INTPROD - Product Interface File

This is the interface file for products into the K3S Database.

IP_COMP        1          COLHDG('Company' 'ID')             
IP_LOCN        5          COLHDG('Location' 'ID')            
IP_BIRTH      10          COLHDG('Daily' 'trans' 'birth')    
IP_LASTUPD    10          COLHDG('Daily' 'trans' 'last')     
IP_SUPL       10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'ID')            
IP_SUPLSUB    10          COLHDG('Sub' 'supplier' 'ID')      
IP_SUPLUSR    10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'user' 'system') 
IP_SUPLUSB    10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'user' 'sub')    
IP_PROD       25          COLHDG('Product' 'ID')             
IP_PRODSEQ    40          COLHDG('Product' 'sequence' '#')   
IP_DESC1      40          COLHDG('Product' 'description' '1')
IP_DESC2      40          COLHDG('Product' 'description' '2')
IP_MFG        25          COLHDG('Manufactor' 'ID')          
IP_NDC_UPC    25          COLHDG('NDC/UPC' 'code')           
IP_UOM         4          COLHDG('Unit of' 'measure')        
IP_PACKSIZ    10          COLHDG('Pack' '/size')             
IP_TIHI       10          COLHDG('Ti' '/hi')                 
IP_STATUS      1          COLHDG('Status' 'R,D')             
IP_MINQTY      7  0       COLHDG('Minimum' 'quantity')       
IP_BUYMULT     7  0       COLHDG('Buy' 'multiple')           
IP_GROUP1     10          COLHDG('Group' '1')                
IP_GROUP2     10          COLHDG('Group' '2')                 
IP_GROUP3     10          COLHDG('Group' '3')                
IP_GROUP4     10          COLHDG('Group' '4')    
IP_GROUP5     10          COLHDG('Group' '5')                
IP_WHSLOCN    10          COLHDG('Warehouse' 'location')      
IP_COSTREG    11  4       COLHDG('Product' 'cost' 'regular')  
IP_COSTDIV     5  0       COLHDG('Product' 'cost' 'divisor')  
IP_SALES      11  4       COLHDG('Product' 'sales' 'price')   
IP_SALESLW    11  4       COLHDG('Sales’ ‘under’ ‘cost’)   
IP_QTYOHND     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'on hand')        
IP_QTYOORD     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'on order')       
IP_QTYBACK     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'back ordered')   
IP_WEIGHT      7  3       COLHDG('Unit' 'weight')             
IP_WEIGHTD     5  0       COLHDG('Weight' 'divisor')          
IP_VOLUME      7  3       COLHDG('Unit' 'volume')             
IP_VOLUMED     5  0       COLHDG('Volume' 'divisor')          
IP_DLYSALE     7  0       COLHDG('Daily' '/or PTD' 'sales')   
IP_DLYOUTS     7  0       COLHDG('Daily' '/or PTD' 'outs')    
IP_TRNOORD     7  0       COLHDG('Transfer' 'on order')       
IP_ALTOORD     7  0       COLHDG('Alt source' 'on order')     
IP_FORCTYP     1  0       COLHDG('Forecast' 'interval' 'type')
IP_CONVPAK     7  0       COLHDG('Convenience' 'pack')        
IP_PURINCR     5  0       COLHDG('Purchase' 'increment')      
IP_CONTFLG     1  0       COLHDG('Contract' 'exists' 'flag')  
IP_REBATE      3  1       COLHDG('Rebate' 'factor %')         
IP_PROCALT     1  0       COLHDG('Process' 'alt srce' 'flag')
IP_MFGOUT      1  0       COLHDG('Mfg' 'out of stock' 'flag')
IP_DLYTYP1     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 1’)
IP_DLYTYP2     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 2’)
IP_DLYTYP3     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 3’)
IP_DLYTYP4     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 4’)
IP_DLYTYP5     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 5’)
IP_DLYTYP6     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 6’)
IP_DLYTYP7     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 7’)
IP_DLYTYP8     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 8’)
IP_DLYTYP9     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 9’)
IP_CARCOUN     1  0       COLHDG('Car’ ‘count’ ‘flag’) 
IP_USERA1      1          COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘alpha 1’) 
IP_USERA2      3          COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘alpha 2’) 
IP_USERA3     10          COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘alpha 3’)
IP_USERN1      5  0       COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘number 1’)
IP_USERN2      7  2       COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘number 2’)
IP_USERN3     11  4       COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘number 3’)
IP_DISOTHR     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘other’) 
IP_DISUNT7     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘unit 7’)
IP_DISUNT8     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘unit 8’)
IP_DISUNT9     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘unit 9’)

