
Sections in this article

Table Codes

These are a list of table codes that are associated with deals.

APP - Application

  • COLLECT DEAL_LOG - When displaying a list of all deals for a buy group, this table code controls whether or not the deal history log will be collected and displayed. Recorded infomation will be found in file K_DEALLOG.

  • K3S_1020 EXT_DEALS - This table code is the External Deal flag. When recalculating the order, this table code will refresh any deals that might be held in place from the ERP system or your company’s host computer.

  • K3S_1220 EXC_DEALS - When obtaining a bracket level cost for an entire order, this table code checks to see if any deals, both time phased and permanent, are in affect. If so, would you like to exclude deals from the retrieve process?

  • K3S_1500 K_DEALPER - This table code will include permanent deals in the ‘off invoice’ testing for a ‘P2’ type only.

  • K3S_5030 BLOCK_SUPL - If this flag is turned on, it will block the users from creating supplier level deal templates.

  • K3S_5030 VALID_USER - When adding templates for deal entry, this table code will check to see if the user is valid and if they have authority to manage the company deal templates.

  • K3S_5050 ALLOW_PCT - When creating new deals for a specified supplier, this table code will determine whether to use 2 decimals or 4 decimals for the allowance percent calculation.

  • K3S_5050 CUST_DEALS - This table code will save ‘write outs’ to customer deals. Not currently in use. If you would like this turned on, please contact K3S.

  • K3S_5050 MMDD_ENTRY - This table code is for the MMDD entry format for Begin/End dates used for deals.

  • K3S_5050 OVERLAP_OK - If there is a new deal that is being entered this table code, if flagged on, will allow it to overlap with the old deal. If it is flagged off, then this means that the deal dates will not overlap with existing data.

  • K3S_5050 REF_DUPS - When creating new deals for a specified supplier, this table code is to tell whether or not deal reference IDs can be duplicated. In file K_DEALSUM for field DM_DEALREF must be unique. This is for when a company would like to use their own internal deal ID to be entered.

  • K3S_5056 PROCESSING - This table code tells whether or not the ‘new product automatic deal copy’ logic will be used. When adding a new product into your ERP system, ‘auto set up deals’ will have it where it will immediately pull it in into K3S. If this flag is turned off, the night job will pick it up and on the next day it will be pulled in.

  • K3S_5300 VALID_USER - This table code checks authority on the user creating permanent deals.

DEA - Deal Actions

  • Subcode - Subcode Checking Bypassed in Deal Wizard Entry

DLA - Deal Application Types

  • A- Automatic - Obsolete
  • B- Bill Back - Dollar amount will be billed back
  • O- Off Invoice - Dollar amount will be subtracted from invoice
  • P- Price Increase - Warning buyer ahead that there will be a price increase on an item and so to buy ahead

DLE - Deal Entry Templates Types

  • B- Buy Group - Template used for a specific buy group
  • C- Company - Template used company wide
  • L- Location/Supplier - Template used for a specific location for a supplier
  • S- Supplier All Locations - Template used for a supplier in all locations

DLF - Deal Factor Types

  • $- Dollar Value - They would enter the new cost
  • %- Percent - The deal amount off is based on the percentage
  • D- Dollar Difference - The deal amount off is based on the dollar value

DLT - Deal Allowance Types

This table code gives a description for what the deal is for.

  • AD- Advertising
  • BA- Buying Allowance
  • BB- Billback Supplier
  • DS- Display
  • HA- Handling
  • ND- New Distribution
  • OI- Off Invoice
  • OT- Other
  • PI- Price Increases
  • PR- Promotional
  • QD- Quantity Discount

DLU - Deal Unit and Protective Types

  • 0- use template
  • 1- use template, protect
  • 2- use product cost divisor
  • 3- use product cost divisor, protect

DGP - Domain/Program Authorities

  • BUYERS K3S_5020 - Deals for Product - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5030 - Deals Template Maintenance - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5040 - Deals by Buy Group - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5050 - New Deal Header Information - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5051 - Change Deal Header Information - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5070 - Deal Log by Buy Group - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5071 - View Deal Log Header information - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5300 - Permanent Deal Maintenance - Obsolete
  • BUYERS K3S_5307 - Permanent Deal Changes Log - Obsolete

EML - Email K3S Report Selections

  • R07 - Deal markup - Obsolete

NOV - Note Values

This table code contains valid values for field NT_TYPVAL from file K_NOTEPAD

  • C - Deal customer information - The note type is for deal customer information
  • D - Deal summary - When creating a deal, you will enter the deal’s description. Once entered K_NOTEPAD will create a record with NT_TYPVAL = D
  • E - Deal product - When editing a product’s note under a deal, the filed NT_TYPVAL will then equal to E

OST - Order Split Types

  • DPR - Deals (separate products) - This will allow a split order by the deal ID. Field PR_DEAL from file K_PRODUCT is used to make that it is to split on as many unique PR_DEAL values found for the supplier.
  • DQT - Deals (separate quantity) - Obsolete

PDT - Permanent Deal Type

  • L1 - Location - All Products
  • P1 - Product - All Locations
  • P2 - Product - This Location
  • S1 - Supplier - All Locations
  • S2 - Supplier - This Location

PGM - Programs

  • K3S_3750 - Deal Markup Selection - Obsolete
  • K3S_5020 - Deals for Product - Obsolete
  • K3S_5030 - Deals Template Maintenance - Obsolete
  • K3S_5040 - Deals by Buy Group - Obsolete
  • K3S_5050 - New Deal Header Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5051 - Change Deal Header Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5070 - Deal Log by Buy Group - Obsolete
  • K3S_5071 - View Deal Log Header information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5300 - Permanent Deal Maintenance - Obsolete
  • K3S_5307 - Permanent Deal Changes Log - Obsolete

