Enable Automatic Batches

Enable Automatic Batches

Use these members in library K3S_5MOD has a guide to automatically build batches by BUYR/LOCN. Example of when to use: At period end create OVR type batches. The programmer would edit K3S_X310CL to call a driving CLLE program (K3S_ABTCL) when it is period end.

K3S_ABTCL - Automatic batches: close old & bld new
K3S_ABTBLD - Auto ABT batches: build list to build
K3S_ABTCLO - Auto ABT batches: close old ones
K3S_ABTFND - Auto ABT batches: find one to build

Add an entry in the ABT tablecode group for the batch to be automatically created.

Description 2 = Button label
If Flag1 = 1 The button will show on the main screen.
If Flag2 = 1 The individual batch will not use location filter.
If Flag3 = 1 We will only display a batch to the user if it matches the user on the batch.

Program K3S_ABTBLD sets the user of the batch AB_USER = AUTOBATCH versus the user attached to the buy group. If you use this method, you will need to create a REPUSER for AUTOBATCH and add a UPD tablcode record for AUTOBATCH. This UPD tablecode tells the program building the batches which user and system status codes to include.

When you use the user attached to the buy group, you could run into the situation where a user has set to bypass specific status codes and the number of products selected for the batch does not match what you expect.