The file INTDALY contains one record for each location / supplier / product for each customer with the demand (sales and outs) for each date. You can think of this as invoices / orders for the day from your customers.
IE_COMP 1 COLHDG('Company' 'ID')
IE_LOCN 5 COLHDG('Location' 'ID')
IE_SUPL 10 COLHDG('Supplier' 'ID')
IE_SUPLSUB 10 COLHDG('Supplier' 'Sub ID')
IE_PROD 25 COLHDG('Product' 'ID')
IE_BIRTH 10 COLHDG('Interface' 'birth' 'date')
IE_PROCESS 10 COLHDG('Processed' 'date')
IE_PROCFLG 1 0 COLHDG('Processed' 'flag')
IE_CUSTOMR 10 COLHDG('Customer' 'ID')
IE_ORDER# 10 COLHDG('Customer' 'Order' '#')
IE_CHAIN 10 COLHDG('Chain' 'ID')
IE_DLYSALE 7 0 COLHDG('Daily' 'sales')
IE_DLYOUTS 7 0 COLHDG('Daily' 'outs')
IE_CUSTNAM 20 COLHDG('Customer' 'name')
Field explanations:
Company ID
IE_COMP 1 COLHDG('Company' 'ID')
This 1 character value is used throughout the Replenish system to identify the company being processed.
Examples: Company name code
Brandon Company B
Johnson Limited J
Daniels Auto D
Location ID
IE_LOCN 5 COLHDG('Location' 'ID')
This 5 character value is used to identify the distribution center where this product is being replenished.
Examples: Loc ID Location name
01 Charlotte, NC
02 Raleigh, NC
001 Columbia, SC
002 New York, NY
003 Chicago, IL
KY001 Lexington, KY
TX001 Houston, TX
TX002 Dallas, TX
Supplier ID
IE_SUPL 10 COLHDG('Supplier' 'ID')
This value contains the product’s regular supplier ID.
Examples: Supplier ID Supplier Name
00010 Wizzard Mfg
Sub Supplier ID
IE_SUPLSUB 10 COLHDG('Sub' 'supplier' 'ID')
This value will allow a supplier to be sub-divided into separate sections for review purposes. Leave this value blank if all products are to be reviewed together.
Examples: Supplier ID Sub ID Supplier Name
00010 PINTS1 Wizzard Mfg 3 -Pints
00010 QUARTS Wizzard Mfg 2 -Quarts
00010 GALLONS Wizzard Mfg 1 -Gallons
Product ID
IE_PROD 25 COLHDG('Product' 'ID')
This value contains the product ID.
Examples: Product ID Product description
200578 Dial soap
397346 Tooth paste
ABC-10/XYZ.047 Wrench
BCI*984/1Z497 Screw Driver
Interface Birth Date
IE_BIRTH 10 COLHDG('Interface' 'birth' 'date')
This is the creation date of the record
Process Date
IE_PROCESS 10 COLHDG('Processed' 'date')
This will be left blank to be used by K3S
Processed Flag
IE_PROCFLG 1 0 COLHDG('Processed' 'flag')
This will be left set to 0 to be changed later by K3S
Customer ID
IE_CUSTOMR 10 COLHDG('Customer' 'ID')
This is the ID number of the customer who placed the order
Customer Order Number
IE_ORDER# 10 COLHDG('Customer' 'Order' '#')
This is the Customer Order Number / Invoice Number
Chain ID
IE_CHAIN 10 COLHDG('Chain' 'ID')
This is the Chain ID of the customer, but this field may also contain different pieces of info about the data. It is a multipurpose field.
Daily Sales
IE_DLYSALE 7 0 COLHDG('Daily' 'sales')
This is the shipped amount of the demand for this order
Daily Outs
IE_DLYOUTS 7 0 COLHDG('Daily' 'outs')
This is the unfulfilled amount of the demand for this order
Customer Name
IE_CUSTNAM 20 COLHDG('Customer' 'name')
This is the name description of the customer who placed the order