Re-Run Night Job

How to Re-run a Night Job

There are various scenarios when you may need to re-run or manually start the night job.

Some scenarios include: The customer did server maintenance over the weekend and bypassed running a K3S night job. When the buyers come in on Monday the K3S Date is behind.


A second K3S Night Job was run accidentally and now the K3S Date reads tomorrow’s date.

In these scenarios when the K3S Date does not read the current date do the following.

1) Re-Set the K3S Processing schedule so the next night job will set the date to today. Go to the Star icon (Admin), then Processing Schedule.

Use the trashcan icon or the cancel icon so that the gray bar highlights the date you want K3S to read.

2) Determine how to launch the night job. See if the customer launches K3S through a scheduled job using command: WRKJOBSCDE JOB(ZZZ*)

ZZZ = K3S or the customer’s 3 letter code if they are hosted.

3) If you see a job ZZZ_5NIGHT you will use this to launch the job. Before using 10=Submit immediately to launch the job, sign off then back on. Check your library list using EDTLIBL. If you see K3S libraries in your list, remove them. Then use option 10=Submit immediately on the night job. After submitting it, sign off the system to release your session from any ties to the job. Sign back on and you can watch the job. Again if there are K3S libraries in your list, remove them while you are signed on and watching the job. Typically the K3S night job will run in a K3S subsystem.

For non-hosted try command:


For hosted try command:


Otherwise use WRKACTJOB and search for it.

You can also watch the K3S Dashboard to see when the job finishes.

4) If you do not see a scheduled job ZZZ_5NIGHT, you will need to manually submit the job. First we need to know what parms to pass to K3S_5MOD/K3S_NIGHT to launch it. Go look at the source for CLLE program K3S_5MOD/K3S_NIGHT and see if there are any incoming parameters.

Before submitting the job, sign off then back on. Check your library list using EDTLIBL. If you see K3S libraries in your list, remove them.

Launch the job with this command, adding any PARMS as needed:


After submitting it, sign off the system to release your session from any ties to the job.

Sign back on and you can watch the job. Again if there are K3S libraries in your list, remove them while you are signed on and watching the job. Typically the K3S night job will run in a K3S subsystem.

For non-hosted try command:


For hosted try command:


Otherwise use WRKACTJOB and search for it.

You can also watch the K3S Dashboard to see when the job finishes.

5) When the job is done, you may need to check if demand was duplicated. Find a fast moving product and check the Period to Date Demand using the Sales Journal and Daily Product Journal.