Field explanations:

Company ID

IP_COMP        1          COLHDG('Company' 'ID') 

This 1 character value is used throughout the Replenish system to identify the company being processed.

Examples:    Company name    code
             Brandon Company   B
             Johnson Limited   J
             Daniels Auto      D

Location ID

IP_LOCN        5          COLHDG('Location' 'ID')

This 5 character value is used to identify the distribution center where this product is being replenished.

Examples:    Loc ID    Location name
             01        Charlotte, NC
             02        Raleigh, NC
             CLMBI     Columbia, SC
             NEWYK     New York, NY
             CHICG     Chicago, IL
             KY001     Lexington, KY
             TX001     Houston, TX
             TX002     Dallas, TX

Daily Transaction Birth

IP_BIRTH       10         COLHDG('Daily' 'trans' 'birth')

This value contains an *ISO date for the day this record was created.

          Examples:    *ISO Birth date

Daily Transaction Last Update

IP_LASTUPD     10         COLHDG('Daily' 'trans' 'last')         

This value contains an *ISO date for the day this record was last updated. It will contain the same value as the field IP_BIRTH.

Examples:    *ISO Last update date

Supplier ID

IP_SUPL        10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'ID')

This value contains the product’s regular supplier ID.

Examples:    Supplier ID    Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ     ABC Company
             00010          Wizzard Mfg

Sub Supplier ID

IP_SUPLSUB     10          COLHDG('Sub' 'supplier' 'ID')  

This value will allow a supplier to be sub-divided into separate sections for review purposes. Leave this value blank if all products are to be reviewed together.

Examples:    Supplier ID   Sub ID      Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ    FROZEN      ABC Company A- Frozen   
             ABCDEFGHIJ    FRIDGE      ABC Company B- Fridge
             ABCDEFGHIJ    DRY         ABC Company C- Dry
             00010         PINTS       Wizzard Mfg 3- Pints
             00010         QUARTS      Wizzard Mfg 2- Quarts
             00010         GALLONS     Wizzard Mfg 1-Gallons

Supplier User System

IP_SUPLUSR     10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'user' 'system')    

This value contains the product’s regular supplier ID. It should contain the same value as used for field IP_SUPL.

Examples:    Supplier ID        Supplier Name
             ABCDEFGHIJ         ABC Company
             00010              Wizzard Mfg

Supplier User Sub Supplier ID

IP_SUPLUSB     10          COLHDG('Supplier' 'user' 'sub')    

This value contains the product’s regular sub supplier ID. It should contain the same value as used for field IP_SUPLSUB.

Product ID

IP_PROD       25          COLHDG('Product' 'ID')            

This value contains the product ID.

Examples:    Product ID        Product description    
             200578            Dial soap
             397346            Tooth paste
             ABC-10/XYZ.047    Wrench
             BCI*984/1Z497     Screw Driver

Product Sequence Number

IP_PRODSEQ    40          COLHDG('Product' 'sequence' '#')   

This field should contain a value, or combination of values, that will sequence the products in a format that buyers would typically use.

Note: If the buyers want products in Product ID sequence, then place the field IP_PROD into IP_PRODSEQ. If the buyers want products in alphabetical order, then place field IP_DESC1 into IP_PRODSEQ. If the buyers want products in a sequence like their order book, then place the order book value into IP_PRODSEQ.

Product Description 1

IP_DESC1      40          COLHDG('Product' 'description' '1')

This field should contain a description of the product. This field will be the primary description used throughout Replenish to identify a product.