PSC - Product Select Codes

  • DL - Deal exists in future - Product Tag found under Suggested Order
  • L - Deal exists in future - Obsolete

PSO - Product Summary Toggle

  • 2 - Deals - Beg, End, Use - On the Product on Suggested Order screen, you can find additional information on the product and it’s deal information found under the ‘Additional Info’ toggle

RET - Retain Records # of Days

  • K_DEALLOG - Deals Log Information - Keep history for a certain amount of days for the Deal Log file
  • K_DEALSUM - Deals Summary Information - Keep history for a certain amount of days for the Deal Summary file
  • K_DPERLOG - Permanent Deal changes log - Keep history for a certain amount of days for the Permanent Deal Log file

SEA - Security For Calling APIs

  • ADDDEAL - Add deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can add a deal
  • ADPDEAL - Add permanent deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can add a deal
  • ADTDEAL - Add deal template - Will allow whether or not the buyer can add a deal in the template
  • APRDEAL - Add products to deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can add a deal through a product
  • CPRDEAL - Copy deal to all products of a supplier - Will allow whether or not the buyer can add a deal to all products through a supplier
  • DELDEAL - Delete deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can delete a deal
  • DLPDEAL - Delete permanent deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can delete a permanent deal
  • DLTDEAL - Delete deal template - Will allow whether or not the buyer can add a deal in the template
  • DPRDEAL - Delete products from deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can delete a deal in the template
  • DPRSPLT - Deals (separate products) split - Will allow multiple deals for different products under one supplier
  • DQTSPLT - Deals (separate quantity) split - Will allow multiple deals for different quantities under one supplier
  • UPPDEAL - Update permanent deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer can update a permanent deal
  • UPRDEAL - Update product on deal - Will allow whether or not the buyer is allowed to update the product while there is a deal in place
  • UPTDEAL - Update deal template - Will allow whether or not the buyer is allowed to update the deal template

TLE - Title of screens

  • K3S_3750FM1R - Deal Markup Selection - Obsolete
  • K3S_5020FM2C - Deals for Product - Obsolete
  • K3S_5030FM1C - Deals Template Maintenance - Obsolete
  • K3S_5040FM1C - Deals by Buy Group - Obsolete
  • K3S_5050FM1R - New Deal Header Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5050FM2C - New Deal Select Products - Obsolete
  • K3S_5050FM3C - New Deal Product Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5050FM4C - Select Composite Locations - Obsolete
  • K3S_5050FM5C - New Deal Product Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5051FM1R - Change Deal Header Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5051FM2C - Change Deal Select Products - Obsolete
  • K3S_5051FM3C - Change Deal Product Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5051FM4C - Select Composite Locations - Obsolete
  • K3S_5051FM5C - Change Deal Product Information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5070FM1C - Deal Log by Buy Group - Obsolete
  • K3S_5071FM1R - View Deal Log Header information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5071FM2C - View Deal Log Select Products - Obsolete
  • K3S_5071FM3C - View Deal Log Product information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5071FM4C - Select Composite Locations - Obsolete
  • K3S_5071FM5C - View Deal Log Product information - Obsolete
  • K3S_5300FM1C - Permanent Deal Maintenance - Obsolete
  • K3S_5307FM1C - Permanent Deal Changes Log - Obsolete

Company Settings

How to manage deals under the company settings.

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Deal System:

  • Forward Buy - This setting allows you to control whether or not K3S to suggest to forward buy before a deal ends

  • Buy Filter Days - Displays the value used to trigger ‘Forward Bought Filter Reached’ checks found in the Product tag.

  • Buy Maximum Days - This setting allows you to set a maximum of days in which the buyer is allowed to foward buy

  • Deal Window Days - Forward buys are calculated when the system date is within this number of days before the deal expires

  • Deals Expire Days - This setting is the amount of days deals are kept in the system after the deal end date

  • Price Increase - Not in use

  • Discounts - Not in use

  • Dating - Not in use

Last Numbers Used:

  • Deals - Will give the last sequenced used for the deal reference ID

Forward Buy Criteria:

  • 1% Price Increase in Days - This setting will set forward buy in days for every 1% increase

  • 1% Discount in Days - This setting will set forward buy in days for every 1% discount

  • Value of Dating Days to Use - This setting will set the percentage of extra days dating used to calculate how many days to forward buy

Location Settings

How to manage deals under the location settings.

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  • Forward Buying On? - This setting will allow you to control whether or not K3S to suggest to forward buy before a deal ends for the selected location

  • Buy Filter Days - Displays the value used to trigger ‘Forward Bought Filter Reached’ checks found in the Product tag for the selected location

  • Buy Maximum Days - This setting allows you to set a maximum of days in which the buyer is allowed to foward buy for the selected location

  • Deal Window Days - Forward buys are calculated when the system date is within this number of days before the deal expires for the selected location

  • Price Increase - Not in use

  • Discounts - Not in use

  • Dating - Not in use

Forward Buy Criteria:

  • 1% Price Increase in Days - This setting will set forward buy in days for every 1% increase for the selected location

  • 1% Discount in Days - This setting will set forward buy in days for every 1% discount for the selected location

  • Value of Dating Days to Use - This setting will set the percentage of extra days dating used to calculate how many days to forward buy for the selected location