PRODLTM - Product Lead Time Transactions

The file PRODLTM contains one record for each location/supplier/product/receipt where we go back up to one year of receipts for each product.

File Name . . . . PRODLTM
   Library . . . .   K3S_5DTA
 Format Descr. . . Product lead time trans
 Format Name . . . RK_PRODLTM
 File Type . . . . PF            Unique Keys-  N

 Field Name FMT Start Lngth Dec Key Field Description
 PL_COMP     A      1     1         Company ID
 PL_LOCN     A      2     5         Location ID
 PL_SUPL     A      7    10         Supplier ID
 PL_SUPLSUB  A     17    10         Sub supplier ID
 PL_SUPLUSR  A     27    10         Supplier user system
 PL_SUPLUSB  A     37    10         Supplier user sub
 PL_PROD     A     47    25         Product ID
 PL_BIRTH    L     72    10         Product LT trans birth
 PL_LASTUPD  L     82    10         Product LT trans last
 PL_ORDDATE  L     92    10         Product order date
 PL_ORDRECV  L    102    10         Product receive date
 PL_QTYRECV  P    112     7   0     Quantity received
 PL_QTYORDR  P    116     7   0     Quantity ordered
 PL_PO#      A    120    10         PO number
 PL_USEFLAG  P    130     1   0     Transaction used flag
 PL_SKIPLT   P    131     1   0     Skip LT forecast flag            

Field explanations:

Company ID

PL_COMP        1          COLHDG('Company' 'ID') 

This 1 character value is used throughout the Replenish system to identify the company being processed.

Examples:    Company name    code
             Brandon Company   B
             Johnson Limited   J
             Daniels Auto      D

Location ID

PL_LOCN        5          COLHDG('Location' 'ID')

This 5 character value is used to identify the distribution center where this product is being replenished.

Examples:    Loc ID    Location name
             01        Charlotte, NC
             02        Raleigh, NC
             001       Columbia, SC
             002       New York, NY
             003       Chicago, IL
             KY001     Lexington, KY
             TX001     Houston, TX
             TX002     Dallas, TX

Supplier ID

PL_SUPL        10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'ID')

This value contains the product’s regular supplier ID.

Examples:    Supplier ID    Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ     ABC Company
             00010          Wizzard Mfg

Sub Supplier ID

PL_SUPLSUB     10          COLHDG('Sub' 'supplier' 'ID')  

This value will allow a supplier to be sub-divided into separate sections for review purposes. Leave this value blank if all products are to be reviewed together.

Examples:    Supplier ID   Sub ID  Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ    FROZEN  ABC Company A -Frozen   
             ABCDEFGHIJ    FRIDGE  ABC Company B -Fridge
             ABCDEFGHIJ    DRY     ABC Company C -Dry
             00010         PINTS1  Wizzard Mfg 3 -Pints
             00010         QUARTS  Wizzard Mfg 2 -Quarts
             00010         GALLONS Wizzard Mfg 1 -Gallons

Supplier User System

PL_SUPLUSR        10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'user' 'system')

This value contains the product’s regular supplier ID. It should contain the same value as used for field PL_SUPL.

Examples:    Supplier ID    Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ     ABC Company
             00010          Wizzard Mfg

Supplier User Sub

PL_SUPLUSB     10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'user' 'sub')  

This value contains the product’s regular sub supplier ID. It should contain the same value as used for field PL_SUPLSUB.

Examples:    Supplier ID   Sub ID  Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ    FROZEN  ABC Company A -Frozen   
             ABCDEFGHIJ    FRIDGE  ABC Company B -Fridge
             ABCDEFGHIJ    DRY     ABC Company C -Dry
             00010         PINTS1  Wizzard Mfg 3 -Pints
             00010         QUARTS  Wizzard Mfg 2 -Quarts
             00010         GALLONS Wizzard Mfg 1 -Gallons

Product ID

PL_PROD       25          COLHDG('Product' 'ID')            

This value contains the product ID.

Examples:    Product ID        Product description    
             200578            Dial soap
             397346            Tooth paste
             ABC-10/XYZ.047    Wrench
             BCI*984/1Z497     Screw Driver

Product Lead Time Transaction Birth

PL_BIRTH        L         COLHDG('Product' 'LT' 'trans' 'birth')

This value contains an *ISO date for the day this record was created.

          Examples:    *ISO Birth date

Product Lead Time Transaction Last Update

PL_LASTUPD        L         COLHDG('Product' 'LT' 'trans' 'last')

This value contains an *ISO date for the day this record was created. This will be left blank with the format listed below.

          Examples:    00001-01-01

Product Order Date

PL_ORDDATE       L         COLHDG('Product' 'order' 'date')

This value contains an *ISO date for the day the product was ordered.

          Examples:    *ISO Birth date

Product Receive Date

PL_ORDRECV       L         COLHDG('Product' 'receive' 'date')

This value contains an *ISO date for the day the product was received.

          Examples:    *ISO Birth date

Quantity Received

PL_QTYRECV     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'received')

This field contains the quantity received for this product. It should be in the same unit as the demand values. This field should not be a negative value.

Quantity Ordered

PL_QTYORDR     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'ordered')

This field contains the quantity ordered for this product. It should be in the same unit as the demand values. This field should not be a negative value.

PO Number

PL_PO#       10         COLHDG('PO' 'number')            

This value contains the PO number.

Transaction Used Flag

PL_USEFLAG     1  0       COLHDG('Transaction' 'used' 'flag')

This field should contain 0 for each entry.

Skip Lead Time Forecast Flag

PL_SKIPLT     1  0       COLHDG('Skip' 'LT' 'forecast' 'flag')

This field should contain a 1 if the entry should not be used for lead time forecasting.