Product Description 2

IP_DESC2      40          COLHDG('Product' 'description' '2')     

This field should contain a 2nd line of description for the product if needed. This 2nd description field will be shown with the primary description field (IP_DESC1) in many screens throughout Replenish to identify a product. There are many places where the buyer has the ability to search on any information contained in either IP_DESC1 or IP_DESC2. You may want to place the manufacturer’s ID in IP_DESC2 (like UPC code, or NDC code) for searching capability.

Manufacturer ID

IP_MFG        25          COLHDG('Manufactor' 'ID') 

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. If this field is left blank, then the user can manage the field PR_MFG within the product maintenance function.


IP_NDC_UPC    25          COLHDG('NDC/UPC' 'code')

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. If this field is left blank, then the user can manage the field PR_NDC_UPC within the product maintenance function.

Unit Of Measure

IP_UOM         4          COLHDG('Unit of' 'measure')   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. If this field is left blank, then the user can manage the field PR_UOM within the product maintenance function.

Pack Size

IP_PACKSIZ    10          COLHDG('Pack' '/size')   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. If this field is left blank, then the user can manage the field PR_PACKSIZ within the product maintenance function.


IP_TIHI       10          COLHDG('Ti' '/hi')                   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. If this field is left blank, then the user can manage the field PR_TIHI within the product maintenance function.


IP_STATUS      1          COLHDG('Status' 'R,D')               

The status field should contain a value of ‘R’ for regular products, and a value of ‘D’ for discontinued products.

Minimum Quantity

IP_MINQTY      7  0       COLHDG('Minimum' 'quantity')

This field contains the minimum quantity required by a supplier when purchasing this product. It MUST contain a value of 1 or greater. For most environments, populate this field with a value of 1.

Buy Multiple

IP_BUYMULT     7  0       COLHDG('Buy' 'multiple')  

This field contains the buy multiple quantity that suggested order quantities are rounded to. It MUST contain a value of 1 or greater. Typically, the case pack value would be used to populate this field.

Example:    If this product should always be ordered in dozens, then a value of 12 would be placed into this field.

Group 1

IP_GROUP1      10          COLHDG('Group' '1')  

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. You would typically pass values to this field that will help separate different products for report purposes.

Examples:    Group 1        Category
             00123          Shoes
             00345          Belts
             00539          Hats
             ABCDEFGHIJ     Tires
             FGHIJKLMNO     Motor Oil

Group 2

IP_GROUP2      10          COLHDG('Group' '2')   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. You would typically pass values to this field that will help separate different products for report purposes. See examples for field IP_GROUP1.

Group 3

IP_GROUP3      10          COLHDG('Group' '3')   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. You would typically pass values to this field that will help separate different products for report purposes. See examples for field IP_GROUP1.

Group 4

IP_GROUP4      10          COLHDG('Group' '4')   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. You would typically pass values to this field that will help separate different products for report purposes. See examples for field IP_GROUP1.

Group 5

IP_GROUP5      10          COLHDG('Group' '5')   

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. You would typically pass values to this field that will help separate different products for report purposes. See examples for field IP_GROUP1.

Warehouse Location

IP_WHSLOCN    10          COLHDG('Warehouse' 'location')

This field is an optional text field that will update the Replenish database if passed in file K_INTPROD. If this field is left blank, then the user can manage the field PR_WHSLOCN within the product maintenance function.

Product Cost Regular

IP_COSTREG    11  4       COLHDG('Product' 'cost' 'regular')

This field should contain the regular cost of a product that would typically appear on a purchase order. It is associated with the field IP_COSTDIV.

Example:    Value            Regular cost    Divisor
            $5.0000 each     5.0000          1
            $24/dozen        24.0000         12

Product Cost Divisor

IP_COSTDIV     5  0       COLHDG('Product' 'cost' 'divisor')

This field is associated with the field IP_COSTREG, and MUST contain at least a value of 1. See examples above for field IP_COSTREG.

Product Sales Price

IP_SALES      11  4       COLHDG('Product' 'sales' 'price')

This field contains the sales price for 1 unit of this product. It should be in the same unit as the demand values. This sales value should not be less than the cost value in field IP_COSTREG.

Sales Under Cost

IP_SALESLW    11  4       COLHDG('Sales' 'under' 'cost')

This is an optional field that may not need to be populated for your company. If you have a scenario where you need to keep track of a sales price that is less than cost then you would use this field.

