - Exit - Before Overstock Calculations section
  • K3S_5SRC/K3S_3600CL - Find overstocked products for entire company
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3620CL - Overstocked products update results in product file
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X145CL - Exit - Before Copy history in batch K3S_3011
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3011 - Copy product history in batch
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X150CL - Exit - Before Regular Suggested Orders K3S_1500
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1500 - Create Supplier Suggested Orders
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X155CL - Exit - Before Removing Product History
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9023 - Nite job - capture timestamp for end of K3S_1500
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3045 - Remove product history records after product deleted. This program only runs when the NJP Night Job Parameter has been set on for RMV_HISTRY
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X160CL - Exit - Before Alternate Source Orders section
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_9110CL - For alternate source processing this program will create orders
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X170CL - Exit - Before Restore of Alt Source orders
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9160 - Change supplier for alternate source records
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9170 - Change current year and period for alt source records
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X180CL - Exit - Before Accum of Suggested order totals
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1520 - Suggested order Grand totals build (batch) Night job
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X190CL - Exit - After Accum of Suggested order totals
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X200CL - Exit - Period End process begins
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_4020 - Build a file of period end filtered products
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X210CL - Exit - Period End process after filtering
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3110 - Selected products review - build batches
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X220CL - Exit - Period End process after periodicity 12
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3110 - Selected products review - build batches
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X230CL - Exit - Period End process after periodicity 13
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3110 - Selected products review - build batches
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X240CL - Exit - Period End process after periodicity 52
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_7100CL - This series of programs is called from within K3S_NITECL when ever a Period End occurs, for any of the 3 types of forecast intervals: 12 (monthly), 13 (13 four weekly), or 52 (weekly). For Phase I will be for today’s period end batches. For Phase II will be for today’s period end batches. For Phase III will be for previously built period end batches. For Phase IV will be for closing old PEx & Wxx batches
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X250CL - Exit - Period End process all sections done
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9047 - Set flag for Period End exceptions control
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X280CL - Exit - Before Combined Orders processing
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3930CL - Remove combined supplier orders (batch) night job
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3910CL - Create combined supplier orders (batch) night job
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X290CL - Exit - Before Schedule process last step
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9021 - Update the ending time in the schedule with a timestamp field, and set the processed flag on
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9200 - Print the Log Product Transactions for a specified period of time
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_1053CL - Automatic PO approval in night job
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X300CL - Exit - Before K3S_NITE flag set off ‘0’
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9046 - Clear first time user sign on for today flags
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3125CL - Set PB_BCHBUSY back to 0 at night
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3920 - Accumulate daily product information from the K_INTPROD file into K_DLYPROD file
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_3433 - Weekly distribution build selection criteria batch
  • K3S_5MOD/K3S_X310CL - Exit - Before Final program end
  • K3S_5OBJ/K3S_9022 - Update the beginning and ending schedule with a timestamp field, and total #’s of records processed for each of the log types

Note: For all K3S_X programs, these are programs that can be modified based on the customer’s needs. Does not contain any logic unless requested by the customer.