Quantity On Hand

IP_QTYOHND     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'on hand')

This field contains the quantity on hand for this product. It should be in the same unit as the demand values. This field should not be a negative value.

Quantity On Order

IP_QTYOORD     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'on order')   

This field contains the total quantity on order (including supplier backorders) for this product. It should be in the same unit as the demand values. This field should not be a negative value.

Quantity Back Ordered

IP_QTYBACK     7  0       COLHDG('Quantity' 'back ordered')    

This field contains the quantity on customer backorder (or special reserved) for this product. It should be in the same unit as the demand values. This field should not be a negative value.

Unit Weight

IP_WEIGHT      7  3       COLHDG('Unit' 'weight')              

This field should contain the weight for this product, and is associated with the weight divisor field IP_WEIGHTD.

Weight Divisor

IP_WEIGHTD     5  0       COLHDG('Weight' 'divisor')           

This field is associated with field IP_WEIGHT. The divisor field IP_WEIGHTD MUST contain a value of at least 1, even if the field IP_WEIGHT is not passed (not used).

Unit Volume

IP_VOLUME      7  3       COLHDG('Unit' 'volume')              

This field should contain the volume for this product, and is associated with the volume divisor field IP_VOLUMED.

Volume Divisor

IP_VOLUMED     5  0       COLHDG('Volume' 'divisor')           

This field is associated with field IP_VOLUME. The divisor field IP_VOLUMED MUST contain a value of at least 1, even if the field IP_VOLUME is not passed (not used).

Daily Or Period To Date Sales

IP_DLYSALE     7  0       COLHDG('Daily' '/or PTD' 'sales')    

This field should contain the satisfied demand values for the day. It would contain the shipped (or sales) units for this product for today. The total demand for the day would be a sum of the two fields IP_DLYSALE and IP_DLYOUTS.

Daily or Period To Date Outs

IP_DLYOUTS     7  0       COLHDG('Daily' '/or PTD' 'outs')     

This field should contain the un-satisfied demand values for the day. It would contain the not shipped (or lost sales) units for this product for today. The total demand for the day would be a sum of the two fields IP_DLYSALE and IP_DLYOUTS.

Transfer On Order

IP_TRNOORD     7  0       COLHDG('Transfer' 'on order')        

This field is not required, and is not used in any calculations within the Replenish system. If value is passed, it becomes available for display purposes.

Alternate Source On Order

IP_ALTOORD     7  0       COLHDG('Alt source' 'on order')      

This field is not required, and is not used in any calculations within the Replenish system. If value is passed, it becomes available for display purposes.

Forecast Interval Type

IP_FORCTYP     1  0       COLHDG('Forecast' 'interval' 'type') 

This required field is used to describe the forecasting interval to be used for this product. The values are:

Value    Forecasting Interval
  1      Weekly
  2      Monthly
  3      13 Four-weekly

Convenience Pack

IP_CONVPAK     7  0       COLHDG('Convenience' 'pack')         

This value describes the quantity of units for this product that make a convenience pack. Replenish provides logic that can determine if a suggested order quantity should be increased up to a convenience pack. Using the convenience pack logic is not required, and the field IP_CONVPAK is allowed to be a value of 0.

Purchase Increment / Counter

IP_PURINCR     5  0       COLHDG('Purchase' 'increment')

This value describes the quantity of units for this product that make a purchasing increment (counter). Replenish provides logic that can count how many increments are to be accumulated. Example: place a value of 12 in this field to count how many dozens are being purchased. The purchasing increment logic is not required, and the field IP_PURINCR is allowed to be a value of 0.

Contract Exists Flag

IP_CONTFLG     1  0       COLHDG('Contract' 'exists' 'flag')   

This value will signal to Replenish that a contract does exist for this product at this location. The valid entries for this field are: 1=contract exists, 0=contract does not exist.

Rebate Factor Percentage

IP_REBATE      3  1       COLHDG('Rebate' 'factor %')          

This value contains a rebate percent (example 2.5%) provided from the regular supplier, and is used in the Alternate Source System processing.

Process Alternate Source

IP_PROCALT     1  0       COLHDG('Process' 'alt srce' 'flag')  

This value will signal to Replenish that this product at this location is available to be purchased from an alternate source. The valid entries are: 1=may be purchased from an alternate source, 0=do not purchase from alternate source.

Manufacturer Out Of Stock

IP_MFGOUT      1  0       COLHDG('Mfg' 'out of stock' 'flag')

This value signals that the supplier is out of stock for this product. The valid entries are: 1=supplier out of stock or 0=supplier is not out of stock.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 1

IP_DLYTYP1     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 1’) 

This is a user defined field where you are able to pass daily or PTD information. Populate this field to see information on screen 2 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. Users are able to press F20=Toggle and advance through up to 10 different types of daily or PTD information on the K3S_3030 screen. Screen 1 of 10 will always show the information passed in field IP_DLYSALE, but by using field IP_DLYTYP1 through IP_DLYTYP9 you can pass more information for a product such as force outs, credits, etc.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 2

IP_DLYTYP2     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 2’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 3 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 3

IP_DLYTYP3     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 3’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 4 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 4

IP_DLYTYP4     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 4’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 5 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 5

IP_DLYTYP5     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 5’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 6 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 6

IP_DLYTYP6     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 6’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 7 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 7

IP_DLYTYP7     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 7’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 8 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 8

IP_DLYTYP8     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 8’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 9 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Daily Or Period To Date Type 9

IP_DLYTYP9     7  0       COLHDG('Daily’ ‘/or PTD’ ‘type 9’) 

Populate this field to see information on screen 10 of 10 of the K3S_3030 Product History screen. See full description of this field under IP_DLYTYP1.

Car Count

IP_CARCOUN     1  0       COLHDG('Car’ ‘Count’ ‘Flag’)        

This field was created for use by customers in the tire industry. Setting this flag to 1=ON will cause the system to suggest orders in multiples of 4.

User Defined Alpha 1

IP_USERA1      1          COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘alpha 1’)    

This is a user defined field for you to send data in a 1 character field.

User Defined Alpha 2

IP_USERA2      3          COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘alpha 2’)    

This is a user defined field for you to send data in a 3 character field.

User Defined Alpha 3

IP_USERA3     10          COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘alpha 3’)   

This is a user defined field for you to send data in a 10 character field.

User Defined Number 1

IP_USERN1      5  0       COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘number 1’)    

This is a user defined field for you to send data in a numeric field.

user Defined Number 2

IP_USERN2      7  2       COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘number 2’)    

This is a user defined field for you to send data in a numeric field.

User Defined Number 3

IP_USERN3     11  4       COLHDG('User’ ‘defined’ ‘number 3’)    

This is a user defined field for you to send data in a numeric field.

Bracket Build Other

IP_DISOTHR     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘other’) 

We have the ability to display up to 9 different unit values for a product such as dollars, volume, weight, etc.
IP_DISOTHR corresponds to a user defined unit, or Unit 6, where the user decides what it stands for. Example: Unit 6 could stand for gallons, pallets, layers, etc. This field allows you to send the value of IP_DISOTHR for a product.

Bracket Build Unit 7

IP_DISUNT7     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘unit 7’) 

This field is similar to IP_DISOTHR in that it is also a user defined field. Unit 7 can stand for gallons, pallets, layers, etc.

Bracket Build Unit 8

IP_DISUNT8     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘unit 8’) 

This field is similar to IP_DISOTHR in that it is also a user defined field. Unit 8 can stand for gallons, pallets, layers, etc.

Bracket Build Unit 9

IP_DISUNT9     9  4       COLHDG('Bracket’ ‘build’ ‘unit 9’) 

This field is similar to IP_DISOTHR in that it is also a user defined field. Unit 9 can stand for gallons, pallets, layers, etc.

Special note for Alternate Source System users:

Products that can be bought through an Alternate Source Supplier (Diverter) should be assigned to their regular supplier and not the alternate source supplier. In other words, alternate source suppliers should always have zero active products. If you have a scenario where you only purchase certain products through an alternate source supplier, then you will need to setup a new supplier number for these items to exist under.